Earth Day

Oh My. I missed Earth Day! How could that happen? I am a true “tree hugger”. I mourn the loss of wild spaces and gardens that are cleared for “expansion”. I support the wolves in Yellowstone. As much as possible I prefer to leave the land as it is.

I own a piece of property in the Adirondack Park in NY. My mother still lives there. A few years ago a family of beavers moved in and built a dam on a stream. This activity was all on my land. My mother, who is clearly from a different generation, spent hours and days waging war against these beavers. I, on the other hand, wanted her to leave them alone. Let their dam create a pond. It’s the natural progression. Eventually the pond will fill in and become a meadow which will then begin to turn into forest. Let nature take it’s course.

Earth Day Saving the World for the future

Earth Day
Saving the World for the future

Now here’s a controversial thought. Even in my circle of close friends it’s a taboo subject because half believe and half don’t and everyone wants to stick up for their belief. That’s Global Warming. Is it or isn’t it? I think at this point there is ample evidence that there is.  True the earth cycles through warming and ice ages and has done that forever but temps are rising faster than ever before in the history of the world. The glaciers are melting and polar bears are being threatened by the shrinking ice sheet. Storms intensify and winters become more severe while summers are hotter and drought is common. Yes, all that is happening now.

Poor mother earth. 🙁  We have not taken very good care of you. Earth Day is needed and I missed it.

Photo of the Week ~ 15

We did a little better in the Photo of the Week area. Seals off Plymouth just nosed out the Dandy Daffodil by 1 point!

The week 15 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is  Seals Off Plymouth with a total of 26 points.

Votes calculated from activity at

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First Annual Herring Run Festival

What was that I was saying about missing out on things because they were on the weekend and I worked? A perfect example was this past weekend.

I saw signs the day I drove over to the Grist Mill Pond; “Oliver Mill festival April 11-13”.  I’d never heard of the Oliver Mill festival.

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I like to take pictures  at the Herring Run. There are bridges, stone ruins , a park with picnic tables and of course the fish ladder. There’s usually gulls  and birds and often a Great Blue Heron for photo subjects.

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Last year was a bit harder for photos than previous years because it was very crowded with people fishing and trying to kayak. All the human activity drove away some of the wildlife so I spent less time there and more time checking out alternate locations.

But back to the festival.  Another photographer I know attended on Saturday.

oliver mill

I was going to take a run down there in the morning Sunday only to find out it didn’t start until 11 am. I’d just have time to get there and have to turn around and come home to work. So I did the next best thing…I looked it up on the internet.

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I found this little blip:

MIDDLEBOROUGH — This old town’s first big push to draw in tourists will be launched this weekend with a three-day party to celebrate a centuries-old annual phenomenon.

Organizers expect thousands to gather for the First Annual Herring Run Festival, based primarily at Oliver Mill Park on Route 44 but with other activities planned all over town.

Crowds of alewife and blueback herring, as they do every spring, are already making their way up the Nemasket River, adjacent to the park and considered the largest herring run in the state.

Last year, more than 850,000 herring made the trek to the 5,000 acres of spawning and nursery habitat in the river’s upper reaches where they lay eggs before returning to salt water.

That explains why I’d never heard of it before, this is the first year. Maybe next year I’ll be on that Mon- Fri schedule and able to attend for myself.

For really interesting comments and great photos check out :