Top 10 2015

To help get into the spirit of my top 10 search, here are the top 10 from 2015. Several have been enlarged and framed. A couple of the bird photos hang in my work place. Hopefully when I’ve gone through 2016 those 10 will be better than these. Hopefully.

Bayou Bridge , City Park, New Orleans

Bayou Bridge , City Park, New Orleans

Egret, Orlando Florida

Egret, Orlando Florida

Egret #2, Orlando Florida

Egret #2, Orlando Florida

Hungry Egret with Hot Dog, Orlando FL

Hungry Egret with Hot Dog, Orlando FL

Great Blue Heron, Herring Run , Middleboro, MA

Great Blue Heron, Herring Run , Middleboro, MA

Germany (Epcot). Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Germany (Epcot). Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Cinderella's Castle in "Ice", Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Cinderella’s Castle in “Ice”, Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

King of Beasts, Animal Kingdom, Disney World, Orlando FL

King of Beasts, Animal Kingdom, Disney World, Orlando FL

Rain Forest, New Orleans Aquarium

Rain Forest, New Orleans Aquarium

New Orleans Cemetary

New Orleans Cemetery

So that’s the “bar” Let’s see what I managed to capture in 2016 and how they will compare.

Its That Time Again

New Years is right around the corner. A blank sheet of paper if you will. Lots of people will be looking back over 2016 and setting goals for 2017. There will be the usual “lose weight”, “quit smoking”, “be nice to the neighbor” and so on. I’ll probably make some “resolutions” too. After all, a little introspection is a good thing but I tend to think of this week between Christmas and New Years as a time to wade through a whole year’s worth of photos.

Red Fox on a rock

Red Fox on a rock

Most of my pictures are of the snap shot variety. I grab the camera and try to capture a moment, maybe something to share here but every now and then I try to get that special picture. One that makes me say ahhhh.


It gets harder and harder to get those special pictures. Everybody has a camera and everybody thinks they are a “pro”. Just this kind of atmosphere raises the bar.


I’m reviewing my pictures for that special , indefinable quality that makes them a “cut above”. I want to find the 10 best.


They have to be in focus, with lots of pixels so they can be blown up to gallery print size, and they need to be special in some way.

Puffin portrait

So for the next few days I’m going to share my pictures as I search for those special top 10.


Some of these are pretty good but I don’t think they will make the cut. We’ll see.


Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge

After wrapping up our Aquarium visit we decided to do a little exploring, Sandy had heard of a place with wild animals, like a sanctuary. I tried a google search on my phone but the only thing I could find was the Kealia Pond Wildlife Refuge. Off we went to check it out.


Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge is one of the few natural wetlands remaining in the Hawaiian Islands. Located along the south central coast of Maui, it is 691 acres of wetland which provides a home to the endangered Hawaiian coot.


Upon arrival it looked pretty quiet but there was a nice boardwalk so we decided to just take a walk. I wasn’t expecting anything special. Boy was I surprised.


The first bird we spotted was a “stilt”. These are striking black-and-white birds with very long, thin red legs, the Black-necked Stilt is found along the edges of shallow water in open country.


Once we spotted one, we began to see them all over. They were funny little birds with those long skinny legs and we had a lot of fun watching them as they hunted tiny minnows in the shallow water.




Sandy spooked one stilt and when it took off it spooked another bird. This time it was a heron of some type. I thought it was a green heron but some folks came a long with a bird book and said it was a Black Crested Night Heron.


What ever it was, it was a willing subject for a photo shoot once he roosted again. He stayed put while I snapped away.


There were a number of white egrets. According to history these are cattle egrets.


They are an invasive species brought to the island by man to control such pests as fleas, ticks, flies and other cattle parasites.


Last but not least we came upon a pair of the endangered Coots. They are really cute little birds. They reminded me of the common mud hen in Florida but they don’t have the red coloring.



It would have been nice to walk further along the board walk but truth be told, both of us were getting tired and it was a very hot, sunny day. Time to wrap it up and head back to the car.