Some Thoughts on Spring

Southeastern Massachusetts is a not known for it’s spring. In fact we usually joke that we have only 3 seasons, winter, summer and fall. It’s not unusual to go from snowy days to 80 degrees. This year everyone is complaining about how cold and rainy it’s been. Why, northern New England and the mountains are even getting snow.

This is spring. If we didn’t have paved roads we’d be knee deep in mud. I remember “mud weeks” when I was a kid. The school bus made it through all kinds of snow drifts all winter but would get bogged down in the mud.


It has been un-seasonably cold but that doesn’t seem to stop the flowers from pushing through the cold ground. They seem to appear overnight.

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I hope warm weather will arrive soon but I remember a major snow storm in May so I guess we aren’t out of the woods yet.

So all those folks who always say we don’t have spring…listen up… this is Spring. It’s often cold. It’s often rainy but mother nature still blooms.

Life’s Little Ups and Downs

What a week it’s been so far. Only one more day and I will get a break…sort of.

But really, Monday was marathon Monday and I spent the day at the T- Mobile cell phone store dealing with the first of the technology glitches. That out of the way I don’t even remember Tuesday.


Wednesday was the computer fiasco and I had to deal with that all week.



Friday I had my interview for the new position. My invitation (that’s what they call the appointment) was for 10-10:30.  Well it started at 10:00 but I didn’t finish up until 1:30. Interviewed with 3 different people and sat with the person I’ll be replacing so he could give me an “overview”. (Assuming I get the job)


Saturday I was working 9-6 but I didn’t finish up until 9:30 pm. I finally told the last client that I’d have to get back to them in the morning.  On an up note, the IT department called me back and finally had time to take over my computer “remotely”. Once they did that they saw what a mess they’d made. It took a good hour for them to go through everything remove junk, add correct stuff and run the security scans but in the end I was back in working order! Yay!


I had turned on the TV to see what horrible kitties Jackson Galaxy had to deal with in his  show “My Cat From Hell”. It’s like the cat equivalent of the Dog Whisperer but I think dogs are much easier to understand than cats. Did you know cats can make 100 different sounds and dogs can only make 10.


Just like in the Dog Whisperer, most of the time the problem is in the owners not the animal. I enjoy both shows but as a Cat Momma I like Jackson’s show best.

Oh Oh, I’m writing this post at 10:30 pm and my phone just chirped. I picked up the email and it was from the client I put off until the morning. She told me to stop working and she’d talk to me in the morning. LOL

Rocky must agree with my client. He just hopped up on my desk and is refusing to sit quietly.  Trying to proof my post around his head is a challenge. Now you know why he was named Editor in chief.


I guess I really don’t have anything to say tonight. Just rambling thoughts so I’ll spare you any more for now.  Have a great day. 🙂


Love/Hate in the Technology World

My love/hate relationship with technology continues. How am I supposed to clear my head so I can write enjoyable and entertaining entries here when I spend all my time at war with the very tools that make this pastime possible?!


We recently added a new State to the areas we cover. Yay! Growth and expansion are good.


There are 2 of us covering this additional area and we have to toggle back and forth between screens on our computers.  Yesterday mid- toggle my computer went into a serious data loop. It just kept searching and searching and searching. Nothing that I tried would interrupted it’s single-minded searching.


I rebooted . I used different browsers I toggled to other screens and back…nothing. Finally I reached out to IT support. Their solution was to remove the browsing history, remove the cache. I’d tried that but I only removed the recent history. Their solution was to remove ALL THE HISTORY. I know now that this was a very BAD IDEA but I followed their instructions. They are the experts, certainly not me.

It worked. The endless search was over but all of my bookmarks had disappeared, my home page was gone, all of the company apps were scattered instead of neatly linked…it is/was just awful!


I struggled all afternoon and  managed to get some recovered so I could maneuver around again. Each app has to be accessed separately and I haven’t been able to get my home page back, however I did get my bookmarks back on my tool bar, a minor miracle. That’s when the email came in about the Heartbleed Virus.


You have probably heard about it. We, here at work, were supposed to be unaffected but now it seems that some of our “partners” may have been infected therefore everyone had to change all of their passwords. Detailed instructions were included in the email. So that was my next project.


I had to do a few extra steps since my computer was already in shambles but I got through it. The instructions said following them exactly would automatically update the password on the phone because it is synced with the email account. Don’t trust IT. They lied.

When I got up in the morning I picked up my phone to see what had come in overnight for work. Nothing? I crossed to the lap top and logged in. There were at least 20 new emails there but none of it made it to my phone, my new super duper extra smart $400 phone.


So over my bowl of cereal I attempted to figure out how to change the password on the phone to match the new password on my laptop. The new phones don’t come with a manual. No you have to go online and search. Wasn’t that what started this whole mess?

Well I found the instructions online and I changed the password in the phone. That seems to have done the trick as my emails are once again syncing to my phone.  I only wasted 8 or so hours dealing with all this aggravation.

What would we do without this time-saving  technology?

Earth Day

Oh My. I missed Earth Day! How could that happen? I am a true “tree hugger”. I mourn the loss of wild spaces and gardens that are cleared for “expansion”. I support the wolves in Yellowstone. As much as possible I prefer to leave the land as it is.

I own a piece of property in the Adirondack Park in NY. My mother still lives there. A few years ago a family of beavers moved in and built a dam on a stream. This activity was all on my land. My mother, who is clearly from a different generation, spent hours and days waging war against these beavers. I, on the other hand, wanted her to leave them alone. Let their dam create a pond. It’s the natural progression. Eventually the pond will fill in and become a meadow which will then begin to turn into forest. Let nature take it’s course.

Earth Day Saving the World for the future

Earth Day
Saving the World for the future

Now here’s a controversial thought. Even in my circle of close friends it’s a taboo subject because half believe and half don’t and everyone wants to stick up for their belief. That’s Global Warming. Is it or isn’t it? I think at this point there is ample evidence that there is.  True the earth cycles through warming and ice ages and has done that forever but temps are rising faster than ever before in the history of the world. The glaciers are melting and polar bears are being threatened by the shrinking ice sheet. Storms intensify and winters become more severe while summers are hotter and drought is common. Yes, all that is happening now.

Poor mother earth. 🙁  We have not taken very good care of you. Earth Day is needed and I missed it.

Just Another Monday

I got myself all excited in anticipation of yesterday. The weather folks  said warm weather, no rain nor snow nor sleet. Temps mid 70’s maybe even 80 in some places. Oh yeah I am all worked up. Where will I go? What will I do with such a perfect day before me?

I was so excited I woke up at 4 am. The cats looked at me like I was nuts.

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I peeked out the window at the pre dawn and saw…FOG! A thick gray blanket obscured everything.  Ok back to bed. After all 4 am is almost the middle of the night.

4 hours later I hopped out of bed. It was  pretty dark for 8 AM even with the curtains closed. I peeked out  the window and it was still foggy. Not as thick as at 4 am but still a damper on the start of my day.

foggy day

I got the cats fed, kitty litter cleaned, my breakfast done and shower out of the way in record time when my phone rang. I almost didn’t answer it but easier to just deal with it and get it out of the way. Turns out it was a work call. Oh well I was a good girl and took care of it.


Time now to take the trash out and decide where I’m headed with the camera. I was surprised by how windy it was. I had thought about going to the arboretum but with winds like this I decided to see if the ocean might be crashing…surfs up dude!


As I grabbed my camera the phone rang again. Another work call. What’s going on? No one ever calls me back! I took care of that one and headed out the door again.

I stopped at Oliver Mill first. There were car loads of people which as usual translates to no birds. Only 2 gulls and 1 Canada goose. I left the folks to wander the stream looking for fish and headed to Plymouth. Next stop Manomet Point.

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By the time I got there the sun had completely disappeared behind the clouds. The wind was still blowing but there were only a few whitecaps, no “angry sea”, no seals. 🙁 Not to be discouraged I took out the big lens and attached it to the camera. I recently read an article about hand holding these big telephotos and I wanted to try it out.

I spotted a little bird’s head sticking up over a rock. I think it’s a cormorant. So here goes nothing. I hefted that big old lens up , focused and snap snap. I took 3 shots.  2 were only so- so but this one isn’t half bad for my first try.

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I wrapped up my day by stopping by the park where the old Osprey nest is located. I had my binoculars today. And there is a osprey on the nest!

I may not have had the most successful picture day but it was a good day anyway.