Olympic Fever

The 2014 Winter Olympics are underway in Sochi. News coverage has been considerable. Does everyone have Olympic Fever?


Russia is using the Olympics to showcase its post-soviet resurrection and why not? Doesn’t every country that hosts an Olympic Games put their best foot forward? Too bad the Russians haven’t been able to accomplish that.


When the press arrived in Sochi to unfinished construction, toilets that wouldn’t flush and hotel door handles that wouldn’t lock, the Sochi Olympics got their first black eye.


The Russian response boiled down to this: Some reporters are sabotaging Sochi’s Olympics accommodations for splashy headlines. Russian officials know this because they have surveillance cameras in hotel rooms. And at least some of those surveillance cameras are focused on hotel showers. Oh Oh! Voyeurism at it’s finest!


You can’t clean your teeth because the security scare has you packing your tooth paste in your checked luggage if you get to bring it at all, so what’s a little body order to go along with bad breath?


I wish the Olympics had all star commercials like the Superbowl. Coke has a cute commercial with a Puffin and the Polar Bears. I liked that one.


Every year a new event gets tried out. This year an event called Slopestyle, a snow boarding event, was getting some exposure but before the first bell the competitors were backing out. American Snowboarder,  Shaun White called the course  “Unsafe” and withdrew. According to news reports he’s just one of the contestants to express concerns with the course for the new event.


I have no bone to pick with the Olympics. They all seem to have their share of problems and bad press no matter where they hold them. I wish all the competitors the best. Leave your tooth paste in your checked bags, avoid the showers and may the best man and/or woman win.

My Nemesis, Technology

I’m not one of those old dinosaurs that can’t use a computer. When it comes to learning new software I do a pretty good job keeping up with the youngsters. But where I lose patience is when the stupid computer won’t do what I tell it to.


It’s one thing for it to “Go Down” when it’s the work computer. We’ve got a whole department of IT people to come to our rescue. Case in point, yesterday the whole system went down at work. The IT sprung into action and in about 5 minutes had the system back up. It sputtered and ran slow for a bit but finally settled in and  work life was back to normal

So this morning I logged into my personal computer and none of my Microsoft programs are working. I can’t access Microsoft Word or Excel. I used them both yesterday. Today it tells me to “fix” them in control panel. So off to control panel I go. When I opened the application to see what was wrong it tells me in one place that the applications are still downloading but in another that the download is done. Grrrr.


Maybe I’ll try rebooting the whole computer again. Maybe it just glitched when it booted up but right now I don’t have the time to fuss with a balky computer.

Buddy destroyed my printer the other day. Yup. I came home and  found him in the act. paper trays had been pulled out and paper was everywhere. After I put it back together and put in new ink cartridges the cartridges couldn’t be aligned. I have no idea how he got his paw into that part of the printer mechanism but it looks like I’m going to have to buy a new printer. Maybe I’ll have to think about a whole new computer system if my computer is going to start giving me problems.

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I don’t have an IT department to bail out my personal computer and trotting a 3 year old computer and printer off for repairs may not be cost effective. I have such a love/ hate relationship with my computer! My laptop died a couple of months ago. It’s only good for playing games now. Try to get online and I’ll die of old age before it connects.

Well I’m going to go pound my head against a wall now. At least I know I am not alone in my continuing battle with technology.  I leave you with dialog from 2001 A Space Odyssey.


Dave Bowman: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?

HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.

Dave Bowman: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.

HAL: I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Dave Bowman: What’s the problem?

HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, HAL?

HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

Dave Bowman: I don’t know what you’re talking about, HAL.

HAL: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I’m afraid that’s something I cannot allow to happen.

Dave Bowman: [feigning ignorance] Where the hell did you get that idea, HAL?

HAL: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.

Dave Bowman: Alright, HAL. I’ll go in through the emergency airlock.

HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave? You’re going to find that rather difficult.

Dave Bowman: HAL, I won’t argue with you anymore! Open the doors!

HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.

A Little Housekeeping

Centers2013 002 copyGood Morning World!


I am home. I arrived in Providence last night at 11:09 PM. By the time I retrieved a bag, yes I checked one going home, got picked up by the parking shuttle and retrieved my car, I finally walked into the house at 12:30 am. 3 little furry faces met me at the door.

Coming home is such fun.

Today, in addition to work I plan to get caught up with my cross country adventures right here. The only problem is…I can’t tell you much about San Diego. I’ll explain shortly when I update this space on my adventures and misadventures.


I got behind on my photos of the day because I couldn’t post them from my camera since I only had the company laptop. I have remedied that. The missing pictures are on www.dustyroadsphotos.com. Be sure to share your favorite and leave comments so it will get counted. I think I’ll delay the scoring tally to give everyone time to make their selection.

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That’s all for now but the stories will be coming soon. 🙂

The Insurance Jungle

About a week ago we had the 2013 wrap up meeting in Somerville at the main Boston Office. What that means is I get to drive 51 miles each way to hear how we did and hope for some insights on what’s to come in 2014. Being a work from home employee, my attendance is optional but I am a nosy employee. I want to hear from the horses mouth what’s projected for the coming year. I don’t want to hear all the speculation and innuendo when the meeting results gets rehashed over the email water cooler.


So as a dutiful, nosey employee I made my way (1.5 hours) to the Somerville office via the central artery, the expressway, the “distressway” ,   Route 93, or any and all of the above, They are all names for the same stretch of highway H_ _ L.

spare ribs

Following the meeting and a nice lunch (I really go for the free food)


I headed back to repeat the process. It was about 2:15-2:30 when I left. That’s slightly ahead of rush hour. (in theory) . Traffic wasn’t too bad as I entered the tunnel to the southern side of the artery but it was filling in fast. I’d almost made it to what they call the Braintree Split when it happened.

braintree split

I have no idea what actually triggered the accident.

There was a large truck to my right with a brown SUV behind it. I was in the next lane, a travel lane with cars in front and in back and the next lane to my left was also filled with cars.


Traffic was moving probably 30-40 miles per hour. A good clip for the volume. A lot of jockeying goes on here as the right hand lanes try to get to the left side for RT 3 and those on the left try to cross to the right for Rt. 128.

Suddenly I heard things flying and then something shook my car. I didn’t know if I had damage or not but plastic stuff was still flying around so I pulled over. The Brown SUV had hit the left rear of the box truck and the force of that hit bounced him into my car. His SUV was a mess. The truck had only slight damage. My car has a superficial scrape and the passenger mirror was knocked off. It will still cost a bundle to be repainted.

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I called 911 and the state police responded right away.


My car was drivable so after an exchange of insurance cards I was on my way, “collateral damage” to the main even between the SUV and the truck. Thus entering the INSURANCE JUNGLE.


My first call was to my insurance carrier to put them on notice. My intention was to go through the SUV’s carrier. First I got a call from the “adjuster” from my company. Then I got a call from the “Liability Adjuster” from my insurance carrier. He took a statement and  told me they would pay the whole claim and to go ahead and get the ball rolling with the body shop.


The body shop  said “Whoa, not so fast. They won’t pay the deductible.” I said yes, the adjuster said they would because it wasn’t my fault. Then I got another call from someone else …again from my company…who confirmed that they would pay the deductible and “subrogate” from the other carrier.

Today I took my car for an estimate. The body shop will send  the estimate in to the company and then we’ll wait for approval to go forward. I still haven’t heard from the other insurance company. In the meantime, duct tape fixes anything. 🙂

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One of my blogging friends recently wrote a post about her annual goals. She goes Birthday to Birthday instead of New  Year to New Year. That’s a good idea too that I never even considered. But anyway… this year she chose a word to be her inspiration and guide for the year. She chose a great word…Balance. I’m sure she will enjoy success with a great word like balance. http://learnmoreeveryday.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/another-year-older-a-balancing-act/

If you can find a balance in life or a balance in all things or however you want to think about it, then surely you will have a roadmap for a nice year.


Not wanting to be a total copycat I wondered what would be a word for me if I were to use the same idea. My birthday is right around the corner and although Balance is something I could certainly use I felt another word might be even more appropriate for me. That word is MODERATION.


I go overboard on almost everything I do. Oh my choices and decisions start out good enough. I plot and I plan and then I implement and that’s when everything gets out of hand. I once described my life as feeling like I was on a run away train going 90 miles an hour and all I could do was HANG ON!

I always have more on my plate than I know what to do with.


A perfect example..my blog. I don’t have just one. I have this one which is my main baby, then I have www.dustyroadsphotos.com a companion photoblog, then I have my professional  photo web page dustyroadsphotos.zenfolio.com, and my photo card shop, dustyroadsphotos.etsy.com and mustn’t forget flickr.com.  Updating all of them takes a lot of time.


Then there’s the posting frequency. I see the traffic drop off dramatically when I miss a day so I set a goal for myself to write a post every day and to post a photo every day. So now I have to try to be creative both in writing and in photography and do it over and over and over again all while working full time and trying to get housework done. Cat hair piles up quickly.

Obviously there’s no moderation in that! 🙂


The other big area that needs moderation is food. Remember the  line, I think from the movie  Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come”. Well, in my case it’s “if I cook it I will eat it” and I never mastered the trick of cooking for one. It’s just easier to cook in “bulk”.  Of course then it can’t go to waste so it goes to my waist instead.


MODERATION…yup that’s what I need in my life. I guess that will be my word for the year. 🙂
