I’ve Been Missing You

The last couple of weeks have been nuts. Work was crazy, had to take time off for a medical procedure. I’m not sure about this getting old stuff. The doctors don’t leave any part of your body alone. They need to probe every nook and cranny. Those space aliens have nothing on our earthbound doctors!


7  consecutive days of rain so far and if it isn’t raining it’s cloudy and dreary and raw and cold. Not really weather for May.


Rain predicted tomorrow morning and evening but we might get a break and see some blue sky in the afternoon. Mother Nature’s way of saying Happy Mother’s Day!

My poor neglected kitties forgave me when their monthly “Kit Nip” box arrived. Although they find the contents interesting I think the box is still their favorite part.


Rocky is doing his imitation of the post office’s slogan “If it fits it ships”.


Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!


The Friendly Skies of American Airlines

Hi everyone!


I’ve been absent from this space because I’ve been off exploring the world again but before I tell you all about the latest adventures I’d like to talk about the airline industry.

For example, the poor beleaguered airlines are so broke that some don’t offer snacks unless you pay, others love charging for your luggage. Do you know an overweight bag can run to over $100! Better to take 2 smaller bags and pay for the extra luggage.

They love to raise rates and I could understand that when fuel prices were high but prices have been falling yet Delta recently quietly raised prices quickly followed by American, Continental, Southwest and Jet Blue.

The price hike comes at a precarious time for the industry, which is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for potentially conspiring to limit flights and keep fares high.

As if that wasn’t enough shrinking legroom on flights and narrower airline seats have prompted complaints by squeezed travelers all over. But what can be done about it, besides paying for an upgrade?


U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., has introduced a bill in Congress aimed at setting minimum seat sizes for airline passengers.

We flew American Airlines to Las Vegas this week. American is not usually my airline of choice as you can see it ranks 7 out of 8 with 8 being the worst.

Rank Overall rank
1 Alaska
2 Virgin Amer.
3 Delta
4 jetBlue
5 Southwest
6 Frontier
7 American
8 United

We had a pretty comfortable flight down, on time , comfortable seats and nice flight attendant. We even discussed how comfortable and pleasant the flight was. But the return flight wasn’t quite up to par.

We boarded on time but then the gate attendant came on board and started removing stand-by passengers. There was some snafu so they all had to leave the plane. The resulting on, off and on again process delayed take off by almost 40 minutes. Then once we were in the air we were plagued by turbulence. Of course that’s mother nature and the airline can’t be blamed for that but as a result our 2 hour layover shrunk to 30 minutes.

That still would have been ok except we landed at terminal B and our connecting flight was in terminal F.  That required a mad dash through  terminals C & D  then out to the tarmac to catch a shuttle past terminal E, finally reaching Terminal F with only 5 minutes to spare. No time for dinner before we were squeezed onto a tiny plane with only 12 rows and the tiniest overhead bins I’ve ever seen!


At least the flight crew and attendants were nice on all flights but  the delay was inexcusable. No wonder American was  ranked 7th out of 8 in overall service.

What do you think? What experiences (good and bad) have you had on any airline?

The Soft Kitty Conundrum


Anyone familiar with the “Big Bang Theory”  has heard Sheldon’s whine “Sing Soft Kitty for me”.

It’s the lullaby that provides comfort when sickness strikes the sitcom.

sick sheldon

The little song may give Sheldon comfort but it is turning into a headache for Warner Bros.

Buddy2014 005a copy

The song was written in the 1930’s  by Edith Newlin who passed away in 2004. A recent lawsuit by the daughters of the author/composer claims copy-write infringement. The suit maintains that Warner Bros. sought permission in 2007 from Willis Music Co., a company that previously published the lyrics in a book titled “Songs for the Nursery School.” According to Newlin’s daughters, Willis Music Co. authorized the use of lyrics without consultation or permission.

Buddy 004a

What I find most interesting is that these heirs didn’t know anything about the song’s use until they ran across a blog entry about the show  while researching their mother’s life.

Rockyandme 018a copy

How long does a copy-write last  before it becomes public domain anyway??Until 1977 I think these time frames applied:

  • All works published in the U.S. before 1923
  • All works published with a copyright notice from 1923 through 1963 without copyright renewal
  • All works published without a copyright notice from 1923 through 1977
  • All works published without a copyright notice from 1978 through March 1, 1989, and without subsequent registration within 5 years

A whole new set of expiration dates were set by congress in 1977 so who knows if they have a case or not. Can even the collective big brains of the geniuses on BBT figure it out? I’m sure lots of high priced lawyers are racking up the billable hours on this right now.


In the meantime, I love my Soft Kitty T-shirt. And so do all the folks that stop me on the street to tell me they like it too!

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Work From Home

Hi everyone

I had some disturbing news on the work front and although I am not at liberty to share any details I will say that my days of working from home seem to be numbered. Working from home is the #1 perk of my job and its why I am willing to put in such long hours during our busy season. I am crushed to learn that management, in their wisdom,  feels that “we” can be more productive working 9-6 in an office.


I suppose I should be thankful I have a job these days and one that pays enough so that I can enjoy life a little but I’m at the point in my life that I no longer want the stress of a morning or afternoon commute. It feels like wasted time to sit in traffic and traffic there will be since we’ll be working prime hours.


If you search “work from home” jobs you find a long list of cottage industries and self employment “opportunities”. They may work for some but I’ve tried a lot of those with varying degrees of success. At this point I don’t want to be self employed or an entrepreneur. I just want to do a job , from home, and be left alone, not involved in office politics and get my paycheck. The only stress I want is from whatever the job entails, not the  commute, not from who is stabbing who in the back. I prefer not to know.

I’m always one of the top producers so there’s never been a performance issue.

Anyone out there work from home? Any suggestions for someone almost 65 who is not ready to retire yet?

I really don’t want to leave my job. It’s been a good run and I like it a lot but my stomach just goes into knots when I think of commuting every day again.

Any ideas?


Have any of you used the web page Ebates.com?

I’ve been using it off and on for about a year. I use it when I think of it. Sometimes I’m shopping and find the item I want and forget to go to Ebates first. That’s my mistake. There are so many stores in Ebates that chances are you’ll find the same store you just searched there.


I’ll give you an example. I like to buy diabetic crew socks. They are so comfy but they can be expensive and hard to find. I used to get them a Walmart but they haven’t had them the last couple of times I looked.  I tried my local CVS store and struck out too. Anyway, Saturday I had a list of things I was going to try to find but before I went out in the cold to shop I decided to search the internet one more time.

I found some rather expensive diabetic socks…$9.99 for 1 pair. Walgreen’s online also had diabetic socks. They were $5.49 for 1 pair. Armed with that information I moved over to the Ebates site and entered “Diabetic socks” and bingo, there they were. I placed my order through Ebates. That particular order carried a 2% rebate. That goes on my account.

In about a month I’ll get a check in the mail for all the rebates I’ve earned since the last check. I think they send it monthly but I really haven’t paid that much attention. The cost to me was the same whether I ordered direct or went through Ebates so why not go for the rebate?

But what I really want to mention is that I also ordered from another store. I ordered some slippers. They have a hard sole so they were not inexpensive. I got an email from Ebates Customer Service saying they had tracked me to the store but did not receive the order from the store. That was a surprise. They asked me to send them a copy of my order receipt. I followed their instructions and copy/pasted the info in the form.

Believe it or not I got an email right back explaining that they still didn’t have the order from the store but that with my documentation they were adding my rebate to my account. If they did not get the order from the store , they would follow up with the store! WOW, a pro-active customer service department.


I’ve always enjoyed getting Ebates emails saying “Your Big Fat Check is on the way” and opening the mail to find a check waiting even if it’s only $9 or $10 but throw in this customer service and I think I will make an effort to use the website more often.

Have any of you had any experience with them?