Jefferson Memorial

Back on the bus we basked in the warmth. Tony, our driver, had the heater blasting. A welcome reprieve from the raw, wet cold outside.

Around the Tidal Basin we went pulling up next to an easily recognizable monument; the Jefferson Memorial. When I say we pulled up it was to a bus stop. You can’t get near any of the memorials by car. If you are visiting the monuments you will get plenty of walking.

The Jefferson Memorial

The Jefferson Memorial is a circular, open structure topped by a shallow dome. The exterior is beautiful white marble from Vermont. The interior with Jefferson’s 19 ft tall statue is accessed by a series of granite and marble stepped terraces.

For those of us who might not be in the best physical shape the stairs can be intimidating. There is an elevator if you are handicapped or just not up to stair climbing. Unfortunately it was out of order the day of my visit.

But back to some of the significance of various features. Until my visit I just thought the building was meant to resemble Jefferson’s home of Monticello but I learned that there is much more symbolism than that.

As I mentioned the outer marble is from Vermont, the interior walls are Georgia Marble. These choices symbolize the geographic extremes of the original 13 states. The floor is marble from Tennessee.  The inner dome is limestone from Indiana. This diversity symbolizes the expanding union.

Jefferson’s ties to the Louisiana Purchase are honored by the pedestal of Minnesota Granite and a ring of gray marble surrounding the base made of Missouri stone.

Four quotations from Jefferson’s writings are carved into the walls of the memorial chamber. One of the quotes, from the Declaration of Independence, can be found on the southwest wall.


The monument is located on the south side of the Tidal Basin with a clear sight line of the Washington Monument. President Roosevelt ordered trees cut to make it possible to view the monument from the White House.

In 1912 Japanese Cherry Trees were planted on the site, part of the gift of 3000 trees from the mayor of Tokyo. That was what I wanted to see but sadly, most of the blossoms had been destroyed by the unseasonable cold weather.

In conclusion

Even without the flowers, the beautiful monument is a suitable memorial to our Founding father, an author of the Declaration of Independence, Statesman and Visionary for the founding of a Nation.

Cherry Blossom Update

I’ve been following the NPS (National Park Service) predictions about the peak bloom especially closely since we had the Blizzard of 2017. Washington DC did not escape the snow and cold.

The warm January and February had encouraged the cherry trees to accelerate their blooms which is why the NPS initially thought peak bloom would be March 14-17. Then they pushed it back to March 19-22.

Did you know that Peak Bloom is only 1 day, not the whole prediction? There are also the Kwanzan Cherry Trees that bloom about a month after this first round. They appear unharmed from this cold snap and are predicted to bloom in April.

Right now it’s looking like the so called Peak Bloom may be rather subdued. One NPS employee was quoted as saying it would be the worst bloom in 100 years. Comments from Cherry Blossom insiders refer to a lot of brown from the cold damaged buds. “They are hanging limp, looking like they have been singed by fire.” So sad.

I’ll know soon enough if all these nay-sayers are telling the truth. Even if the Cherry Blossoms are a dud this year, I’ll get to see the monuments. Its been almost 50 years since I was in DC last. I think it was 1970 or 71 so that would be 46-47 years ago. I’m sure cherry blossoms or not that it will be a wonderful experience.



Cherry Blossoms Afterall

I gave in. The temptation was too much. The National Park Service changed the prediction for peak Cherry Blossoms. It’s been too cold so the new prediction is March 19 – March 22.

I was all set to skip it but now I have another week and I just can’t stand not doing anything or going anywhere. I think the cold weather has messed with my brain. As Southwest Airlines says…”I Gotta Get Away”.

I booked everything so now I just have to get my work to approve the time off. I’m sure they will. I don’t have to bother my Pet Sitter  either because my friend Joe said he would watch the “kitty”. Rocky would love to know that he’s “the kitty”!

My Timeshare has a new perk. I can pay for my plane fare and hotel with my time share points. I book through their web site and pay for the flight and hotel. Then I authorize the number of points I want to use. 4-6 weeks after the trip is completed they send a check.  I’ve never used this perk but I’ve met people that have and they love it. So I’m going to give it a try. That’s the only way I can swing this on such short notice.

I also booked my “Dream Vacation” that I earned on my last trip to Maui. I was going to go to the Big Island but I can get a longer stay if I go back to Maui. So that’s what I’m going to do. I booked February again so I can chase the whales some more.

I guess its not safe to let me stay inside on a cold day! Look at what I’ve done! I’ve booked a quick trip to Washington DC for the Cherry Blossoms and a 5 day trip to Maui. I also renewed my Priority Pass.

You may have seen the ads for Priority Pass on TV. It’s program that lets you use exclusive lounges in airports around the world. Usually it cost $99/year but this is another perk of my Timeshare.  They pay the annual fee. There is a $27.00 charge per person each time you use a lounge but I’m told it’s well worth it if you have a long layover. We could have used it on the November trip to Maui.

Oh my, I lost track of the time. Rocky is teasing because it’s his dinner time But I’ll leave you with this last thought…I do love my Timeshare!



Cherry Blossom Time

Ok now I’m really getting bummed out. I need to shake this cold!

I was hoping to grab a quick trip to D.C. for the cherry blossoms. I’ve been watching the news feed to find out when the festivities will start. Friends that were in the Capital have been posting photos saying the cherry blossoms are already starting. It’s this crazy weather.

It looks like the peak bloom is predicted  March 14 – March 17. It doesn’t even include a weekend.

I did a quick check of flights that would let me fly down in the morning and come back the same day, Whew! Expensive. I’m looking at around $600 round trip. Amtrak wasn’t any better and would take longer.

Staying overnight cut the price in half but then I’d have hotel and pet sitting and meals so no matter how I look at it the cost is going to be around $600.00.

I still have a few days so I’ll keep my eyes open for some deals but its starting to look like this is not going to be the year that I get to see the famous Cherry Blossoms. Maybe I should try for a week vacation and stay at my time share next year. I’ll think about that!


Brrrr Its Cold!

I’m not sure where all of you are from. I’m sure I’ve got some followers from  warm, sunny locations but here in New England winter has returned with a vengeance. Last week we had record high temps, beautiful spring weather. (Take that Punxsutawney Phil!) but the groundhog was right after all! This weekend brought an Arctic Blast that left us all shivering in our boots. High winds added to the cold temps by driving new record lows with the wind chill added in. Its been the coldest weekend of this winter.


To go along with the miserable cold, I caught a cold. I’ve done so well this year too! This development left me with a dilemma. I wanted to get out in the area to find some new things to tell you about but I was sneezing and felt miserable so I didn’t want to be out in the cold.


I considered (very seriously) driving to Essex Junction, Vermont for the Vermont Flower show. It would be inside so I’d be warm and I thought we could all use some flowers to offset this cold blast.


My hesitation came from the fact that it would be a 4 hour drive and this cold was kicking my butt. It had drained so much energy that every time I sat down for 5 minutes I fell asleep. So after much internal debate I took a pass. I spent the weekend bundled in a fluffy throw in my recliner watching travel programs. Or maybe I should say sleeping through travel programs.


(Sorry I can’t use a picture of me because my arm isn’t long enough for the selfie but this one pretty much sums it up)

I fell asleep watching a program about Hawaii only to wake up to Andrew Zimmern swallowing some horrible looking thing he consider food on an episode of “Bizarre Foods”. Sorry Andrew, I find your show extremely cringe-worthy.


To make sure the weekend wasn’t a total loss I signed up for a webinar at 3 pm on Sunday about Travel Writing. At 2 pm I set up my laptop, got a pad and pen and a bottle of water. I was ready. I sat back to wait and promptly fell asleep! I woke up at 3:15 having missed the first 15 minutes. Luckily it will be posted online until Tuesday so I can watch it again to see what I missed.

Since this blog pretends to be a travel blog (most of the time) I thought I might get some good tips to improve my content. At the least it got me thinking. I got some good ideas about finding local things to share. So cold or not, the weekend wasn’t a total loss.