Meet the Residents of Parrot Mountain

Do you want to know a secret?

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I loved Parrot Mountain.

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The birds are beautiful.

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As usual when I find something I like I went overboard on pictures.

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I’d never be a good editor.

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Pick just one or two pictures??? Not a chance.

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I could never decide so here’s a few more from that lush and colorful venue.

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More birds

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They look so curious

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More Flowers

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Remember the bird from Barretta?

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But just like the show, it’s time to sign off. If you like birds I can whole heartily recommend Parrot Mountain!


Views Along the Newfound Gap Road

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The views along this route are beautiful.

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The forest floor was covered in wildflowers. The sky was so blue. Here are just a few more moments captured in time.

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I know mountains like these…the mountains of the east. They are older than the Rockies or the Cascades but in some ways no less wild.

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Maybe growing up in the middle of the Adirondacks gave me an appreciation for these forested slopes. Or maybe not, maybe they are something everyone appreciates. After all, the Great Smokey Mountain National Park is the most visited National Park of them all.

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Gatlinburg By-Pass

Quite pleased and content with my lunch I headed back out to find the Gatlinburg By-Pass. To get to it I had to go into Gatlinburg and then head back out toward the Welcome Center. From the Welcome Center I head back toward Gatlinburg. The by-pass exit is on the right and became my favorite way to get from one end of Gatlinburg to the other.

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The By- Pass is a scenic drive that takes you around Gatlinburg, bringing you out near the Sugarlands Visitor Center. From the visitor center you can head to Cades Cove to the right or Cherokee, North Carolina straight ahead or back to Gatlinburg by turning left.

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There are scenic turn outs with plenty of parking. and the road is well maintained.

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This was  the beginning of my introduction to auto touring the Great Smokey Mountains.

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When we went to Alaska we were told that in the springtime the fields were filled with wildflowers. Well spring was late the year we went but I seemed to hit it just right for Tennessee. The grass and trees were green and wildflowers abounded.

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I woke up bright and early. The sun was shining. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day. Yesterday it was 88 degrees when I drove into town. I bet it gets there again today. Love it!

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Over night my subconscious had apparently arranged my day for me. I’d do what I normally do in a new place, I’d take a trolley ride. For $2.00 you can ride around all day on the Gatlinburg trolley.

I drove through Pigeon Forge on my way to Gatlinburg and my first impression was of one long, giant midway or arcade. Even in the car I had the impression of a carnival atmosphere. One of the trolley lines runs to Dollywood so when the time comes that’s how I’ll travel. I’ll leave the car at the Welcome Center but today I’ll explore Gatlinburg.

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The Purple line picks up at the Welcome Center where the parking is free and drops you off at the Aquarium. Here you can wait for a different trolley or walk. I decided to walk.

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I crossed a little bridge in front of the Aquarium to reach street level and crossed to the main drag.

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I found myself standing a the base of a long hill. The street  climbed straight up it and looked like a miniature version of Pigeon Forge.

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There were candy shops and old time photo shops on every block.

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There were arcades and restaurants and even a Dunkin’ Donuts!

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The Skylift on the right and a bit farther on the left, the Space Needle marked the top of the hill. I dug out the camera and started up.

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The street was lined with benches so I took my time, stopping to rest and chat with who ever happened to be sitting there. I met folks from Chattanooga up for the weekend and a gentleman from California. Another couple were from Idaho and had come out for their honeymoon.

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As I neared my destination of the space needle I spotted  Ole Smoky Moonshine. I’d tried to get a tasting in Sugarlands but I was ignored at each tasting station so I left. Maybe I could get a taste here.

Better have lunch before I start downing white lightening!