Rain and Kitty observations

Rain Rain Go Away

I saw this post on Facebook and I had to laugh. It took me back to one of my Hawaii trips. It was to the Big Island where I was going diving with Manta Rays.

May be an image of 3 people, people swimming, pool and text that says 'After seeing a group of people in a pool, huddled together under an umbrella to stay dry, I understand why Aliens don't visit us. AMERICASBESTPICS'

I was at the boat launch for the Manta Ray dive chatting with the dive master when it started to rain. It was just a few sprinkles , no thunder or lightening.  One of the other divers interrupted us to point out it was raining and ask if we were still going to have the dive. She was concerned about getting wet in the rain.  I managed not to loose it before she walked away. 

Manta Ray

internet photo

The Perversity of Cats

Banner and Balboa get along good for the most part. One of Balboa’s many nicknames is ALB (Annoying Little Brother). Banner is about 2 months older than Balboa and was the first one added to the household. He is amazingly patient with Balboa but everyone gets pushed to the limit sometimes. 

Balboa has to have attention all the time. If not from me he goes looking for Banner. Banner spends a lot of time in the bathroom sink since there’s only room for 1 there.

Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Let me give you an example. Balboa was asleep on my lap and Banner was sleeping in the Kitty Condo on the new cat tree. I had to get up and that disrupted Balboa so he went looking for Banner. When he found him in the kitty condo he began to inch his way in too. Not much room for both but Banner didn’t fight with him. Instead he wrapped his paws around him and started a crowded grooming session.

Banner & Balboa 2023 Photo Credit Deb Neumann

One More Of the Kitties

Another grooming session. You can see how much bigger Banner is than Balboa here but a lot of it is fur. Banner has a thicker coat that my Persian cat had. We are constantly brushing and combing to keep his coat from matting or him getting hairballs. That’s how he earned his nickname of Fluffy Butt. 

Photo credit Deb Neumann



Natural Wonders of the USA part 4

Natural Wonders List Continues

We’ve got 50 Natural Wonders to go through and we’ve only covered 12 so time to continue on. Besides, My life is boring. Who wants to hear about my issues with Medicare and unemployment.  Beautiful sights to see are far more interesting.

13. MAINE – Cadillac Mountain

Maine is one of my favorite states. It’s got lighthouses and rugged , scenic coastline. It’s even got Puffins but you need to take a special trip across the Bay of Fundy to see them.  Fun fact- tides in the Bay of Fundy are the highest in the world! They can reach an incredible 53 ft.! Now which thing is the Natural Wonder for Maine? 

Photo credit- Deb Neumann 2016


According to the list its Cadillac Mountain at Acadia National Park . During certain times of the year, it is the first place to see the sunrise in the US.

Photo credit- Joe St Jean- 2012

14. New Hampshire – Flume Gorge

Staying on the East Coast we’ll head to New Hampshire. That’s the Live Free or Die State. Another excellent state to explore with the beautiful White Mountains, The Kancamagus Highway and lovely lakes, streams and waterfalls.  The Flume Gorge is located in Franconia Notch State Park , Lincoln NH. Yes I’ve been there. Its an uphill walk with lots of stairs but I survived it and so can you. It’s beautiful. Very primal.

Photo Credit Deb Neumann 2011

15. Hawaii – Diamond Head

You are talking my language now. I love Hawaii although Diamond Head is on Oahu which is my least favorite of the main Hawaiian Islands. It’s the most cosmopolitan. If you miss crazy traffic and City life then Oahu is the island for you. Diamond head is the image everyone has of Hawaii. You know that post card image with high rises, white sand and a mountain.

28,842 Diamond Head Images, Stock Photos & Vectors ...

We drove up into the crater but did not climb the stairs to the top. I liked snorkeling in  Hanauma Bay more than I liked Diamond Head. 

16. West Virginia – New River Gorge

You got me on this one. I haven’t been to West Virginia so I haven’t been to New River Gorge.

The picture is gorgeous and I’d love to capture something similar but when I googled the New River Gorge Bridge it seems the thrill seekers have taken over. They banned bungee jumping after an accidental death deemed bungee jumping as unsafe but they still allow base jumping and rappelling!  No thanks. I admit I like an adrenaline rush as much as the next person but I still want to be safe!

That about wraps up todays post. More to come next time.

Is Travel Back?

Is is time to Start Traveling Again?

COVID is still here. We’ve now got the Delta Variant and Mu to name just 2. So is Travel back? I put a tentative toe into the travel pool last week. I was taking a test run not Just due to COVID but to test out my physical abilities too. In my case COVID wasn’t as much as a problem as my knees. I’m definitely going to have to come up with some solution but I’ll whine about that later. Let me tell you about my trip minus the moaning and groaning.

Turtle Town 2020

Is Hawaii Closed?

First of all, I didn’t go to Hawaii this trip but to my friends that asked, Hawaii is not closed. It is very much open to tourism just with some restrictions. The Safe Travels program is still in effect – with some exceptions. Visitors can bypass the now 10-day quarantine requirement with a negative COVID test pre-flight OR by proof of vaccination status. Inter-island travel is also exempt from testing and quarantine requirements. Travelers should check current requirements before leaving for the islands

Akaka Falls

Akaka Falls – Big Island 2018

On August 23, 2021, Governor David Ige called upon Hawaii residents and visitors to delay all non-essential travel through the end of October 2021. However, Hawaii has not been “closed” and has not yet modified entry requirements – the governor asked that travel be reduced as the islands are challenged by reduced hospital capacity, as well as restaurant & car rental services. As of September 1, Oahu is now requiring a COVID-19 vaccine or negative test mandate to eat at bars and restaurants, in addition to other indoor facilities, including Honolulu. This change will last for at least 60 days.

Starting on September 15, Maui will begin requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for indoor dining and drinking. Hawaii is also in the process of rolling out a digital health pass program.

Before booking a Hawaii vacation, travelers should ask themselves if these restrictions will put a damper on their trip. If a Hawaii vacation would not be complete in your book without eating out every night and perhaps even some bar-hopping, then now may not be your time to go. However, if you prefer to relax with your family on the beach and take in the sights, then the restrictions may not bother you as much.

North Carolina Bound

I chose to stay on the east coast  this time. It was my first attempt at travel since COVID and I didn’t want to go too far afield.  Besides, spending a week in North Carolina let me check another state off my bucket list. However I did things a little differently this trip and I chose to head to the mountains, not the coast. I got to see some spectacular scenery and lots of waterfalls. Plus I flew a regional airline, not one of the major lines and found some interesting differences. So lets get Masked Up and come along with me to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. 

Blue Ridge Mountains , NC 2021

Some This and That and a Map

This and That

We finally had a week of nice weather. Temps in the 70’s & even 80’s. Low humidity. Sunshine and a breeze. Prefect days And I was on vacation! How did I get so lucky? So how did I spend my vacation? Did I take an exotic vacation? Did I bust out my camera and go adventuring? Nope. I sorted and cleaned and still didn’t get everything done. But I made a dent. At least now I don’t look quite so much like a participant on an episode of Hoarders.

With the nice weather I wasn’t afraid to re-pot my Thanksgiving Cactus and move it outside.

That may save it’s life. Balboa was fixated on it and pruned (chewed on it)  it every day. I started some cat grass for him and hope that by fall when I bring the cactus back inside that he’ll be over it. 


Boxes – Gone

I crushed up the Chewy boxes and dragged them out to the recycle bin. There will be more but at least for the week I got my Livingroom back. I don’t mind stepping over the boxes as long as the cats are playing with  them but when they stop – out go the boxes.


And speaking of boxes. I cleaned out my file cabinet and packed up my taxes and bank statements so I can start filing all the paper that’s piled on my desk. Hey folks, we’re in the age of digital! What ever happened to a paperless society?


I follow several consumer and travel websites. I’m still not convinced that this is a good year to travel. Restrictions are being lifted all over. Next week Massachusetts is removing all COVID restrictions. The most recent advisory that I’ve seen on domestic travel  says we’ll still need  to mask up to fly but if you are fully vaccinated that’s about the only time you’ll need a mask. You won’t need a negative COVID test either.  The exception might be Hawaii. I haven’t seen an update on their restrictions yet. 

One issue that I’m still seeing in the news is the rental car shortage. In fact I recently heard a car dealership advertising that even new car purchases are being affected by the car shortage! I’ve been hearing of rental prices of over $1000 for a 1 week rental and that wasn’t a high end luxury vehicle either. That rental was from Fort Lauderdale airport. Rental car charges are one of my biggest expenses when I travel so I’m watching that closely. As rental companies restock their inventories I’m sure those fees will come down.  Until then I’ll wait.

The Map

I finished adding photos of the states I’ve visited to the map.


There are 4 states that I’m debating about.  Years ago I went to a drum and bugle corp. competition in Allentown PA. I remember it rained and our tent leaked. It wasn’t a fun trip but still I was there. I don’t have any pictures and I don’t feel like I really got a feel for the state.  

South Carolina is another one. My brother got married in South Carolina. My sister-in-law is from Charleston  and I attended their wedding. I bet I could get a wedding picture from them to mark off South Carolina but there’s so much about that state that I want to explore that I’m reluctant to take it off the list.

#3 is Illinois. Again it’s a really old trip and it was for work. I had a week long training in Chicago. It was my first ever work trip and one of my first times on a plane.  There wasn’t much sight seeing. I was too introverted at the time and remember being kind of overwhelmed.  No pictures of that trip either.

Last but not least was my brother’s retirement from the Navy in Kenosha Wisconsin. I think I have a few pictures of my brother in his dress whites in a photo album. 

Although technically these 4 states meet my criteria I didn’t really get much sight seeing done. What do you think? Should I add a picture (google has plenty) or leave them as “still to be visited”?



Love the Cats but What about Travel?

Love the Cats but What about Travel?

I do enjoy talking about my cats. They give me great pleasure and make me laugh so like a doting grandma I tell their stories.


But I know I can get carried away so I’ll keep my kitty tales to myself this week and talk about travel. Hope that works for you.

Domestic or International?

Now that the vaccines have started flowing and the world is getting restless, like a flower unfolding after the winter’s snow, we’re slowly peeking our heads out. Will it be safe to travel again in 2021? If so where do you want to go? I’ve been giving that some serious thought.     

I’m primarily a domestic traveler and I think my first trip after COVID will probably be a domestic one. I feel more certain that it will be a clean resort although I hear plenty of horror stories.  I’m still a timeshare owner and for all the negative things you hear about timeshares, one thing I can say is that I’ve never had a bad resort experience with my time share.   They have all been top of the line, modern and clean. 

Using that same rational if I do decide on an international trip, it will be with my timeshare. 

Where Do You Plan To Go?

I think if I go for an international trip I’d head to Grand Cayman. I want to go to Stingray City. In past trips I’ve snorkeled with Manatees, gone night snorkeling with Manta Rays and snuba diving with giant sea turtles. I think I’d like to be able to check off the stingrays next.

Turtle Town 2020

As for a domestic trip the debate is still going on. Do I want a repeat visit somewhere or to go someplace new? I was trying to get to all 50 states but I may be running out of time because I keep going back to places I’ve really enjoyed and did you hear? Kilauea, the volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii is erupting again. That’s exciting. I always loved seeing Kilauea so do I want to go back to Hawaii?   

Lava Lake Glow

Kilauea’s Lava Lake glows 2018

So many placed so go, so little time!