Pearl Harbor

I am feeling angry today. Angry that we still haven’t learned the lessons of the past.

 Sometimes this day makes me feel sad but it never fails to move me. I have been to Pearl Harbor. I have heard the broadcasts. I have seen the films. I have been moved beyond description by the events that happened 10 years before my time.

 December 7, 1941. The day that will live in Infamy!

The quiet of a peaceful day in paradise was shattered when at 7:48 am Hawaiian Time the base was attacked by 353 Japanese fighters, bombers and torpedo planes in two waves, launched from six aircraft carriers.


Ninety minutes after it began, the attack was over, as 2,386 Americans died (48 – 68 were civilians, most killed by unexploded American anti-aircraft shells landing in civilian areas), a further 1,139 wounded. Eighteen ships were sunk or run aground, including five battleships.

Of the American fatalities, nearly half were due to the explosion of the Arizona’s forward magazine after it took a hit by a 16 in. shell.


The Japanese expected to keep America out of the war by destroying the fleet. Instead they only served to “awaken a sleeping giant.”


In the wake of the attack, 15 Medals of Honor, 51 Navy Crosses, 53 Silver Stars, four Navy and Marine Corps Medals, one Distinguished Flying Cross, four Distinguished Service Crosses, one Distinguished Service Medal, and three Bronze Star Medals were awarded to the American servicemen who distinguished themselves in combat at Pearl Harbor. Additionally, a special military award, the Pearl Harbor Commemorative Medal, was later authorized for all military veterans of the attack.


Go to Oahu, visit Pearl Harbor, thank all of those young men and women who woke up in Paradise and ended their day in Hell.


H & I

Oh no, the numbers are stacked against me here. I haven’t been to the “Heartland” of America.

H is for Hawaii


YES! With an asterisk of course.Hawaii is still my favorite state. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter. 2 trips so far and hopefully more in my future.  The first trip was  to the Big Island. This trip was amazing. It was the first BIG trip I’d ever taken. The first trip where I’d used my time share. The first Luau I’d ever been to…The Island is amazing, half rain forest and half desert. We explored both and I loved Volcano National Park.  In Hilo we explored the Tsunami Museum and went to the Zoo. Just north of Hilo was a beautiful botanical garden.

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We even got to walk on a black sand beach.


Trip two was to Oahu where we made a visit to Pearl Harbor, beautiful and emotional. This is a must- see stop on anyone’s bucket list. We visited Waikiki and the Polynesian Cultural Center. We climbed Maka Pupu Point and shopped at the International Market Place. We drove up to the crater of Diamondhead but didn’t climb to the top. Maybe another trip. 🙂 Next up is Maui and the road to Hana!


I is for Idaho


No. But it sounds like there’s couple of must do things. Lava Hot Springs for one and Craters of the Moon National Monument, 618 square miles of lava field.


I is for Illinois

NO. Although I did go to Chicago once for a work seminar. It was probably 30 years ago and I don’t recall much about the city at all.

Of course there’s Chicago itself  and many travelers get into Illinois via O’Hare International Airport, one of the busiest in the country. I do remember being there. I was stuck on my way to Wisconsin. My plane out of Boston had been delayed so I missed my connecting flight. At the time OJ Simpson was still a football hero and  was running through airports in a Hertz Commercial. I remember thinking I felt like that as I raced to my gate only to see the plane taking off as I got there. It’s one of those moments seared into your brain! 🙂


RT 66 is in Illinois. I saw part of the iconic highway when I was in Arizona. I’ll have to look up how many states it crosses or maybe I should say crossed as many parts are closed now.


There seem to be a lot of scenic drives in Illinois and I saw something about a Japanese Garden. So More research needs to be done to plan the visit to this state.

I is for Indiana


No. Once again I have to say I don’t know much about this state. The tourism web site lists National Parks and Monuments, and I know racing is big there; Indianapolis Speedway. It’s the boyhood home of our 16th president so I could certainly include a visit to the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial.


I is for Iowa


No. I am really lost when it comes to Iowa. It’s broken up into so many sections it’s almost like states within states. 10 different sections to research just to decide what I want to visit! This too will requires some digging and reading on my part.

Boy, I didn’t do well in the “I” category at all!. I’d say that breaks the tie. It’s now 6 visited and  9 on the “not seen” side of the ledger. I really need some suggestions of the  not to miss places for the “I” states. Have you been there? Or maybe you live in one of those states? What is the most important thing to see/visit?

But on to J, K & L.

Arm Chair Traveler

There’s a magazine that’s always on the rack by the check out counter in most of the grocery stores in my area. It’s called Woman’s World and it has lots of short articles crammed into a little publication.

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It includes things like short fiction, household tips, decorating, cooking tips and recipes, crafts…always the latest diet…health tips and I could go on. But the one department I always check is the  Armchair Traveler. It’s always a 2 page spread with pictures highlighting someplace you might like to go.

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If it sounds like someplace I’d like to go I pull out the 2 pages. I have a whole file full but they do come in handy. When I planned my trip to Oahu they had just had an Armchair Traveler about Oahu. It helped  pin down the things we wanted to see.


I thought of that trip and our Big Island Adventure when I opened this week’s issue as once again, Hawaii was the featured location, this time the 2 smallest Hawaiian Islands, Molokai and Lanai.


I haven’t thought much about Lanai but I do want to go to Maui and planned to include a side trip to Molokai at that time. I’ve heard that Molokai has great snorkeling and scuba diving and I am interested in that.

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According to the article Molokai has a few other things going for it like the highest sea cliffs in the world!

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Lanai is the smallest island and is described as tranquil and romantic. It’s home to two Four Season’s Resorts and the historic Hotel Lanai. The Garden of the Gods, a surreal lunar-like landscape,  is located on Lanai.


The article lists beaches and waterfalls for a tourist’s pleasure and wraps up with the weekly “Armchair Traveler” Cocktail, this week it’s a Cucumber Lavender Vo-jito. This drink is popular at the Four Seasons Resort Lanai at Manele Bay.

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I will share it with you but with one disclaimer…I haven’t tried it. If any of you do, let me know if you like it 🙂

  • 5 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. lime juice
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. lavender syrup *
  • Ice Cubes
  • 3 Tbs. cucumber flavored vodka
  • club soda
  • additional mint for garnish
  • Lime Slices (optional)

Place mint in tall glass; using end of wooden spoon , crush mint. Add lime juice, lavender syrup, and ice cubes. Pour vodka over ice; stir. Top off with club soda. Garnish with mint and lime slices, if desired. Serves 1


*To make syrup, bring !/2 cup water and 1/2 cup if sugar to boil; stir until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Stir in 2 Tbs. culinary lavender; let stand until cool. Strain into jar; cover and store in refrigerator.

With a Cucumber Lavender Vo-jito in hand, some Hawaiian tunes on the I-Pod you’re ready to drift away in you’re mind. Imagine the gentle breezes, the smell of the sea and you are  “Armchair Traveling”. The next best thing to being there!

A trip of a Lifetime

How does one start to tell a tale of a trip of a lifetime? Maybe I should just say that this was the 2nd trip of a lifetime for me. The first was The Big Island of Hawaii.

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Now I can add a cruise tour to Alaska as my 2nd “Trip of a lifetime”.

This didn’t just happen overnight. This trip was in the planning and discussion and saving stages for over 2 years. We finally said lets just do it before the glacier’s melt!

A big part of it was the saving part.


This was, without a doubt, the most expensive venture I/we have undertaken yet but Alaska is so big the task of putting together a vacation there seemed overwhelming. So after my sister and I hammered out the basics of what we wanted to do and see I turned the problem over to the professionals at AAA.

The trip I am about to describe to you is the result.

The first decision was do we cruise to Alaska or fly in and vacation like we usually do on our own. Since this was my sister’s Dream  Vacation I let her choose. She had only 2 requests; to see the glaciers and to spend 3 days in Denali National Park. A cruise tour would accomplish both goals.

We settled on a “shoulder season” because it’s less expensive and money was certainly a factor. In May the animals are just coming down out of their wintering grounds and having babies. In September they have the northern lights (aurora borealis). We  chose to go for the animals. We also  chose to go south to north to give the northern locations a chance to warm up a bit more. In Alaska a couple of days can make all the difference. As it turned out spring was about 2 weeks late this year so we had a lot more snow and cold weather than is usual for this time of the year.

I think by far the hardest decision was which cruise line to use. They all cruise to Alaska these days, even Disney, and they all offer some combination of land and sea. I was leaning toward Royal Caribbean but Sandy liked Holland America. In the end we went with the travel agent’s recommendation of Princess Cruise Lines.


I drove from my home in Massachusetts to my sister’s in New York on Saturday May 11. I left my 3 cats in the capable hands of my long time pet sitter, still this is the longest I  have ever been away before. My fingers were crossed that there’d be no complications for Diane to deal with.

That Saturday night we took our mother out for Mother’s Day dinner and then headed back to my sisters for an early night. We had an early cross-country flight from Albany Airport into Vancouver in the morning.  By arriving a day early we sacrificed the airport transfer but got a day in Vancouver before we had to board the ship on Monday.

Our flight was uneventful and we spotted a rainbow as we flew into a misty, wet Vancouver. Our hotel , The Best Western Sands, was a block from the waterfront and very nice.

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I had been to Vancouver once before many years ago and I remember the residents being very friendly, warm and helpful. That hasn’t changed at all. I still think it is one of the most friendly cities I have ever been in. What I do think has changed is the fabric of the city. We saw a great melting pot of people of many different nationalities and ethnicities. This only serves to make an already lovely city more cosmopolitan. Vancouver has really come into its own.