Will He or Won’t He?

It’s February 2nd and the question on everyone’s mind is…will he or won’t he…see his shadow that is.

According to tradition if it’s cloudy when the ground hog pokes his nose out of his burrow today, he’ll be pleased and go about his business BUT…if he peeks out and it’s sunny, he’ll see his shadow and it will scare him back into his den and with his retreat winter will again close her icy arms around the land for another 6 weeks.

That’s a lot of pressure on a rodent. Let’s face it, no matter what they say in Gobbler’s Notch , PA  Punxsutawney Phil is no Mickey Mouse.

If you want to join in the fun remember, statistically the ground hog has only been right 37% of the time. On the other hand, how often are the meteorologists right?

Happy Ground Hog Day. 🙂


So how ’bout that Superbowl?

Week 1 Winner

Since I decided to try one of the 365 photo challenges again mother nature is trying her hardest to throw a monkey-wrench into things. It’s been record cold and we had a 2 day blizzard. Not the kind of weather to inspire me to go out looking for pictures. Instead I’m inside taking down the tree and other decorations so the house has boxes piled like I was getting ready to move. Certainly not photo ready. And how many pictures of my cats can I take!?

Anyway, I made it through week 1. I am very lucky it was a short week. 🙂 This week isn’t looking much better but I’ll persevere. In the meantime here’s the results of the first week. It was very close but I have to go with the New Year picture.

New Year 2013 007a

It beat out Rocky’s picture  by just a hair but it’s kind of appropriate for the first week of a new year. Rocky will get other chances. There’s 360 more days to go!

What do I hope for in 2014

What do I hope for in 2014? Oh let’s see…Peace in this world, no more hatred, a cure for cancer, our soldiers home from foreign lands, joy for everyone, no more hunger, no more bigotry,  shall I go on? But in my little corner of the world where it’s the small things that I can change I’ll address those little goals and challenges I mentioned a couple of days ago..

Ah yes, those Goals and Challenges.


So here goes.

  1. Lose 50 lbs. (I’ll fit in the tiny airplane seats better, I’ll look better and I’ll feel better.)
  2. Set up a budget (my job change affected my finances so I need to start putting money aside for the extra’s that pop up.)
  3. A photo a day (keeps the camera “TOM” top of mind and will help me continue to improve my skills)
  4. Home Improvement ( the little condo just collects clutter. Time to clean it out, shampoo carpets and maybe get the bedroom painted)
  5. Plan my vacation (I know, that’s what you are all waiting for )
  6. Keep up my blog
  7. Work on friendships and personal relationships so they stay strong and healthy.

So the game plan is…

Health/ Weight Loss


  1. A before picture taken on the first day plus measurements and weight to be updated in a log monthly.
  2. Walk…weather should not be a factor. Start with 1/2 hour daily for month one and evaluate at the end of the month.
  3. Eat healthier. Cut back on carbs and increase salads and veggies and good protein.
  4. Consider buying a bike in the spring depending on progress.




  1. Open a savings account
  2. Deposit $50 per pay period toward expenses like property taxes and time share maintenance fees .
  3. Pay off the credit card. The balance snuck up over the holidays.
  4. Open a pre paid credit card through AAA for travel and vacation



  1. Take the camera on the walks for my daily photo.
  2. Upload the best of the day. At the end of the week see which photo got the most hits and save it as  the photo of the week.
  3. End of the year make a photo book “Best of 2014”
  4. Get a head start on my photo cards for the holidays.
  5. Add more Birthday and special occasion cards to the line.

More Heritage Days Cards 014a

Home Improvement


  1. Attack the clutter with a vengeance. If it hasn’t been used in 6 months, get rid of it.
  2. Have the carpets shampooed
  3. Paint the bedroom
  4. Get an cabinet or cupboard to organize my photography gear.



  1. Pick a location
  2. Plan the vacation
  3. Share the plans here so my content gets more interesting



  1. Post daily on Aroundustyroads
  2. Post my daily pictures on Dustyroadsphotos
  3. Work to keep content fresh and interesting by visiting local attractions between vacations.
  4. Increase readership over 2013. No % just an increase will make me happy. At least I know the blog is growing then.

Personal Relations, Friends and Family

  1. Work at the relationship. It won’t stay close if ignored.
  2. Stay in touch with family. Same thing, you can’t stay close if you ignore each other.
  3. Be a friend. Can’t have them unless you’re willing to be one.
  4. Lend a hand when needed even if it’s just to listen.


I think that’s enough to keep me busy for 2014.


Git ‘er Done!

It’s 2014! Just another day, but it’s not. I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again many more times. The symbolic page turn of the calendar is a clean slate, a new beginning. I can’t help but feel filled with optimism and curiosity about how this year will unfold. The only thing I know for sure is that how I handle what 2014 brings will be up to me.

So as Larry the cable guy says…Let’s Git ‘er done! 🙂

Happy New Year! 
