All is Calm

Christmas is behind us for another year. Calm has returned to the condo. I don’t even have children and it can get hectic as kitties tear into catnip mousies and wrapping paper.

But not this year!?

Christmas morning around my house was pretty quiet. My cats and I all slept in. Yup, one of their gifts to me I guess. It was  9:30 am before I woke up and not a creature was stirring unless it was a mouse. The 3 cats were still down for the count. I couldn’t believe I’d slept so late!

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I really wanted to give the cats their stockings. Yes I stuff a stocking each year. They each got a cat toy, a couple cans of specialty cat food like Fancy Feast or Blue Buffalo, some cat nip and cat treats but no one was interested.

I opened the Cat’s Meow toy only to find the dreaded words “Batteries Not Included”. Now why couldn’t they have printed that on the side of the box somewhere? I even checked last week! Maybe the CVS store is open on Christmas? I know Walmart is closed.

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I tossed out a toy mouse but only got “The Look” then the 3 cats pealed off to go find more naps. Hmmm. No interest in boxes, or wrapping or toys. That’s quite the switch for my silly boys.

Midway through the Disney Christmas parade Rocky threw up breakfast.  The other 2 cats ignored the interruption. Rocky isn’t the cat that usually throws up. Both Smokey and Buddy are  more prone to tummy issues. Smokey gets hair balls and Buddy  eats too fast sometimes. He tends to “projectile  vomit”. Both send out a volume of sick up that is amazing for their size ( and pretty yucky for me) but Rocky not so much, so I wondered what he might have gotten into.

I didn’t find any plastic or chewed up tape  so maybe he just didn’t feel good. A couple hours later after another nap he seemed back to normal.

I got a book from the cats. Shadow Woman by Linda Howard and settled in for a day of reading. I have 2 problems when I read. 1. I read too fast and the book is done too soon and 2. Once I get “into” a book it’s hard to put it down.. The two problems mean that the book was finished by early evening. Bummer. Over too soon.

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I hope everyone had a nice day too!

How much does it Cost?

Ever wonder what it would cost to give every gift from the  song, The Twelve Days of Christmas?


Every year someone manages to figure it out. This year (2013) according to PNC Wealth Management the cost breaks down as follows:

— Partridge, $15;

— Pear tree, $189.99;


— Two turtle doves, $125;

turtle dove

— Three French hens, $165;

threefrench hens

— Four calling birds (canaries), $519.96;


— Five gold rings, $750;


— Six geese a-laying, $210;


— Seven swans a-swimming, $7,000;


— Eight maids a-milking, $58;


— Nine ladies dancing (per performance), $6,294;


— 10 lords a-leaping (per performance), $4,767;


— 11 pipers piping (per performance), $2,562;


— 12 drummers drumming (per performance), $2,776;


Wow! But I don’t know about those Maids a Milking… $58.00 seems a little low even at minimum wage.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas is behind us but the Christmas Season doesn’t have to end there. I remember as a kid we always kept our tree up after the New year. I  think it was about a week. I always thought it was to get plenty of enjoyment out of the tree. It goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down the week after New Year. But it turns out there is a reason for leaving the tree up until January 6th. The 12 days of Christmas aren’t the 12 days leading up to Christmas Day, but the 12 days between December 25 and January 6!


This period is also known as Christmastide and Twelvetide. The Twelfth Day of Christmas is always on Epiphany Eve (5 January), but the Twelfth Night can either precede or follow the Twelfth Day according to which Christian tradition is followed.

England’s Boxing Day falls in this period as does Childermas or the Feast of the Innocents.


Currently, the twelve days and nights are celebrated in widely varying ways around the world. Some give gifts only on Christmas Day, some only on Twelfth Night, and some each of the twelve nights.

The custom of the 12 days is largely forgotten or ignored in the United States which is probably why I was unaware until I looked it up! After all the Saints and Feasts that are celebrated in the various branches of Christianity are done, what I got out of my research is that the 12 days are the time between the birth of Jesus and his baptism.

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So if you plan to give your sweetheart the gifts from the Song, The 12 Days of Christmas, it’s not too late. But you’ll have to hurry …     music-notes-hiOn the first day of Christmas my truelove gave to me a Partridge in a pear tree…

Linus Explains Christmas

This beautiful passage from The Charlie Brown Christmas Special always brings tears to my eyes. It’s so special, presented with such sensitivity and feeling and to think, it’s only a cartoon character. The network suits almost rejected the show because of this passage. That would have been such a shame. They were afraid to offend. They felt a religious quote was out of line. The most beautiful story of the Bible.

Charlie Brown