Rocky the Lap Cat

Rocky the Lap Cat

Rocky, retired editor cat in chief of this space, orange cat extraordinaire, was never known for being  a  lap cat. That suited me just fine because I wasn’t known for just sitting around waiting for a cat warmer. But Rocky isn’t getting any younger. He’s 18 1/2. He’ll be 19 in May. That’s old for a kitty cat. He doesn’t move around as much as he used to. I am treasuring every minute we have together. But he’s starting to be a little quirky.

Rocky’s Senior Moments

I can sympathize with Rocky when he seems to be confused. I have plenty of senior moments myself. They can be embarrassing.  You know what I mean. You are presenting in a meeting and you are just getting to your point and it’s gone- poof! The mind is blank and you’re scrambling to not look like an idiot. After that happened a couple of times I’ve learned to laugh and admit that my mind just took a brief vacation. Well Rocky is doing things like that too. He will start toward his food bowl and suddenly stop, look around, maybe lick himself then walk away. The food is totally forgotten.

He’ll attack my arm at 4 am. When I turn the light on he blinks, looks confused and gently removes his claws. I know he doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Maybe he was dreaming I was a big mouse.

Rocky’s Lap Cat moments

You’ve all heard the jokes about the pet owner who can’t move because it would disturb the pet. Well Rocky the lap cat has turned me into one of those! Rocky follows me around and meows-loudly (Maybe he’s going deaf too?) Once I sit down I don’t even have time to settle myself before he is clambering into my lap. Once there he settles in for the duration. Heaven help me if I need to go to the bathroom! I’ve learned to keep the cell phone close at hand so I don’t have to disturb him to answer the phone. Once he’s settled in he doesn’t move. His Tail doesn’t even twitch!  He’s so quiet sometimes I check to be sure he’s still breathing.

Well Loved and Loyal

Rocky has been a loyal pet and returned my love in full measure. If he acts a little strange now or wants to be held, who am I to deny him. I can delay that shopping trip or luncheon if it gives us a little more time together. I hope we have a few more years but I realize that every day is a gift when you have a senior pet.

Tiny Rocky in 2001


Summer Is flying by but where have I been?

Missing Summer

The summer is passing quickly and I’ve had nothing to share! This is so unusual. What is going on?


It’s not noteworthy

Life is still going on around me but my back and hip issues continue to worsen so my usual activities are severely curtailed. It’s enough to get through the work week. The weekends seem to be grocery shopping, laundry and resting. Throw in a weekly visit to the chiropractor and there isn’t much time left for adventures. I’m trying to get my body ready for another Hawaii trip. This one will include a trip on a Lava Boat tour. 

Lava Flows into ocean

Stock photo

Lava Boat Trip

Speaking of the Lava Boat Tour did you hear about the one that got too close to the lava and got hit by a lava bomb? One passenger broke her leg and 22 people were injured. Witnesses say the captain violated the Coast Guard’s 200 meter safety limit. Because of that incident the safety zone is now 300 meters (328 yards). At least they didn’t suspend them. Scientists say that Kilauea could continue erupting for another 2 years but I don’t want to take a chance of missing this. It’s a once in a lifetime event.

Accidents Happen

Speaking of accidents, I had the misfortune to be in one. A young lady ran a stop sign and blinking red light to run her SUV into the side of mine. My car was tied up for exactly 30 days while the body shop waited for parts. Eventually I did get me car back  good as new on the exact day that my rental allowance ran out! The police officers were super and even  gave me a ride from the accident scene to my work. 

What to do about my hip?

The hip problem is what is interfering with my posts. I just haven’t had the mobility to get out and do anything.  I may be a “senior citizen” but I’m not ready to throw in the towel. More information should be coming as I have an appointment with a knee and hip surgeon. we”ll see what he has to say and go from there. 



It’s Raining but Its not Raining Men

Its Raining Men – NOT!

Its raining and the prediction is rain for the next 10 days! I guess that even though we left April behind we didn’t escape the April Showers! The flowers, trees, grass, weeds and all the other spring things are definitely blooming. Now if the rain would just stop for a day or two…on the weekend.

What’s been happening?

Aside from the rain I’ve been working. I clocked 67 hours this past week.

I was so looking forward to doing something fun this weekend and then sharing it here but mother nature had other plans. Saturday it poured until about 2 pm. Then the sun did come out. You know that yellow thing in the sky? But where could I go with only a couple of hours? Its  Kentucky Derby Day and I love to catch that race.

I’ve been watching it for years and hate to miss it. Someday I plan to attend in person. Now that would be something to write about!

More Than Work!

Ok I did more than work. I enrolled in a class that runs 5 Thursdays in June. Its how to set up and design a blog. Maybe I’ll finally get the instruction I need to Tweak this baby! I can’t wait to start the class. And one other thing happened. I got my renewed passport back, not that I’m planning any overseas trips.

I’m still fixated on the good old USA. I also picked up a renewal of my motion sickness patch so I’m ready to get out on the ocean. Look out whales and sharks!

Captain John Boats

Speaking of chasing whales, I usually go out of Plymouth, MA with Captain John. I follow them on Facebook too. His feed has been filled with great whale sightings already this spring. Even the humpbacks have started to come back. Right whales, white-sided dolphins…I can’t wait to get back out there!

Rain, rain go away

All right mother nature. I’m all for rain. Its good for growing things but can you make it rain when I’m at work or asleep at night and give me some sunshine on the weekends? Please?



Good Morning World! I’m Baaaack!

Good Morning World!

What a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, temps are moderate, the air is fresh. It’s just a perfect spring morning and it’s Sunday. No work! (maybe) I’ve got some updates and housekeeping items to share today. There is more change on the breeze than the scent of flowers and grass.

What Is Going on with aroundustyroads? is my baby blog. I wrote my first post on September 8, 2010. I was based on Blogspot at that time. A couple of years later I migrated to WordPress. That was a pretty smooth transition but I was still new and didn’t have a lot of content. What I had can be found by clicking on the archive link in the side panel.

7 Years Later

Its been 7 years and I hope my blogging skills have grown with experience. What hasn’t changed is the look and feel of Lately I’ve been hearing more and more about successful bloggers, even meeting one, and I realized that I, we, needed to make some changes if I want to move to the next level. These successful bloggers have been at it 2-5 years. I’ve been doing this for 7 years and being left in the dust! What’s up with that!?


The  Changes in the Works

The first thing I did was move again. Like moving from Blogspot to WordPress, I moved to Bluehost to give me more adaptability. For non geeks, that’s like moving your cell service from Verizon to Sprint or from a 2 bedroom ranch to a 6 bedroom colonial. It was more painful this time so I need your help. If you are not getting email alerts, please let me know. If anything else is not working for you like it did before. Let me know that too. Enter it in the comments so we can work on getting it fixed.

New Look

While the dust settles on the move, I’m looking into upgrading our look. Take a look at one blog I found and like: Or this very successful blog . I just have to learn how to make these changes.

Drum roll Please….


A new companion blog.  No it is not replacing aroundustyroads. I can’t give up my baby but in trying to find out how to change our look, I got a new website built for me. It’s gorgeous. I haven’t started using it yet but will make my first post there in May. It will help me learn my way around a more advanced website.

One Last Change

Because of the current work load at my job. I am going to reduce my posting schedule for a couple of months. I am going to try to post 3 times per week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. When things slow down at work  I’ll kick it back up.

Tell me what you think of all this. as the saying goes, inquiring minds what to know.





Its been a Long Week


Sorry I’ve been missing posts. I’ve been worn out from work. My goal is to get back on track on Sunday. Saturday I hope (weather permitting) to explore a “waterfall trail” in New Hampshire. With all this rain they should be really full.But it won’t give me any time to write. Plus I have some news I’m really excited to share but you need some background before I do. So see you again on Sunday!

Thanks for your patience.