A Trace is still a Trace

My sister was tracing my mother’s side of the family tree and said she found a Native American in our linage.


I thought this was just great. I’ve always felt a connection to Native Americans.


Of course I started asking for more information that she just didn’t have so finally I submitted my saliva (aka spit) to Ancestry.com. It seemed to take forever. Every couple of weeks I’d get an email from them with an update…we have your sample…we’ve submitted your sample…your sample is being analyzed…Then the big day came. I got an email with the title: Great News! Your DNA results are in!.


I was so excited!

When I checked the result I felt a little like the Ancestry.com TV ad where the guy says “Growing up we were German then I submitted my DNA to Ancestry.com and found out we were Scottish. I traded my Lederhosen  for a kilt.”

My heritage breakdown was

33%  Irish


26%  Great Britain


11%  Western Europe


But where was the Native American? In fact where was Canadian? I know my maternal grandparents were French Canadian! But I really wanted the Native American bloodline.  I felt so let down. But wait, there’s a tab that says “America Trace”. I clicked it and there it was…Native American, just a trace but that’s ok.


At least I have a little bit flowing through my veins.

Its A Blizzard Out There

Yesterday an unprecedented storm struck much of the east coast reaching blizzard conditions in many areas. Washington DC, Pennsylvania and NYC reported record snow fall. As the storm progressed northward it wound it’s way through Connecticut into Southeastern Massachusetts. Falmouth, Cape Cod, Plymouth were some of the communities most hard hit but I’m happy to report that in my little corner of the world the storm was just a snow storm.


And I’m also happy to say that my condo folks were right on top of the clean up.



Not everyone was upset about the snow.


Enjoy your day everyone!


That Made My Day

Some days things just don’t get any better and then something happens that proves there are still nice people in the world. Not that I ever doubted it since I have many nice people in my life.

I had a long list of errands to run today and started out early. I wanted to get done early because I was going to take some pictures of a friend’s puppy for her. I’d taken some last weekend but poor little puppy was so tired from all the excitement around the pool that we didn’t feel we really captured his puppy cuteness, hence a do over.

Here’s a few shots from the first shoot.

DSC_1085a DSC_1144a

So today we tried again. Little Henry was certainly more lively  and we had a couple of photo bombs from big brother Jack.


But Henry still has a soulful eye roll as his signature look.






Even their cat Autumn graced us with her regal cat-ly presence.


Finally I think I got a “keeper”! It almost looks like he’s smiling.


I had a great time. It was just about time for lunch when I left so I decided to stop at Friendly’s for lunch. I was waited on by a new waitress who explained she was in training. I promised I wouldn’t bite her and we laughed. I gave my order and pulled out a book.SIL_ChocolateIceCream_Friendlys.800No one came by my table except the wait staff and I enjoyed a quiet meal. When it was time for my check the first waitress  told me it was all set. I misunderstood and said ok, bring it along. I’m ready for it. That’s when the 2nd waitress chimed in. “No, you don’t understand. Your check was paid for by another customer.”

I was flabbergasted! I’ve heard stories about kind strangers doing things like that but I never expected to have it happen to me. I looked around  to see if I recognized anyone but the restaurant was filled with strangers.

The staff finally told me that it was the man in the booth behind me (who had already left) and I should”pay it forward” which I intend do. I will start looking for that opportunity right away.

All I can say is that it was such a nice surprise. It took my nice fun day and really put it “over the top”. Thank you kind sir, and may you have many wonderful days too. You certainly made mine!


A Little Behind

Yes I missed Labor Day, the unofficial start of fall. Of course we’re in the middle of a heat wave in Boston so why worry about the end of summer!


9/11. Yes, I missed posting my thoughts on this terrible anniversary but many others posted my feelings and far more eloquently than I could. It was a work day for me just as it was 14 years ago but now the world and my life doesn’t come to a stop like it did that day. That’s not to say I forgot that terrible tragedy or that I didn’t take more than a few moments to remember. That just means that my thoughts and feelings were mine to hold close and remember quietly. There was no time to write a post here but there was time for quiet contemplation and remembrance.
