Health Update

2014 will have to go down in my personal history book as the worst heath year ever! I still haven’t kicked the shingles. They itch like crazy. To top it off I developed a pinched nerve in my left hip/ leg. It appears to be the sciatic nerve. It was bad enough that I couldn’t stand for more than 5 minutes and forget walking. Very painful.

I had my normal doctor’s appointment ans she gave me a topical ointment for the shingles but so far I don’t see any improvement. She also gave me a muscle relaxant for the pinched nerve and that has been a life saver. The only problem with that is that you can’t drive when taking it. It makes me sleepy but the label warns of dizziness. As a result I haven'[t been anywhere or done anything worth talking about.

I did have to go to a customer appreciation event for work. It was a very painful experience between the shingles and the pinched nerve. It was held at a restaurant in Harvard Square. As I was driving there I thought it was like driving in 3rd world country! Tons of bicyclists darting every which way and pedestrians that paid no attention to the lights.  I hadn’t been to Harvard Square in a long time and when I used to go I took the “T”.

I think it’s been about 3 weeks with the shingles so I hope they clear up soon! I’m ready to get back out and about!


Good bye Arthur

Hurricane Arthur swept through the region and left a lot of downed trees in its wake.

arthurThere was some flooding and if the news reports are true, a lot of boats sitting on shore now that had been moored in various harbors.

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The rain has cleared out and it is a most beautiful day. The air smells fresh and clean. the humidity is gone and there’s a beautiful gusty breeze. It’s a perfect kind of day.

And I’ve had it with being cooped up! The rash seems to finally be subsiding although I expect it’s going to take a couple more days before it’s completely gone. At least now it doesn’t feel hot to the touch and I seem to be able to button the waistband of a pair of jeans.

I started out the morning checking out a few kitchen places in the area. They were closed for the holiday weekend so then I started hitting the furniture stores. I worked my way from Bernie and Phyl’s  in Raynham to Jordan’s Furniture in Avon ending up at Bob’s Discount Furniture in Randolph/Soughton.

I thought I was just getting ideas but I was really discouraged by the time I got to “Bob’s”. I knew exactly what I wanted but no one seemed to have it. Jordan’s Furniture was so crazy expensive I couldn’t get over it. I did check their outlet  section but only found recliners, no matching love seat. They had the material and style I was looking for in the discontinued lines. I didn’t see anything at all in the main store.

Bernie and Phyl’s had an adorable recliner rocker that was so comfortable that I almost bought it on the spot but it would have never lasted in my house.



It was upholstered in a nubby fabric that would have called  “here Kitty Kitty” to my cats and I would have no one to blame but myself for bringing in such a temptation.

So by the time I reached Bob’s I was vulnerable and when I found a love seat and matching recliner in chocolate brown (love that color). I was sold.

bailey_loveseat1Plus the cost of both pieces was less that the cost of just one anywhere else! I know the argument, you get what you pay for. But my $400 couch lasted 15 years and it’s just me (and 2 cats) so I expect it will last.


Oh and did I mention it’s a “micro fiber”. Soft and easy to clean and rumor has it that cats don’t like it. It’s going to be delivered next Saturday!

Barbecue Party Fun

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In spite of the annoying trek into Boston and the difficulty getting into the event, the Phantom Gourmet’s Barbecue Party was  a lot of fun. The entrance fee at the door was only $10.00 This did not include food or drink. That would have been too much to ask.

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The crowds were manageable and I didn’t see anyone intoxicated. The Beer Garden was a great place to grab a seat and watch the crowds. A DJ had the music rockin’ and the weather was perfect.

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What seemed to be a high point was a Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. The winner gets to move on to the big contest at Coney island. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves? I couldn’t watch!

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In fact, I found that my 4 ribs from the Chicago Barbecue had me filled up completely. I wanted to try the Tennessee Barbecue.

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I’d really liked it when I was in Tennessee and I’d promised a taste of Barbecue from down under, The Aussie tent. Didn’t make that either.

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But sitting in the shade in the beer garden, listening to the music and watching the crowds was a great afternoon.

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Photo of the week ~ 25

This week’s Photo of the week had a real nautical theme. That crazy Humpback , Hancock had 3 photos in the running and his antics carried the day. Weighing in with a total of 25 points Tail Waving is the photo of the day.

Tail Waving

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