Challenge #1 ~ Plymouth Rock

Did you get it? It’s Plymouth Rock.

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The first time I went to see Plymouth Rock I was surprised to see the monument. For some reason I expected a rock possibly protected by a fence around it. I wasn’t expecting this elaborate memorial.

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Plymouth Rock located in Pilgrim Memorial State Park is  in one of the most heavily visited State Parks in the system. The big draw being the  “Rock”, the world-famous  symbol of the courage and faith of the men and women who founded the first New England Colony.

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Every year nearly one million people from all over the world come to visit the town where in 1620 Europeans first made a home in New England.

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The park is located on Water St, Plymouth , Ma.

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In 1774, Plymouth Rock split in two when a team of oxen attempted to raise it. Only the lower portion was left at the waterfront. The upper portion was moved to be displayed  in the Town Square. Souvenir seekers caused further damage so the rock was moved again to the safety of  an iron fence at Pilgrim Hall in 1834.

It had a rough trip to the museum obtaining a distinctive crack when it fell off its conveyance.

In 1859 the Pilgrim Society  acquired the other half of Plymouth Rock and in 1867  a canopy structure was completed on the waterfront to house it. In 1880 the upper chunk was united with the lower piece with cement and 1620 was carved into the rock.

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Plymouth rock made its last move to its current location in 1921 during the celebration of Plymouth’s tercentenary and a new canopy.

If you plan to visit you will find a replica of the Mayflower, the Mayflower II, anchored in the park.

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So that’s challenge #1. Tomorrow I’ll have a new one for you. 🙂 At least you know it won’t be the Mayflower!

The Saga of a Stray Cat ~ The Final Chapter

So the cat, now known as “Buddy”, is back with me. I think you knew this was coming. Maybe it was meant to be. I really don’t go looking for cats, they just find me.

The vet couldn’t find anything wrong with Buddy’s head or skin. It wasn’t  red or inflamed. There was no sign of scratches. She tested him for ring-worm…negative. It looked like someone waxed the spot on his head. She wondered if there were children in the home that might have stuck a sticky candy or gum or a lolly pop on his head and then pulled it off. It was a mystery.

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All jokes about Rogain and Hair Club for Cats aside, we really had no idea what caused the sudden hair loss.

With Buddy’s return there was no need for a re-introduction. The three cats gave greeting sniffs then scattered to do whatever cat things they were doing before I brought Buddy back.

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I remember my threat to call him “Boomer” but he seems to respond to Buddy so Buddy it is.

His hair is growing back quickly. Right now it looks like a bad comb over. Buddy always comes running when he hears the hair dryer. By putting it on low I can use it  to blow his hair aside to check his skin. So far so good.

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Another co-worker came forward and offered to take him but I told her he’d been bounced around enough. I hope she will adopt another needy kitty. Buddy seems to have settled in here with me. He’s found his Forever Home.

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He is a handsome fellow, isn’t he?

The Saga of a Stray Cat~ Chapter 4

By the time Tuesday rolled around the still nameless stray had settled into a routine with the other two cats. I was slowly adjusting to having a  cat underfoot every minute but it was time to break up this fine domestic scene and take  Tippy to his new home. I can see why fostering a homeless animal can be hard. It’s impossible not to get attached and then you have to give them up.

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It was the right thing to do. Three cats in a one bedroom apartment was a bit crowded and I was concerned about the expense. People think cats are cheap to own and at one time they were. But in today’s economy, not so much. They need health checks annually along with vacinations and then there’s the general every day maintenance of kitty litter , food and treats. Food used to be very inexpensive but now it’s hard to find canned food for under $.60/ can. With 3 cats I was going through 4 cans a day. Moose had a huge appetite. So although I was sorry to see him go I was relieved.

I dropped him off with his accumulated  “stuff” . I gave  the new owner  his rabies tag and vet records, patted him on the head one last time and prepared to leave. His new owner was thinking of calling him Mr. Tux…cute. I like that. He was busy exploring his new digs as I went out the door.

Back at work that Thursday I checked in on how “Mr. Tux was making out. I was assured it was a good match and that everyone was happy. I joked that if he came back to me again I was going to name him “Boomerang”, Boomer for short, or Re-Run. I joked because I really thought this time the re-homing would stick.

It didn’t. He lasted less time at this home than he did at his first one. On Sunday I got a  call to come get him because his hair was falling out. Not shedding, he was getting bald!? His new owner was sure he was sick but I had my doubts. My vet had checked him out and I trust her. She ran all the blood tests and since he was boarded over night they even got a stool sample and checked it for parasites. All came back negative. There had to be something else going on.

I couldn’t go right away because I was at work until 8PM so I promised to come by on Monday. When I got there Mr. Tux’s things were all packed up by the door for me and sure enough , he had a bald spot!

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I said “Hey Buddy, What’s up with you?” and he came running! That was the first time he had responded to anything I’d called him! I picked him up and was rewarded with little “Kitty Kisses” on my ear. I guess he did miss me.

Back in the car went his things. I called the vet and off we went to get his head examined. Literally! Depending on the result it was likely that he was baaaaack!