The Saga of a Stray Cat~ Chapter 3

I wish I’d had another day off to supervise the trio  but first thing in the morning I had to go to work. I was pleased to see that all 3 cats had survived the night with no blood-shed. The cats were still wary of each other so I placed the breakfast food bowls in 3 different places.  While they were eating I headed into the bathroom for my morning shower.

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Imagine my surprise when I went to step out of the shower only to have all 3 cats sitting there waiting! My bathroom is tiny! But at least they were all together with no evil looks or sounds.

With my heart in my throat I headed off to work. It would be about 12 hours before I’d get back. A lot can happen in 12 hours.

While at work I was telling my co workers about the new addition. He didn’t seem to like the name Mittens or Tippy so I’d tried 007 (his coat is a tuxedo  pattern), James Bond, Moose (because he’s so big and  he’s clumsy), Bulwinkle (to go with Rocky) but so far nothing seemed to stick. My most recent attempt was “Puss” short for “Puss in Boots” because of the effect his plaintive little meow had seemed to have on the other cats as well as me.


One of the girls really perked up as I was telling my story and asked if I really wanted to keep him.

I told her I’d consider letting him go to a good home. She immediately called her mother who had been looking for a cat. Her mother jumped at the chance to give an adult cat at home. The only drawback was that I couldn’t take him over until Monday or Tuesday  of the next week. This was only Thursday.

Meanwhile at home the bonding was continuing.

As I drove home I had mixed feelings. I really don’t want or need a 3rd cat. Especially one the vet estimates is only 5 years old. At the same time he was fitting in pretty quickly with my other  two. I was not sure what I’d find when I  got home. The closer I got the more my imagination ran wild and not with good scenarios.

Finally …Home…I unlocked my front door and 3 streaks of fur came flying out. Previously only Rocky ran out. It was a game for him. He’d run out and I’d go pick him up and carry him back but tonight  all 3 came flying out, even Smokey! The “Puss”ran down the stairs to the laundry room, Rocky headed for the front entrance and Smokey got to the stairs and froze not sure where to go or who to follow!

I snagged Smokey first and tossed him back through the doorway.

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Rocky was next and I closed the door.


Then at the bottom of the stairs I saw Tippy/ Puss/ Mittens waiting as if to say “Are you coming to get me?”  What have I gotten myself into!!!

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Dinner time was anti-climatic after that homecoming.  Rocky and  Tippy wound around my legs while I opened cans of food. Smokey kept his distance so I let Rocky and Tippy eat side by side and set Smokey’s food bowl a little apart. After dinner they each came over for head rubs and pets before taking up their “spots”, Tippy at the top of the cat tree, Rocky under his heat lamp and Smokey on the couch next to me.

It was like Tippy had been here forever.

The Saga of a Stray Cat~ Chapter 2

If you’ve been following my blog here you’ve seen my cruise ship adventures and my escapades in the Everglades so you know the plight of the black and white stray was not  “top of mind” for me. But occasionally I did wonder how he was settling in.

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Once I got back home and unpacked I reached out to my friend for an update. She said she and Mittens were doing fine regaling me with the way he sat next to her or at her feet or helped her type on her keyboard.  That she hadn’t yet taken him in for a check up was my only concern. It was time for life to begin to get back to normal… for another week.

Just about a week later, out of the blue I got an urgent message from my friend that she couldn’t keep  “Mittens” any longer.  I was  shocked. The reports had been so positive! She had discovered she was very allergic to him.

We met up half way between her place and mine and  I transferred Mr. Mittens and all his stuff to my car. In the approximately 3 weeks my friend had been a cat mother  Mittens had accumulated a cat bed, a scratching post,  a scratching mat, a covered litter box, cat food, grooming brushes, catnip and so on. Clearly Mittens would have been one spoiled kitty if he has stayed there. My car was full!

But Mr. La Chat was not going home with me…not yet…he needed a clean bill of health before I could  let him mingle with my “boys” so off to the vet we went. He was confirmed as a “He”, a neutered male, and was disease and parisite free. He was good to go home to meet his new family.

But first I had to figure out how to do a slow introduction. I boarded him overnight while I searched for a training crate to keep him in until I could get everyone accustomed to each other. I was determined to avoid the cat fights I’d had when Smokey was introduced to Little Joe.

My dog owner friends came through with a large kennel. So now as well as cat trees and scratching posts I had a huge dog crate in my living room. I was beginning to feel like I belonged on that TV program about the hoarders or Buried Alive or whatever it’s called.

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The vet gave Mittens , now known as Tippy (for the white tip on his tail) a clean bill of health so home we went and into the crate. Tippy could peek out and Rocky and Smokey could peek in. They could hiss and sniff but they couldn’t hurt each other.

Tippy is a big cat almost 2 lbs heavier than either Rocky or Smokey but he has this tiny, little meow. It is such a sad sounding meow. After a little while in the crate that plaintive sound began . Shortly after that the hissing stopped. Everyone just sat staring at each other.

After about 4 hours of this I couldn’t take it any more. It was my lunchtime so I opened a can of tuna and drained the fish flavored water off into 3 cat bowls. I let Tippy out and put all 3 bowls in a row. Success! What self-respecting cat can resist tuna fish! The first hurdle was over.

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I let Tippy stay out for the rest of the afternoon with close supervision. Smokey liked to walk by Tippy and hiss his displeasure. Tippy would jump like he was startled but there was no fight. Rocky was more accepting finding he had a playmate in this big stranger. I  let all of them mingle when I went to bed. I figured if they started fighting it would be hard not to hear them.

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This was going better than I expected!

To be continued…….

The Saga of a Stray Cat~ Chapter 1

Two’s company and three’s a crowd except when watching  re-runs of My Three Sons or Three’s Company, classic 70’s comedy. In any case I’m about to find out if it’s true.

It’ s not as if I haven’t had the pleasure of being owned by 3 cats before. I have.  When Rocky was a kitten I had a Persian named Little Joe.

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Although he was a purebred he was  still a rescue. Long story. Smokey came along because Rocky was just a bundle of energy and too much for Little Joe to cope with.


I rescued Smokey as a companion for Rocky and from that day until Little Joe passed on there was a war zone between Smokey and Little Joe. (Sigh)


After Little Joe passed over the Rainbow Bridge there were just the  2 and it’s been that way for a long time, 8-10 years.

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Rocky is no longer a kitten at 13 and Smokey has moved into old age at 15. As much as I love my furry companions I admit I was looking forward to the day when I could travel without getting a pet sitter (expensive) or getting a new outfit and not having cat hair on it before I got out the door the first time. Even  having a living room for people instead of filled with cat trees. But alas, it  seems not to be.

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The night before I left  for Florida I got home around 9 pm to find a black and white cat sitting on my door mat for all the world like he belonged there. I’d seen the cat in the parking lot for a couple of days and it bee lined for me each time. Now, on the coldest night of this winter, someone had let him into the common area of the condo and he’s made himself at home at my door. What would I do!? I had a plane to catch in the morning so I couldn ‘t leave a “stranger cat” with my 2 and it was too cold to toss the poor thing outside.

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I took a picture and posted my dilemma on Facebook. Almost immediately I had a response from a friend who wanted a cat and, wonder of wonders, she was willing to come get him right away!

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She arrived at my place late or maybe I should say early. It was after 1 am. That’s dedication to come after him at that time of night!  I helped her pack him up and  off I went to Cozumel with a happy heart.

I was proud that I’d done a good thing and the pretty kitty had a good home. Or so I thought.

To be continued……

Final Hours in Fort Lauderdale

My  Mexico cruise/ Fort Lauderdale adventure is winding down. I have one last thing to squeeze in and that is a visit to family.

I met my cousin at Lester’s Diner in Fort Lauderdale where we enjoyed a real good old-fashioned breakfast of pancakes and bacon. The diner is like a blast from the past, an authentic 50′s style restaurant and home to the infamous 14oz coffee cup. This signature landmark has been a family owned and operated business in South Florida for over 43 years.

My cousin told me she used to work there and met her husband there.  Another old-fashioned touch. She was a waitress, he was a trucker. Sounds like the basis for a romantic movie. 🙂

 My cousin is the outgoing one and she seemed to know everyone as we made out way to our booth.

After breakfast we headed to my aunt’s home which turned out to be literally around the corner from the Diner and after a short visit there we went on to the airport also  just “around the corner.”

That should have been the end of the story. Drop off rental car, get on plane , arrive home but it turned out it wasn’t quite that easy. I dropped off the rental and grabbed the shuttle to the terminal. I checked my bags curbside and headed into the security line. It was huge. As I stood there looking around I realized I didn’t have my coat! It was still in the rental car. I tried calling the lost and found but kept getting lost in the IVR prompts so back to the shuttle to reverse my previous trip.

At the Hertz counter they directed me to lost & found and there was my coat. Yay! Now back on the shuttle again  to the terminal and back on the line. It hadn’t moved much. I was in the same place as when I left. Slowly , very slowly the line began to creep forward.

In the Fort Lauderdale airport the security is on a slightly lower level from the check in counters. As the line crept forward I eventually reach a point where there was a ramp that led down to the TSA agent and security scanners. I wish the TSA had allowed pictures because at that point I could look out over all the travelers and it was a wall to wall sea of people all jostling and pushing for position! It was an amazing sight and I had lots of time to watch as I waited for my line to move forward again.

Once at the scanners the routine was the same…shoes off, lap top out of the luggage, walk through scanner, retrieve, put shoes back on and find the gate. Whew! from the time I got back on line the 2nd time until I made it to my gate it was over 1 hour! So glad I went early. My cousin had suggested I chat a little longer saying I’d be through security in 10 minutes.  Maybe if I was on an early flight but  apparently not if you are flying mid-day!

The rest of my flights were uneventful. I offered to be “bumped” in exchange for a $400 voucher but I would have to fly out the next day, not just a later flight on the same day so I passed it up.

My flight finally landed around 8:30 pm amid snow and sleet. The parking valet had my car warmed up and cleaned off when I got off the shuttle. The drive home was not too bad in spite of the weather and there they were. 2 little furry faces meeting me at the door.

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I love travel but I love coming home too.

March Blizzard 2013

Oh it was tempting to skip work today but I am getting close to the end of my employment. With that deadline looming  I dragged myself out the door about 9 AM. Here’s what greeted me.

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The tree by the front door

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The decorative bench on the front lawn. Pretty clear we have a bit of accumulation.

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Along Rt 44 trees weighed down and other snowy vistas

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Christmas tree anyone?

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Can you believe it was still snowing? This isn’t Alaska. It’s Southern Massachusetts!

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It’s supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow! Talk about weather extremes.

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But my favorite…Here come the plows.

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I got this picture of the west bound plow by holding the camera out the car  window as I drove eastbound.