Irene, The Aftermath

Taunton MA had it easy. A few down trees and some short-lived power outages. My lights, cable, phone, and internet were all up and running most of Sunday even during the height of the storm. No food spoiling in the fridge or defrosting in the freezer.

My gas and hot and cold running water were uninterrupted. I am very, very lucky.

Parts of Massachusetts are still without electricity 3 days after the storm. Some people are even being told that service won’t be restored until possibly the weekend. None of the other utility  services (cable, internet and VOIP phones)  can come back online until the electricity is back on. National Grid says they have crews helping from as far away as Colorado. Funny thing, nobody has seen them. I saw 1 National grid truck today ( Wednesday) and I drove from Taunton to Plymouth then explored the Plymouth waterfront before driving to Hingham. That drive took me through multiple communities.

But I’m sure all the football fans will be relieved that Foxboro Stadium, Home of The New England Patriots has their power back so the game can go on, even if you can’t watch it because your power is off so your TV won’t work.

I drove around a little on Monday too just to see what I could  see. I traveled through Easton, Brockton and Raynham., areas that I know were hard hit and without power.  No National Grid trucks in sight on Monday.

Work was testament to the areas hit hardest. Over and over the technicians went to calls of down wires and out of service customers only to find live electrical lines lying on the ground. There was nothing they could do. We have to wait for the electric company.

Remember the old TV show “Car 54 where are you?”  I think the title of this show is “National Grid , Where are you?” I can’t help wondering what it would be like if the storm had blown in with the power that was originally predicted.

There’s still a few more days for voting in the NH dream Vacation Photo Contest. Remember you can vote once per day. Thank you! 🙂

Seals and more beach, Chatham Ma

We had a great lunch on the patio at the Kreme and Cone in Chatham, MA. Over fish and clams, shrimp and  onion rings we planned the afternoon. It was going on 2:30 pm by then anyway. The kids wanted to go to the Zooquarium in Yarmouth but they also wanted to see the seals. Since we were right there in Chatham we adults made an executive decision to go to the Fish Pier and see the seals.

We had great timing because the fishing boats were coming in with their catch. When we first got there a boat was off-loading lobster. Another boat had dogfish. Alex loved watching the unloading process.

The seagulls were swooping and there were 3- 4 seals that kept diving and swimming around the boats.

The nice thing about the Fish Pier is that a 2nd floor wrap around deck with a railing gives spectators an awesome place to watch the whole process. There’s a takeout seafood restaurant and a couple of picnic tables too as well as a decent restroom. Parking is a challenge. The parking lot is very tiny and always packed. Once you park you walk down to the pier.

The activity here held the kids attention much longer than I expected and we had a great time. When it was time to leave the kids made one last request. They wanted to walk the beach to look for shells. So it was back to the car for their buckets and flip-flops so they could wade in the water.

It was really neat. The little beach combers were very cute. A couple of the seals came around the dock and played in the water just off shore. This is the inner harbor and there hasn’t been any problem with sharks this far into the harbor but even so Nancy & I went on high alert to keep an eye out. Better safe than sorry.

We wrapped up the day by stopping for soft ice cream at the Seafood Shanty in Bourne. While we were eating our ice cream at the Herring Run recreation area across the road a huge barge passed us and traveled under the Sagamore bridge. It was just nearing sundown and it was easy to see why these are considered the golden hours for taking pictures.

The Sagamore bridge seemed to glow a burnished gold. It was the frosting on the cake. I had a great day and I think the kids had fun too. Next time we’ll have to get to the Zooquarium.


Don’t forget to vote :

Massachusetts Urban “wildlife”

My day trips have been cut a bit short because one of my kitties may be sick. I say “may be” because there are a bunch of subtle signs which may or may not mean anything.  Like me, they are getting older and a bit more “creaky”. Complicating the puzzle is that I don’t know which kitty is having the issues. They are both acting pretty normal so this has prompted a visit to the vet and blood panels. Not cheap.

Editor in Chief

Rocky, our Editor- in- chief, went first. I should have preliminary results in a day or two.

Then it will be Smokey’s turn. Smokey is actually the older of the 2 cats so statistically , he should be having age related issues before Rocky but who knows. We all age differently.


So between worrying about the “boys” and finding myself cash poor from the vet bills, I haven’t been able to explore too far from home.

But even with those restrictions I still managed to run across a bit of urban wildlife.  Last year I watched a Ground hog all summer as it nibbled the grass right next to busy route 44.

I saw it a couple of time this summer but not as often as before…until today. I think I know why it hasn’t been quite so prominent. It has a family. Today there were 3 of them. One larger one and 2 smaller ones.

I’d tried to photograph them before but they seemed more skittish this year  than last so I tried something different today. I parked across the road in the Wendy’s parking lot and tried to time the pictures between the passing cars.

The bigger one has a much darker face and head. It’s a big one!

Something scared them off before I got the camera set up but I waiting around and pretty soon 2 of them came back out. Clearly the traffic doesn’t bother them.

 I didn’t see the third one again.

Winslow Animal Sanctuary

Before I get into today’s post I want to remind everyone that I really need your help deciding which photo to submit to the Cog Railway’s photo contest. I can only send in one and I couldn’t make up my mind. I’m hoping you can help with that. So after you read today’s post, please take a minute to go back to yesterday’s and vote. Thank you!

Winslow Animal Sanctuary

 Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary is located at 37 Eddy St, Norton , Ma. The farm is a non-profit that cares for abused and neglected animals.

There are many cats, a couple of dogs, swans, geese , ducks, goats, horses, mules, alpacas, at least one peacock and a turkey that avoided the  Thanksgiving dinner table. We can’t forget the pigs and sheep and chickens either. Plus I saw a rabbit and doves too.

The farm is a forever home sanctuary. Animals that come here are guaranteed a home for the rest of their lives.

 The animals are lovingly cared for by a team of volunteers. Many of the animals come to the sanctuary after being abused by their former owners and need to learn to trust again.

It is a testament to the caring and hard work being done by the volunteers that all of the animals I encountered in my visit were friendly and even affectionate to me, a stranger.

It’s hard to believe that such trusting creatures could have been abused and still retain faith in humans.

Winslow Farm was established in 1996 as a home for abused animals.

 It opened it doors to the public in 1997 as an animal farm to give the public a chance to interact with the animals. The farm hopes to educate the public on the plight of abused and neglected  animals as well as teach about general animal care.

 It’s also a chance for the animals to learn that there are “good” humans too.

I really enjoyed my visit there and know for sure I’ll be going back often.

 I love all animals but the ones that seemed to seek me out were the cats. They were all so sweet and cuddly.

 Maybe they sensed I have  two cats of my own. I don’t know but they are wonderful.

  With over 200 animals to care for I am sure that my paltry admission fee of only $7.00 is much-needed.

 In addition, the farm offers a AAA discount taking a dollar off that minimal fee. I think my next visit I’ll keep the AAA card in my pocket. Let the farm have the extra  dollar.

The farm is available for parties and events.

 They also appreciate donations. With all the charities looking for support today it’s hard to figure out which ones are  deserving. Well, I think I’m going to throw some of my support here.

It’s a little operation that can easily fall through the cracks and they are doing good work.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I should let the pictures tell the story.

The official website is

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Really Federal Reserve? Really?

I was sitting here reviewing my finances for the week, it’s always a little bit tight on the week before payday, with the local news station on the TV in the background. I was trying to ignore it but I wanted to hear the weather.

As I muttered to myself about living paycheck to paycheck or as this week was looking, not enough to make it  paycheck to paycheck, a segment on finances came on. A listener asked what to do about a CD that was about to mature since the banks were only paying about 1% interest on savings and not much more to roll it into another CD. The part that got me was the analyst said there was no inflation.

Really? Who figures this out? How do you figure it out? I know I said I don’t usually share political opinions but that really irritated me. The analyst went onto say that the “only thing up was gas prices” so there was no inflation. She concluded that if there was any inflation then interest rates would be up too.

I was under the impression that interest rates were being kept low to try to stimulate the economy. Maybe I was wrong. I don’t follow this stuff that closely.

Ok I agree gas prices are really eating through my budget but has the analyst been to a grocery store lately? Maybe the price of a box of cereal hasn’t gone up but has anyone noticed that the size of that box of Froot Loops has shrunk? So you are paying the same price just for a smaller size.

I know the cost of eggs and milk are on the rise and last week it was $1.19 for a small head of iceberg lettuce. A couple of years ago a head of lettuce like that would have cost somewhere between $.39 & $.59 depending on how far into the summer we were. You paid $.99 in the winter. Cucumbers…not that long ago you could get 2 cucumbers for $1.00. Now you get 1 for the same $1.00.

I checked the pantry and prices on canned soup… Chicken noodle soup …in a can..$1.59! I must have been out of my mind to buy that. These aren’t from specialty stores. This is the chain supermarkets in my area, southern Massachusetts.

No inflation indeed!

But back to gas and car expenses. The company I work for moved our office 25 miles from its old location. They did that 2-3 years ago when the recession was just getting underway. It was business needs. Some people got let go and the rest of use were told we had to make the commute or leave. I can understand the need to relocate to contain expenses but, and here’s the big but, by relocating an entire office like that , to a location with no public transportation , they put a financial hardship on a lot of their employees because  of the gas prices to commute and the wear and tear on the vehicles…not to mention what it’s doing to the carbon footprint!

I know co-workers who constantly overdraw their bank accounts or borrow money from friends just to put enough gas in the car to get to work. I know other co-workers who don’t have the money for gas so they call out sick until payday.

In my case I’m sitting here afraid to go anyway or use any gas because my car is slowly breaking down and it’s 4 more days to payday. There’s been another repair almost every week for the last 6 weeks or so. Those repairs have me tapped out.It’s all small stuff but it takes its toll.  I have to hang onto what cash I have left because I will need gas to get to work. I count my blessings…at least I have a little money for gas unlike others I know.

But that isn’t the point. It’s just the evidence to support my point. And that point is that you cannot have high gas prices and not have inflation and hardship. Gas prices affect everything. The electric company tacks on a fuel charge. Airlines and cruise ships are adding fuel surcharges to their tickets thereby hurting the travel industry. The prices of your groceries go up, because of the cost to bring them to market or for the farmers to get gas for their tractors.

But this analyst, who I’m sure gets her info from the Fed’s, can sit on TV and say there’s no inflation. NO INFLATION!

In another news flash they were discussing the budget negotiations going on right now in Washington D.C. That analyst said that if the government defaults on any of its debt that it will cause chaos in the world’s financial market and …this is what got me…”throw us back into a recession.” Well, I didn’t know we were out of the recession. Last I heard unemployment was still high,  jobs that exist aren’t secure and I haven’t seen many new jobs being created. The housing market is still depressed and the most recent article I read on that puts the recover over 10 years away.

It makes me wonder…am I the one who is out of touch or is it the people running the country. Oh and by the way, anyone want to bet that rather than cut special interest items to balance the national budget that in the end they will raise the debt ceiling again? Wish I could run my household that way.

I’m just shaking my head.

For those of us who struggle along every day there’s one more financial insult…since we’re on the subject and that’s the banks.

I have a savings account or perhaps I should say “had” a savings account that is attached to an active checking account at a semi local back. I say semi local because it’s not really close to me anymore. I kept the account to use for online banking and to separate my housing expenses from my  everyday expenses. I kept a small balance in the savings part in hopes that someday I’d be able to fill it up. After all, there was a time when I had money in a savings account and money left over after the bills were paid. I keep hanging on to the belief that it can be that way again.  Ha Ha, Hope springs eternal.

Anyway I opened my statement only to see that the bank had charged me a $3.00 inactivity fee. When I questioned them can you guess what their answer was?

(Wait for it…..) Everybody else does it.

WHAT! Every body else does it? When I was growing up if I said that to my parents they’d say If everybody else jumped off a bridge would you do it? In other words that doesn’t make it right. All an inactivity fee does is punish those of us that are struggling to make ends meet. If we had the money to add to the account  it wouldn’t be inactive. So now you are going to take money from an account of someone who clearly can’t afford to have that money taken away? And if it’s inactive where’s it costing  the bank $3.00/ mo? Seems to me it would make more sense to charge an activity fee or a fee if you use a teller instead of an ATM. I think it’s a sneaky fee. I wonder how many people don’t bother to look at their savings statement because they  know they don’t have anything in  there? Easy money for the banks.

Well, no more inactivity fees from me. I closed that account and I’m thinking of closing the checking account as well. They weren’t paying any interest so I might as well keep my minimal amount of money under a mattress.

Ok, so now you see why I normally keep my mouth shut about these things, at least in these pages. I want to keep aroundustyroads as a happy place so forgive me for breaking my own rules. That news spot really got me going. I shut the TV off. When I get indignant I go off on a rant. But does anyone else see my point? Or am I just “off the wall”?

I promise not to do this again for at least another 6 months! 🙂 I need to get myself back to a “happy spot”.  I think I’ll go take some pictures in the bird sanctuary and “chill out”… Let my blood pressure return to normal. We’ll be back to fun stuff next post. I can share my upcoming vacation plans with you. (Another reason I’m fretting over money but that’s another story) Thanks for letting me vent.