Black Cat Appreciation Day

Black Cat Appreciation Day

OOPS! Yesterday, August 17 was Black Cat Appreciation Day and I missed it! How could I let Balboa down like that? He’s the best little black cat! Why is he so special you ask? Because he makes me feel special. You know the old what goes around comes around thing?

Balboa photo credit Deb Neumann



Black Cats are Special

I’ve had black cats all my life. We’ve had some really special connections too. Like when my black cat , Shadow, went missing at my folks house in upstate NY. My mother didn’t believe in kitty littler. Cats belonged outside to do their business so she put poor Shadow outdoors. Anyway, when it came time for me to leave to go back to Boston, no Shadow. I waited as long as I could but finally I had to give up and head home. My folks promised to keep an eye out for Shadow if she returned.

Balboa on his Cat Tree Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Every few days I’d call to check in. No sign of her. My Dad insisted she must be dead but I didn’t believe that.

Balboa loves Boxes

After about 6 weeks I got the chance to come back for a visit. As I drove into the yard at my folks my Mom was outside waiting. There was Shadow at her feet. My Mom said 15 minutes before I arrived Shadow came home. 

My Balboa


Balboa isn’t like Shadow at all. Nope, he’s a “fraidy” cat. After 4 years he’s still shy with strangers but he is the most loving little cuddlebug to me. He’s always in my lap or following me around. When the housekeeper is here he sits right next to me until she leaves. He sleeps with me at night. He’s very much a “Velcro” kitty. 

House Panther, Balboa


Black Cats Are Special

I could go on with tales about Buddy who walked on a leash, or Little Joe my Persian or any of my other black & tuxedo cats I’ve had over the years buy yesterday was for them all. Mini house panthers every one!

Buddy, RIP

Happy Birthday Balboa!

Happy Birthday

Its Balboa’s birthday! Sometimes its hard to believe that the “annoying little brother” has survived that long. He is always picking at Big Brother.  Banner. I have to say that Banner is pretty patient usually. Once Banner gets sick of it he does put Balboa in his place .

Photo credit Deb Neumann

My favorite thing is when they race back and forth through the apartment chasing each other.  Its usually right after they have breakfast in the morning. First they run to the bedroom. Maybe Banner leading and Balboa chasing but seconds later they come racing back but then the positions have changed and Balboa will be leading and Banner chasing. Over the couch , up the cat tree , across the mantel they go.  It doesn’t last long but its hilarious while it does.


The Birthday Boy

May be an image of cat and text

Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Balboa has grown into a beautiful House Panther.  He’s still very skittish even though he has been through a bathroom remodel, HVAC  replacement and lots of housekeepers so having strangers in the unit isn’t unusual. Still I am afraid we’ll have to drug him for his physical this year. 

His favorite hiding place is behind the headboard of the bed. You definitely can’t get to him there. My neighbor’s dogs got into the apartment the other day when the door didn’t lock behind me. That time Banner beat Balboa to the headboard so Balboa settled for the tub! 

Sir Talks A lot

Balboa is still the “talker” He makes his demands known-loudly! But he is also the cuddlebug of the family.  He likes to sleep with me and sit on my lap whenever he gets the chance. 

Photo credit Deb Neumann

Quite the Pair

So now that Balboa has turned 4 years old he’s caught up to big brother Banner. They are quite the pair. They fill my day with their antics. It’s hard to believe it been 4 years. Time flies

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Banner & Balboa credit Deb Neumann




May be an image of cat

Photo Credit Deb Neumann




Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Happy Birthday Balboa

Love you even when you are being the “ALB” (annoying little brother !)

Banner’s Big Adventure

Banner’s Big Adventure

Everyone has Big Adventures. Remember Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure? And there’s Thomas the Tank Engine. There’s a whole series of books about those adventures.  We mustn’t forget Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure . So why shouldn’t Banner have an adventure too?

Escape Artist

Everyone knows Banner is the World’s Greatest Escape Artist. Houdini had nothing on him. If the door is opened even a crack he’s out! Through your legs, through the door, Tail in the air he heads for Freedom.  Then he makes friends with anyone standing in the hall. All my neighbors know him. He even met Bella, one of the neighborhood dogs. A big dog.  That cured his escapes for about a month. 

Locked Outside

Anyway back to this BIG ADVENTURE. 

I was working. I have a part time job  as a Door Dasher. I try to put in a couple of hours every weekday. I save weekends for when the week has been slow and I need to make a little more. If I’ve met my self imposed quota for the week I get the weekend off. Anyway, I was “Dashing” and not at home when my longtime housekeeper came to save me from being overwhelmed by cat hair. Mainly Banner’s. With this over the top heat he’s been shedding like crazy even though I brush him everyday. She’s been helping me out for 4 years since I freely admit I’m not the best housekeeper in the world. 

So she was in my apartment on her own. She’s heard me say every time she comes by “Don’t let the Cat out.” ” Watch out for Banner He likes to escape.” But clearly she never “heard” me. Somehow She let Banner out. Not sure if he got out when she came in or when she left. All I know is that when I got home Balboa was there but no Banner.  I’d just finished searching the apartment when I heard a faint MEOW.

Welcome Back, Banner

I stood very still and listened. The meows were coming from the front door. So I opened it and there the little miscreate was. As soon as the door opened he shot inside. I don’t know where he was hiding because he wasn’t  in the hall when I came home. My upstairs neighbor was just coming in the outside door and said he was wondering if that was my cat.  I’ll have to ask him if he let Banner in from the great outdoors or if Banner was just in the hall when he came in. In any case I hope Banner has learned his lesson, at least for the next month or two.  

Banner is 4 Years old today

Banner’s Birthday

It’s hard to believe its Banner’s Birthday and he is  4 years old today! Those 4 years went by so fast. He was such a cute little thing when I brought him home. Now he’s a big fluffy orange tiger cat. Yes, he has the orange cat single brain cell. He makes me laugh most of the time. He’s also a catnip addict. 

Banner Photo credit Deb Neumann

Banner Was So Tiny

When I first brought Banner home he was so tiny and cute. I had no idea he would turn into such a giant Floof ball.  His picture popped up in my Facebook feed. I wasn’t looking for a new cat but he was just so cute. His adoption was handled through Project Safe Pet

First Day- Photo Deb Neumann

Banner- Photo credit Deb Neumann

Banner Really Grew Fast

After a couple of months I worried that Banner would be lonesome if I went back to work in an office when COVID passed so I got him a little friend.  Balboa was only a couple of months younger but look at the size difference! Banner was already a big boy!

Banner and his little friend

Balboa is so small next to Banner he looks like a little mouse.

Time flies

Banner soon fluffed out into his grown up cat fur.  Don’t you think he’s a beautiful boy?

Photo credit Deb Neumann

And He just Keeps Growing!

Photo Credit Deb Neumann

The Orange Cat Single Braincell in Action

Banner is sure that he is hidden in the box. 

Can you see me now?


photo Deb Neumann

photo credit Deb Neumann

Did I mention that his favorite trick is to steal my fitbit off the charger every morning. Sometimes I catch him and sometimes it turns into a search for the fitbit.  He hides it well!

More Floof

How can you not love something so fluffy. Yea he gets brushed every day and he’s quite the DIVA about it. He has his own brush and comb and expects me to groom him even before I can get myself ready in the morning.

Happy Anniversary to me

Happy Anniversary

Today is the 1 year anniversary of the day that turned my life upside down. Yup I was laid off from Redfin 1 year ago today. It’s not as if I’d never been laid off before but I’d never been laid off when I was 70+ years old. I just didn’t have it in me to start over again. so I’m trying out retirement. Evan after  a year I’m not sure it suits me. I still wake up in the morning feeling guilty because I’m not rushing around to get ready for work.  I worry about paying the bills.  Social Security doesn’t go that far and my Redfin investments are still in the tank.  I got a nice severance package and I’ve been using that to make up any shortfalls but it can’t go on forever.


Medtronic, Halyard Health's Corpak to lay off 266 in Illinois - MassDevice


Typical Day since Layoff

I’m trying to live the frugal life since the layoff. No spontaneous shopping trips. Minimal take out or restaurant meals. I stopped taking road trips to save on gas.  One  big thing I did was restrict my time ordering kindle books. Since I like series I made it a rule that I had to re-read all the books in a series before I could add a new one.  I’m working on the Stephanie Plumb series now. I’m currently on book 12 but the new book is #30 so I have a way to go. 

I also dropped cable and just have streaming now. That saved me $100/ mo. I’m debating if I want to downgrade the streaming service. I have “Live TV” but the price just went up and I only watch a couple of channels. If I’m patient eventually the new programing will be added to my streaming service.


The Frugal Lifestyle - Blog



My cats are a constant source of entertainment.  Just last night Banner was trying to stuff his fluffy body into a paper grocery bag, The whole side ripped out. Balboa was quite interested in watching this and when Banner got out of the remains of the bag Balboa was there to try to get in.  Banner immediately lifted his paw and bopped Balboa on the head- no claws, no rough housing just  “BOP!” It was such a surprise and so deliberate. It just cracked me up. Surprised Balboa too. 



Banner Photo credit Deb Neumann



Balboa photo credit Deb Neumann


If I could just shake the feeling that I should be working I think I’d like retirement.  I don’t mind relaxing and reading or playing on the computer. I’m not bored yet. I guess as long as the money holds out I’ll keep up the routine. I wish I could think of something to do on my own time to make money. A side hustle so to speak.  If I get bored or get itchy feet and want to travel again I can look for a part time job to support my habit.