Tale of the Lost Keys

Tale of the Lost Keys

I lost my car keys this week. That’s pretty hard for me to do. We are creatures of habit and I have carefully developed a habit for my keys over many years. I have a large wooden key rack with hooks mounted on the wall and the first thing I do when I come in is hang my keys on the hook. So how could I lose them? 

Tale of the Lost Keys

The Search Begins

At first I wasn’t too worried. After all I knew when I had them last and I live alone so no one could have borrowed them. My car beeps at me if I forget them in the car but I checked it anyway. No keys. When I had them last I was bringing in groceries. Maybe with my hands full I dropped them on the table or the floor. Nope, nothing there. I moved on to my pockets, pocket book and the canvas bag the groceries had been in- Nada.  I remembered I stopped at the mail box to pick up my mail. Did I leave them at the mail box? I checked. Not there either. Now I was perplexed. Where could those keys be? I decided to put the search on the back burner for now and use the spare set. I was sure they would turn up.


Day 2 of the Search for the Keys

On Day 2 I repeated my original search and added in the clothes hamper in case I left them in a pocket of my pants which I’d tossed in the hamper. Good idea but still came up empty.  I checked under all of the sofa and chair cushions. Nothing but spare change and crumbs there. At least it gave me a chance to clean out the crumbs. I was running out of places to look. Then it hit me. Could one of the cats have taken my keys as a toy? That must be it so I started searching under every piece of furniture including the fridge in the kitchen. I found lots of cat toys but no keys.

Tale of the Lost Keys

In Search Of  the Keys Day 3

I was truly stumped now. The cats were having a field day playing with all the toys that had come to light. I repeated my search from top to bottom with no success. Reluctantly I decided I’d have to order a replacement. I called the dealership to get the ball rolling. I thought I had been told a replacement was around $50.00. This is true but there is also a charge to program the key and another charge for losing it All together it was going to cost me $181.00 to replace that stupid car key/remote. As I sat at my desk contemplating the cost of my carelessness Banner came running in from the bedroom with Balboa hot on his tail and dangling from Banner’s mouth was my key chain and the missing key fob. I should have known!

Tale of the Lost Keys

The Tale of the Lost Keys-Found

Although Balboa is the kitty that usually carries toys around and likes to play fetch Banner has an attraction for more mechanical things. Every morning he tries to steal my Fitbit watch off the charger. It’s a game with him and he has the fastest paw in the east! The keys must have had the same attraction. I can only guess that when I set the groceries down I dropped the keys and before I missed them Banner had them and stashed them somewhere. I am just glad he brought them back before I spent $181.00 for a replacement I didn’t need.

Another Belated Birthday

A belated Birthday for Balboa

He arrived at my home  November 19, 2020. He was so tiny. Banner looked enormous next to him. He was 13 weeks and 6 days old adopted from Anchor Paws Rescue.










From the beginning he was feisty. He’s also my love bug. If Banner is a Purr Machine, Balboa is the cuddler always on my lap. Always looking for attention.

1 Year Old

Balboa will never be a big cat. He is long and sleek. He’s my funny house panther. Happy Birthday Balboa (8/14/2020)



Another Rainy Weekend

Another Rainy Weekend

The forecast is for high winds and torrential rains. Warnings of possible flash floods. This is the rainiest start to July in 100 years! Last weekend wasn’t a wash out and I had all good intentions of writing a post but somehow by the time I got 5 minutes (and believe me it takes me more than 5 minutes) the weekend was gone. So I had big plans for this weekend so I would have something interesting to share. But it looks like mother nature has other ideas.

Rainy weather, the inscription rainy on the sweaty glass.

How Do I plan my Weekends

If it ever stops raining I have plenty of ideas for weekend adventures. I bought 2 “Adventure Books“.  One is Lighthouses of New England and the other is Massachusetts State Parks. Both books are huge. If I went to every lighthouse I’d have years worth of places to visit. Add in the State Parks and I don’t have to travel to find something new to see. Toss in the Sand Castle events from Hampton Beach to Cape Cod and a whale watch or two and I’ve just booked myself for the rest of my life! 

So what’s up with This Weekend?

A friend of mine bought a farm recently. So far they have chickens and donkeys. They almost got a horse but that didn’t work out. Today they are having an event of some kind with crafts and vendors. I planned to drop in, say Hi and check out the goods for sale. But so far my day has not gone as planned. I woke up to no electricity so that got my day off to a slow start. I stuck my nose outside for a temperature check and wow! It’s a jungle out there. Hot and steamy and not even 7 am!

I need a haircut and have to do some grocery shopping. Then I’m free to head over to my friends event- if the rain hasn’t started by then.  So I’ll just play it by ear. Sunday is supposed to be a washout so I really hope the rain holds off so I’ll have some pictures and stories to share next week.


May be an image of horse and nature

There’s Always the Cats

Of course I never mind being stuck at home too much. I always have entertaining company with Banner & Balboa!