I’ve been blocked!

Blocked Again

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I’ve been blogging for years and never had so much trouble with my site. I logged in to post an update and  found I was blocked from any new posts- AGAIN! This seems to be happening a lot and its very annoying.  This time it was a “Fatal error” with my SEO account. All of those things are supposed to update automatically but apparently the hosting platform is still mixing up the old  aroundustyroads.com with the new, active one of arounddustyroads.com. Anyway it took a couple of days/tries but it seems to be working now. Fingers crossed. 



I have a Flickr account and for a long time it was linked to this blog in the side bar. Lately it doesn’t seem to be updating so that’s another thing I will need to work on. I haven’t worried too much about it because I haven’t added too many new photos to my flickr account but the recent photo contest got me busy uploading some of my pics since that gives me online storage. So if anyone is interested here’s the link to my flickr photostream

Here are a couple of examples of what you’ll find there

Yogi Bear

Bear Up a tree

Wyoming Black Bear 2017- photo credit Deb Neumann

Yes, I know this bear doesn’t look black – more of a cinnamon brown and he didn’t look very big.  He could have been a big ole Teddy bear sitting in some kind of bush, you could hardly call it a tree, right by the road and everyone was pulling over to get a look. He paid no attention to any of us gawkers. There must have been some berries or something in those leaves because he was really busy licking them up. 

Bull Elk

A pair of Bull elk

Bull Elk Wyoming 2017- Photo credit Deb Neumann

The same trip I got to see a huge herd of elk migrating to the elk reserve near Jackson Hole. These two handsome guys were just standing there seemingly surveying all of their domain. The herd wasn’t far away and that consisted of the cows and calves and a few younger bulls. . 

Elk Migration

Elk herd Wyoming 2017- Photo credit Deb Neumann





And The Winner is

The Winner

The winner of the 2023 Mystic Aquarium photo contest is the Whale Breach! Darn I knew that was the one I should have submitted. I still like my iguana but the breach was a good one.  Congratulations to Shannon Higgins-Millicker for the breaching whale photo.


In case you forgot which one I entered here it is again and also my whale breach photo that I didn’t submit. 

Key Largo Iguana

Key Largo Iguana- Photo credit Deb Neumann

Whale Breach

Breaching Whale

Whale Breach- Photo credit Deb Neumann

Next One

That’s the hard part about photo contests. You never know what the judges are looking for. Sometimes they will say specifically that is must be a bird from the northeast or  taken between July 4 and  September 5. When they get specific its easier to narrow down the submission but when its wide open its anyone’s guess. Oh well. It was only to name a seal. No Money so maybe next year. 

It was fun anyway. I’ll have to keep an eye out for the next one. Most are winding down for this year.

National Wildlife Day Photo Contest

 Photo Contest

I haven’t been involved with a photo contest in quite awhile. I used to enjoy them but they can get expensive. Many have entry fees, sometimes fees per photo so it can get pricey. Anyway a friend sent me a link to Mystic Aquarium’s National Wildlife Day Photo Contest and suggested I enter. There was no entry fee and the prize, if you won, is the right to name a seal they are releasing. So its basically just for fun and that’s about the amount of effort I made. Just for fun.


My Entry

I didn’t even look at the competing entries, just made a quick grab for something from my archives. I kind of  like my choice but since it’s from the lizard family it might not have a lot of universal appeal. Maybe I should  have gone with a deer or a bird. Actually I was thinking about my whale breach photo but couldn’t remember where it was filed and didn’t want to take the time to look. So my Key Largo Iguana was it.

Key Largo Iguana- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

The 4 Finalists

It will be another week before the winners are announced but I didn’t even make the finals.  Here’s the top 4 as it stands now.


If I had thought about it I have pictures for all 4 categories that made the finals and here they are.


Finalist #1- Puffins

I like Puffins. I could have submitted a Puffin picture if I’d thought of it. 

Puffin 2016- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Finalist #2-butterfly

Oh. I have so many butterflies but my favorite is on the sunflower.

Sunflower and butterfly 2018- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Finalist #3 – Fox Kit

This one was a bit harder. I have a fox kit picture but I balanced the camera on the car window and never thought to shut off the engine so it wouldn’t be Photo Contest worthy. There was a little camera shake.

Red fox baby on Monday

Red Fox Kit 2017- photo credit Deb Neumann

Finalist #4 – Whale

I’ve been on whale watches from Cape Cod to Maui. I have tons of whale pictures. Even some of whale breaches. Here’s one.

Breaching Whale

Whale Breach 2017- Photo credit Deb Neumann

That’s a wrap

I have so many more wildlife photos that I just didn’t think about. I have seals and Elk and Moose. Even some Grizzly Bears. And this post about photo contests wouldn’t be complete unless I shared the one that made it into a National Geographic Contest. It didn’t win but at least it got past the initial screening. I’m pretty proud of that!

2015- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

I hope you enjoyed

Merry Christmas from our House to Yours

Merry Christmas

Here’s a Merry Christmas trip down memory Lane from Christmas past

I love this picture of Rocky. He was the best cat. He only let me get this one quick pic then he went after the costume to get it off. 

Santa Rocky 2013 photo credit Deb Neumann


Meet the Snow Family. My little photo experiment. 

No photo description available.

The Snow Family – Photo Credit Deb Neumann

2014 Christmas House

Added a little Photo magic to the house in Taunton, Turned it into the 2014 Christmas House. All your favorite characters are visiting.


Christmas House 2014 Photo Credit Deb Neumann

A Christmas Fantasy

Here’s Rocky again in 2017 with his little friend, the Christmas mouse. 

Rocky & the Christmas Mouse 2017 Photo credit Deb Neumann

Is That Santa in the sky?

Taunton- The Christmas City

My city is proud to have the nick name- The Christmas City . Every year they try to out do the previous year when the set up displays on the green.

Taunton Green 2013 Photo Credit Deb Neumann

A Merry Disney Christmas

Disney world 2016 – photo credit Deb Neumann


Christmas Present

Things change and life goes on. This year I’m trying to get used to my new life of retirement. Rocky passed over the Rainbow Bridge a couple of years ago and even though I swore no more cats I am once again living with two tiny terrors. No Christmas tree this year. The Kids are too young and would make short work of any tree or decoration. 


Their names are Banner and Balboa and both are insanely funny, affectionate and royal pains. Banner is more of a gentleman than Balboa. Banner is sneaky in his destruction. Balboa is in your face. Banner steals my keys, my fit bit right off the charger and miscellaneous other items. But Banner is also willing to watch the birds out the window for hours and is content to sit near me, a quiet companion.

Banner Guarding the printer 2022 Photo credit Deb Neumann


Balboa has many aliases. He is Sir Talks A Lot, and Wreck it Ralph to name just a few. If he can’t find something to get in trouble with he will create it. I find cat toys in my bed. He likes the high road. Banner likes the floor. As frustrating as he can be, he makes me laugh because his antics are just over the top. This is just one example. It wasn’t “posed” I just hadn’t put the bowl away and I turned around to find he’d stuffed himself in it.  You can see the “insanity” in his eyes!

Balboa 2021 Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Like I said, Balboa takes the high road

Balboa 2022 Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Christmas Future

 Unlike the Spirits in Dickens, I don’t know what the future will hold. As the saying goes, nothing is certain except death and taxes.  So as we head into 2023 I wish for good health and prosperity for all my friends and family. Maybe next year I can have a tree!

Santa at Busch Gardens 2018 Photo Credit Deb Neumann