About Rocky and Me the Selfie

By now most of you have probably seen Thursday’s Photo of the Day, that “Selfie” of Rocky and me.

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I have to share the story behind it. I really wish I’d had a video camera to capture what led up to it. This may turn out to be one of those.. .well you had to be there… kind of stories.

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I’d been playing with the idea of doing a “selfie” for one of the daily photos. It’s not the type of picture I normally take so I thought it could be a nice stretch for me. No matter what I came up with, I just wasn’t comfortable. I don’t like being in front of the camera even when someone else is taking the picture but for me to take me? Well it just seemed wrong to me somehow. But I couldn’t let it go because it’s a pretty common practice these days, especially with the advent of Cell phone cameras. Why, whole ad campaigns are built around people taking pictures of themselves.

That in mind I decided that for me it would be easier with a “co-star”, one of the cats would be perfect.

I set the camera on a tri-pod and aimed at the top of the empty cat tree and took a few practice photos for exposure and focus. (Love digital) Then I set the camera to remote release and looked around for a cat.

Smokey and Rocky were both on the multi-level cat tree and Buddy was in the bedroom asleep by the window.

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Smokey was asleep but Rocky was in the middle of an ambitious grooming session under the heat lamp. He paused long enough to look at me so I said…come on, you look fine.

Ever so slowly he stood up. It was more like he uncurled and stood up, then he stretched. It was a long, slow stretch. I swear it was like watching slow motion. Then instead of just jumping down he slowly stepped down, one paw at a time stretching each leg and his back as he did. I couldn’t believe it. Was he for real? Talk about stalling!

Now I had to watch the whole stretching process  again as he covered the short space between his cat tree tree and the one I had set up.

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Once at the bottom of my cat tree he had to give himself another “groom” before climbing up to the top. All I could think of was “What a primadonna!” But like any star,  once he was on the set he was all business. He looked at the camera, he looked at me, he cuddled my hand and even tried to do head bumps.

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(unfortunately those suffered from motion blur and couldn’t be used).

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In less time than it took him to get his silly butt over there, the photo shoot was done and I had a keeper or two for the project. As if he heard  “Cut” and “That’s a Wrap” he calmly stood up and hopped down. After a brief stop at the water bowl he resumed his favorite place, under the heat lamp.

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And that’s a Wrap!

Photo of the Week ~ 4

The Votes and shares , comments and hits have been tallied.  The “View’s Choice” for week 4 is Morning from the 9th Floor. Once again my favorite was overlooked  and I had 2 favorites this week!

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The photo for yesterday is still in camera. I should get it posted today.

Thanks for voting. 🙂 I look forward to “Tally Day” every week;


Photo of the Week~ Week 3

The tally was incredibly close once again. If this keeps up sooner or later we’re bound to get a tie.  Only 5 points separated them! Runner up is Rocky Sleeps

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The score is made up of the total of the number of hits, the number of blogger likes, the number of comments and the number of shares. The picture which gets the most when they are all added together is the winner for the week. It’s a lot more  fair than counting on me to be objective. After all, I picked the subjects and have my favorites too. 🙂

The number #1 Photo this Week is Snow Again!

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The stats are from the companion blog, www.dustyroadsphotos.com so be sure to head there for your likes and hits to be counted. And remember, making comments and sharing to your facebook feed count too.

Photo of the Week~ Week 2

Well folks, I made it through another week! Yes I managed to take a picture everyday this week and now I will try to do it all again.

I was surprised again. Tallying up the likes, shares, and hits; the photo with the most points is Buddy 2014.

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The runner up was not the one I expected. It was Foggy Woods.

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I wonder if being the first picture posted for the week had anything to do with that?

Learning Curve

“They” say that if you want to be considered a good photographer , only show your best photos. I have a friend that I consider an awesome photographer and I knew him for several years before he ever let me see any of his “mistakes”. When he finally opened up his files to me I was so relieved to see that he has his blurred , out of focus, bad exposure pictures too. That little bit of sharing did wonders for my confidence.

But even more was what he said about them. He said unless you are making mistakes you aren’t stretching and learning. Your photography  (or anything else) will get stale and boring. If you are an artist you always need to keep pushing your limits so of course you’ll have some misses.

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Last year I was pretty comfortable with where I was with my photography. I’d gotten more confident with my portraits, even taking pictures of people as well as their pets and looking forward to taking more. My landscapes were well composed, in fact I began to miss that WOW I used to get when one of them really stood out.

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I wasn’t quite sure where to head next. I began to leave the camera at home because it was bulky to lug around and since I didn’t have it with me I missed opportunities for shots. It was time to shake things up again.

That’s why I decided to try another 365 photo challenge. These are hard, believe me. I did one when I first got the camera. Everything was new and bright and photo ops jumped out at me everywhere and even then I had a tough time some weeks. This time it will be even harder because I don’t want to just take the same old same  old.

That being said, expect to see some blunders and misses and mistakes. I’m going to try some new things, mess them up, study them some and then try them again and I expect some of these mistakes (like Bubbles-First Try) will make it into the 365 pictures I will take over the course of this challenge.

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Please look and laugh at them and don’t judge me to harshly. I am trying to “stretch and learn” and you’re just along for the ride. Let’s have some fun  🙂