Real Estate, Interviews and Alaska…Busy , Busy

Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I had an interview right in the middle of the day. I just couldn’t get myself settled enough to write and I didn’t want to jinx myself by talking about the interview before it was over.

The other excuse is that I need to buckle down again to finish the real estate licensing class. That’s four hours a day for 10 days not counting the additional studying. I’ve completed 8 hours and I’m working on the 3rd block of 4 hours. It would be nice if I could finish and get the test done before we leave for Alaska but it will be cutting it close.

I ‘m also staring at my home office that needs a major renovation and I haven’t taken even a baby step toward getting that done…ugh. I am feeling overwhelmed and I’m not even working. So much to do so little time.

Now you have my excuses so please bear with me over the next few weeks. I may be a bit “spotty” on my posts until we get back from Alaska but I know I’ll have tons to share from that.


Oh and speaking of Alaska I picked up our cruise documents and plane tickets. Other than confirming the dates were correct and that I had vouchers for everything I didn’t look at them too closely. Then I got an email from Princess Lines referring to changes. Again I glanced but didn’t look too closely. I had too many other things going on but my sister looked. She emailed me that we had a balcony room!


Well that got me moving and I looked it up. Sure enough. We were upgraded from an ocean view on the Baja deck to a Balcony on the Aloha deck. How cool is that!

I’m getting excited. Hard to believe it’s almost here!

A is for…

I was thinking about the upcoming Alaska trip and it hit me that after Alaska I will still have 2 more states that start with A to visit.
Two visits to Arizona gave me memories of the Grand Canyon, Montezuma’s Castle, Meteor Crater to name just a few of the sights.

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On my second trip I even got to share some of those experiences with my sister.

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There’s still so much more to see there as well.

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Slot Canyons and Monument Valley to the north and Saguaro National Park and Tombstone to the south and much more. I could plan return tips every year and not see it all.


Coming up in just a couple of weeks is another “trip of a lifetime” but this one is to Alaska. From Vancouver to Anchorage by sea and the interior for a stay in Denali. We have a full schedule but once again we’ll only be scratching the surface. I’d love to see the bears of Katmai especially during the salmon run and  the aurora borealis.



Museums, battlefields, botanical gardens and nature trails. I’m sure there’s more. Usually when I start looking at a state more and more places of interest crop up. When we went to South Dakota the most common question I got was “What’s in South Dakota?”. Way more than you’d think but I’ll save that discussion for “S”.


And the 4th state starting with A is Arkansas. The thing that comes to mind first is The Clinton Library. National Geographic lists a drive through the Ozarks as one of the “Drives of a Lifetime” . Blanchard Springs Caverns  are ranked among the most beautiful underground discoveries of the 20th  century. National Parks, a diamond mine, civil war battlefields, even a restore antebellum town to explore, seems like Arkansas has  a lot to offer when its turn come up.

So tell me, have you been to an “A” state? Do you live in one? What can you share about any of the “A’s”?

Battleship Cove

Battleship Cove is located in Fall River , Ma.

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It’s a nonprofit maritime museum. In addition to the brick and mortar museum, the grounds are decorated with propellers, props and preserved pieces of hulls.

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In the water of beautiful Mt. Hope Bay the  rescued naval vessels are still afloat and maintained. A nominal admission allows you to explore the majestic ships.

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This is the largest collection of preserved US Navy Ships in the World. The fleet includes five National Historic Landmarks: Battleship USS Massachusetts, Destroyer USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Submarine USS Lionfish, and PT Boats 617 and 796.

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While exploring the grounds I met a veteran who is now making his living as a pilot/photographer. He had a stand set up with his amazing photographs. You can check out his work at

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Battleship Cove and it’s museums sit surrounded by Fall River Heritage State Park. The park hugs the shore of the Taunton River (Mt. Hope Bay) and offers a boardwalk, benches, groves of trees, an antique  carousel, public sailing programs, and a three-acre meadow where I watched families flying kites.

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The carousel is housed in a separate building and was closed to the public for a private party when I was there. I definitely want to return to see that. I could see traditional carousel lights through the windows of the upper level but couldn’t see much else.

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I watched a common merganser float with the tide and a 2 drakes got into a tussle over a female  duck.

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I even saw a turtle making a dive for the bottom. All around was activity, joggers, dog walkers, families with strollers. It was clear that this is a popular park  in beautiful shape and I had a beautiful spring day to enjoy my introduction.

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If you go you’ll find  the parking is free in the lot located under the Braga Bridge near the Battleship Cove Visitor Center.

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Park all day and enjoy all the area has to offer. I only scratched the surface on this first visit.

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It’s clear I’ll have to go back to dig a little deeper.

Haddam CT

Since my Riverquest cruise left from the boat dock at Eagle Landing State Park in Haddam, I thought it might be worthwhile to check out this little town while I was here. It seems there’s something for everyone.

Sportsmen can go fishing on the Connecticut river or boaters can go boating.

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Birders can take the Riverquest cruises and look for eagles and osprey and other birds of sea and shore.

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Architecture buffs can lose themselves in the Village of East Haddam, filled with beautifully maintained historic homes and businesses.

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The premier example is the Goodspeed Opera house still a fully functional theater located right on the river.

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Engineers can marvel over the Haddam Swing Bridge,  a steel, movable  truss bridge composed of two main spans crossing the Connecticut River.

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Of course East Haddam is home to the unique Gillette Castle  and Gillette Castle State Park. Picnic, walk trails and explore the grounds. The intricate architecture and beautiful surroundings seem to appeal to all.

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Nature is represented everywhere in East Haddam. There’s nothing like a sunset dinner while watching the world go by on the Connecticut River.

For a sleepy little town there’s plenty to do. Other attractions close by include Nathan Hale House and the oldest bell in America. ( housed in the belfry of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.)

The Nature Conservancy calls East Haddam  “One of the last great places.” So take some time to drop in for a visit to a classic New England Village and surroundings.

Ospreys and Eagles …Oh My!

Time to head to the docks or should I say a dock. I’m heading out on an Eagle/Osprey cruise. I last went on one of these trips on a cold day in February 2011. Of course I picked the coldest day of the year to go at that time.

This time the weather seems a bit warmer even with the stiff breeze.

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The cruise leaves from the dock at Eagle Landing State Park which is located in Haddam  across the river from the Goodspeed Opera House.

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I am always impressed by how personable and knowledgeable the crew of Riverquest is about the sights along the river and the birds that can be seen. They are the ones who first pointed out Gillette Castle and gave a thumbnail history. They also knew the ID and history of the impressive building that turned out to be St. John’s. Plus they have “eagle” eyes when it come to spotting birds!

Today the cruise is billed as an Eagle and Osprey tour and we certainly got to see Osprey. We also got off to a quick start with the eagles. Barely out from the dock 4 birds were spotted circling very high up. Binoculars came out and a discussion ensued but finally it was determined that there were 4, possibly 5 juvenile eagles soaring on the thermals.

Juvenile eagles are not as distinctive as their more mature counterparts.  They start out brown and progress through stages as they age. An eagle expert can tell the age of a juvenile by how much “mottling” the feathers show. They don’t get the trademark white head until they are 5 years old.

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We started watching Osprey right at the dock. A pair are trying to build a nest on the center tower of the swing bridge but are having a tough time because of the wind.

As we headed down the river it seemed like every buoy or  marker had a pair of Osprey trying to build a nest. It was clear that there is a thriving population of Osprey on this section of the Connecticut River.

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We also saw double crested cormorants, a peregrine falcon buzzed the bow of the boat, and even  a red-shouldered hawk (as opposed to a red tail hawk) took to the thermals watching for prey. Common mergansers with their funny “bad hair day ” crest floated on the river while Black Backed gulls patrolled the skies.

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We passed a mute swan and spotted a loon. And then we saw the large eagle nest on an island ahead of us. The captain brought the boat in as close as he could but even then it was pretty far away. At least it wasn’t hidden by leaves yet so we had a clear line of sight and there they were. Two adult eagles , fully mature, with their white heads gleaming in the afternoon sun. As one moved off the nest to a nearby tree we could just make out the head of a baby eagle above the edge of the nest.

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The pictures aren’t great because of the distance but lack of pictures didn’t dampen the excitement of seeing these gorgeous birds in the wild.

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All in all it was a successful and enjoyable trip down the Connecticut River and I will continue my quest for that iconic photo of an eagle in the wild. Maybe I’ll get a chance in Alaska!