The Ultimate Massachusetts Waterfalls Road Trip

The Ultimate Massachusetts Waterfalls Road Trip

We dabbled with the Ultimate New Hampshire Road Trip.

Jackson Falls, NH

I need to make another trip back for a couple more waterfalls and a covered bridge but I just ran across this link You guessed it; The Ultimate Massachusetts Waterfalls Road Trip.

Where are these Waterfalls?

Turns out the Massachusetts waterfalls are far more spread out than the New Hampshire ones. It’s an 8 hours drive to complete the road trip not figuring in hiking times.

Doane Falls

The trip begins at Doane Falls, Royalston, moves west through the Berkshires and swings back south of the Mass Pike. # 5  on the list is Bish-Bash Falls.

Bish Bash Falls

Bish Bash Falls is the most western waterfall right on the New York border. I first heard of Bish Bash Falls last year but never found the time to go look for it. Now, with the Ultimate Massachusetts Waterfall Road trip as a guide it’s back on my radar. I have a feeling that I will need to set aside a whole day for this waterfall. The trail is a 2 mile out and back hike near Mt. Washington. and a 3-4 hour drive from where I live but it look like a pretty little falls, not Niagara but certainly worthwhile.

Glendale Falls

Glendale Falls in Middlefield, MA is described as among the longest and most powerful in the state. Middlefield is a little closer to me but still quite a hike. It’s past Springfield MA approaching Becket in the Berkshires. It’s not surpriseding that I’ve never heard of this waterfall. I’d never heard of Middlefield!

The series of comments on trip advisor ranged from beautiful little falls to creepy. We’re going to be slashed in the woods!

It will be interesting to see how I feel about it if I go.

Has Anyone been to any of these Falls?

Take a peek at the list of waterfalls and locations. If you’ve been to any of them please let me know. Are they worth the drive to get to them? I’d love to get your comments.



It’s Raining but Its not Raining Men

Its Raining Men – NOT!

Its raining and the prediction is rain for the next 10 days! I guess that even though we left April behind we didn’t escape the April Showers! The flowers, trees, grass, weeds and all the other spring things are definitely blooming. Now if the rain would just stop for a day or two…on the weekend.

What’s been happening?

Aside from the rain I’ve been working. I clocked 67 hours this past week.

I was so looking forward to doing something fun this weekend and then sharing it here but mother nature had other plans. Saturday it poured until about 2 pm. Then the sun did come out. You know that yellow thing in the sky? But where could I go with only a couple of hours? Its  Kentucky Derby Day and I love to catch that race.

I’ve been watching it for years and hate to miss it. Someday I plan to attend in person. Now that would be something to write about!

More Than Work!

Ok I did more than work. I enrolled in a class that runs 5 Thursdays in June. Its how to set up and design a blog. Maybe I’ll finally get the instruction I need to Tweak this baby! I can’t wait to start the class. And one other thing happened. I got my renewed passport back, not that I’m planning any overseas trips.

I’m still fixated on the good old USA. I also picked up a renewal of my motion sickness patch so I’m ready to get out on the ocean. Look out whales and sharks!

Captain John Boats

Speaking of chasing whales, I usually go out of Plymouth, MA with Captain John. I follow them on Facebook too. His feed has been filled with great whale sightings already this spring. Even the humpbacks have started to come back. Right whales, white-sided dolphins…I can’t wait to get back out there!

Rain, rain go away

All right mother nature. I’m all for rain. Its good for growing things but can you make it rain when I’m at work or asleep at night and give me some sunshine on the weekends? Please?



High Water at the Lower Falls of the Swift River

High Water at the Lower Falls

After leaving Sabbaday Falls I headed east on the Kancamagus Highway. The Swift River runs parallel the the Kancamgus  on your left as we headed down the mountains. The water was high and really rushing. I actually drove right by the Lower Falls because I wasn’t expecting to be able to see them right there from the road. A but further down the Kanc I found a place to turn around so I could back track.

Kayaking The Swift River

On my way back to the Lower Falls I passed a trail head with a number of trucks and vans parked by the road. Some had kayaks piled next to them but I didn’t see anyone around.  A couple of corners later I could see the  Lower Falls ahead and the kayaks were explained. There were at least a half dozen brightly colored kayaks being put in just below the Falls. They must be putting in here then kayaking downstream to meet the vans. I hurried to park because I wanted to get some pictures but in the few minutes  it took me to pull in the kayakers were long gone and out of sight.

Lower Falls Picnic area

The parking area is beautifully maintained, fully paved and lined. There is a large visitor center with restrooms. The trails are really just short paths over to the river bank. A large wooden deck extends over the river providing a great view of the falls. During low water in the summer people swim here. But clearly the wild water from the spring run off makes it too cold and the current too strong for swimming at this time of the year.

If You Go

The lower falls are not a world class waterfall by any stretch of the imagination. They are made up of a series of ledges and steps. In low water there are lots pools and beaches and people flock here to swim. It was fun to see the water volume giving these quiet, gentle falls a bit of life and energy. Definitely needs a return trip in summer or fall to see a different side of this popular destination.

Sabbaday Falls on the Kancamagus

Sabbaday Falls, White Mountains , NH

Sabbaday Falls is a pretty little waterfall nestled in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The trail head is located off the scenic Kancamagus Highway. A gravel pathway and wooden steps leads you to the edges of the falls. The .5 mile walk to the falls is a slight incline but not too bad. There are benches along the way to stop and catch your breath and take in the surrounding beauty of the New Hampshire wilderness.

Sabbaday Brook

The stream that feeds the falls in called Sabbaday Brook. It bubbles , burbles and roars its way along beside the trail keeping you company as you climb to the falls. The handicapped accessible trail takes you to the top where the “Best viewing” area is located. I’ve been here twice ans still don’t know where you start the handicap accessible trail. Since it ends at the top of the falls I thought I’d walk it back this time but it was closed due to ice. Looks like I’ll need a return trip to work that out.

Speaking Of Ice

Spring arrives later in the mountains. It was close to 80 in Lincoln but had dropped to the 60’s by the time I reached the parking area for Sabbaday Falls.

There was still snow  under the trees and much of the trail was covered with ice. Step carefully! I was carrying camera and tripod and one trekking pole. Believe me when I say I would not have made it over the ice without the pole.

Finally, the Falls

After a last push up the one steep section of trail I was over the top and starting downward to the base of the falls. The brook was definitely running high making the treacherous scramble to the ledge to see the falls even more slippery. I looked at the passage with some trepidation, wishing I was either younger or didn’t have a bad hip. But it was a moot point anyway. That photographer that was in such a hurry had beat me to the ledge.

He was set up. It didn’t look like his would be a quick shoot. I poked around downstream trying to get an angle that showed  the falls but no, luck and the first guy wasn’t budging.

Summertime Photos of Sabbaday Falls

Since I couldn’t get an pictures of the actual falls this time, I dug back in my archives and found a few from my visit in 2011. There will be other trips, maybe even this year.

If You Go

Keep in mind that snow melts later in the woods and spring will be a week or so behind the valley at this elevation. If you wait to go the stairs to the viewing platform will likely be open.



A New Hampshire Adventure, What’s Joe Got to Do With it?

What’s Joe Got to Do With It?

My good friend Joe is 13 years younger than I am. He refuses to believe that I’m not as spry as I once was and cuts me no slack. I can’t wait until he’s my age and see how much his joints hurt! That being said, Joe is headed back to Sunny Florida. He was up in the Northeast for 2.5 months  on a job search. During that time he got a reminder of what the weather is like 8 months out of the year…cold, gray, snowy, rainy. But before he left he sent me another challenge.

The Ultimate New Hampshire Waterfall Roadtrip

Everyone knows that you need water to have waterfalls and what better time of the year in the Northeast than after the spring rains and snow melt? Saturday was a beautiful day with temps predicted to hit the 80’s. I looked at Joe’s Ultimate New Hampshire Waterfall challenge and decided I’d tackle at least part of it. Since its a 5 plus hour drive to even get to the White Mountains I knew I wouldn’t be able to get in more than 2 or 3 stops. I didn’t follow the stops as outlined in the article as I’ve been to some. I wanted the easiest stops since time was limited.

Lincoln, NH

I arrived in Lincoln, NH at just about noon. Although I wasn’t really hungry I knew my first stop would be Sabbaday Falls and I didn’t want to chance having my blood sugar drop after hiking up to the falls and back. (As a diabetic you have to be aware if these things)  For a cheap, quick stop I grabbed a cheeseburger at MacDonald’s. I know yuck.

Time to head up the Kancmagus Highway.

Finding Sabbaday Falls

Even though it has been 6 years since my New Hampshire vacation, the Kancamagus still felt  like an old friend. I recognized so many places along the way to the  Falls. As I drove the Kancamagus rose, eventually reaching an elevation of just under 3,000 feet at its highest point at Kancamagus Pass on the flank of Mt. Kancamagus near Lincoln, NH.

Sabbaday Falls is on the downside after you pass this high point. Coming from Lincoln you’ll see a sign for the Falls and Picnic Area on the right.

It’s a Nice Walk

The parking area was packed with cars and as I prepared to hike up to the falls I met lots of dogs  and their people, families and serious hikers. One photographer with his tripod over his shoulder charged past me in a big hurry. I’d soon see why.