What Does Travel Mean to You?

I was running around making lists of things I need to do before I leave for Hawaii and it suddenly hit me that I was tired. Very, very tired. The kind of tired that if I let myself stop for a minute will just fall asleep.


I found myself asking why I do this to myself.


To take a vacation everything is supposed to be caught up at work for the co-worker who will cover your absence. That’s only fair but this week I ended up doing my work, another associate’s work and she was covering a 3rd person’s work. Needless to say my last day became really hectic.


Now my cat is demanding my attention and I’m missing him already.

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I know once I’m on my way I will start looking forward to the trip again but it made me think about travel in general.

On the South Rim, Grand Canyon 2008

On the South Rim, Grand Canyon 2008

Is the reason many people never head out to explore because they get bogged down in the shear WORK of getting packed and out the door? One friend said she only goes on cruises because planning a trip was just too much work. Everything is planned for her on a cruise!

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Key West 2013

Usually I spend months researching an area, planning and dreaming about the vacation. I get a lot of pleasure out of this planning stage. But no matter how prepared I am, the reality always trumps the planning. I love seeing new places, meeting new people, trying new things.


Maui 2016

Now although I often feel torn about leaving I really can’t see myself giving up the adventure. I no sooner finish one trip when I’m thinking about the next one. I told a co-worker that asked me why I didn’t retire that “I Work so I can Vacation”. I guess that sums it up.

Deb Poobear

Orlando, Fl June 2011 Photo by JR St Jean, Take Pride Photography

How do you feel about traveling?



How to pack for a Trip

I travel a lot and often I pack at the last minute so I thought I’d mention my preferred method of packing. If you search the internet there are tons of suggestions and I have never done a “scientific” experiment to find the “best” way.

I don’t have much difficulty packing to leave but the return trip is a different story. By the time I’ve added the souvenir sweatshirt and the new T shirts I have a bulging bag.


I had a huge suitcase when I went to Alaska because of all the heavy winter clothes. It was fine when we left but it was overweight when I returned. Cost a bundle in fees too!


 One of the advantages of a timeshare is that very often there is a washer and dryer in the unit so when you are relaxing at the end of a busy day/ week you can toss in a load of dirty clothes. It is so much nicer to bring clean clothes home than a suitcase full of stinky, dirty socks and shirts.


But I digress….My preferred packing procedure is as follows:

·        Step 1. Open suitcase

·        Step 2. Remove Cat

Rocky suitcase

·        Step 3. place tripod diagonally in the bottom of the suitcase

·        Step 4. remove Cat again

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·        Step 5. add pants, shorts T’s

·        Step 6. remove Cat one more time

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·        Step 7. tuck socks, undies and sleep wear in the nooks and crannies

·        Step 8. Wrap any extra shoes or sneakers in plastic bags and tuck in next to the sides of the suitcase.

·        Step 9. Remove Cat for the last time

suitcase cat

·        Step 10. Quickly close and zip suite case. Double check the Cat is outside and not tucked into a nook or cranny of the suitcase

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You’re done! 10 easy steps!

Only In a Grocery Store!

I remember as a young single girl I was told that a great place to meet men was in the supermarket. I’m not sure I ever understood that but I think it had something to do with checking our the food in their carriage and you could tell from that if they were single.


Whatever it was, it never worked for me. You can get frostbite hanging out in the frozen food section!

I mention this only because I’ve never found standing in a check out line a place to strike up a conversation of any depth but I have to eat my words now. (Along with a tasty muffin)


Sunday morning I stopped in the local grocery store to pick up cat food and a lb of hamburger. I spent more on cat food than I did on my food but that;s not what I was getting to. What I wanted to share is that I got talking to this lovely lady that was in line behind me. I’m not even sure how it came about but before I knew it we were talking travel. She has a friend who just bought a home on the Big Island and she asked if I had ever been there. That led to a comparison of the various islands. She had been to Oahu and Maui.

We agreed that everyone should go to Oahu if for no other reason than to see Pearl Harbor but while you’re there visit the Polynesian Cultural Center too and I threw in a snorkel in Hanauma Bay.


We both like Maui for just general pleasantness.


Its more laid back than Oahu. But I think I still like the Big Island best. I love Volcano National Park and the excitement of an active volcano in the form of Kilauea.


From Hawaii we made a brief stop in Houston because of the upcoming Superbowl (Go Pats) and then veered off to Kentucky.


Neither of us had been there but one of her friends holds a Kentucky Derby Party every year with fancy hats and mint juleps.


Then our conversation took a big jump to Alaska and the pros and cons of doing a cruise. Don’t miss Denali!

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By the time I finally reached the check out, we were well on the way to discussing international travel. I have to say it made standing in line go by really fast. I never even got the lady’s name but here’s to Happy Travels!



” Flash Back” – South Dakota

To the Lakota Sioux it was the malo shika, “the bad lands”. To the French-Canadian fur trappers it was Les Mauvaises a traverser, ” bad lands to travel across”. In the book 1000 Places To See Before You Die, it’s “Nature’s High Drama”. Whatever you chose to call Badlands National Park in South Dakota it all comes back to spectacular.

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Yes, I’ve been to South Dakota and I’m ashamed to say that when my sister suggested a vacation there my first response was “What’s in South Dakota”. Her answer was  “Mount Rushmore”. 488 copy

Although that’s true and Mount Rushmore is certainly awe inspiring, there was so much more to our South Dakota vacation and we only explored the area from Rapid City to Pine Ridge. That’s just the southwestern corner of the state.063a

This rates as one of the best vacations I’ve taken. We flew into Rapid City in the afternoon. After checking in and getting dinner it was still light out so I wanted to begin exploring right away. Yes we were tired but why waste good light?  We turned our rental to interstate 90 and headed east about 80 miles to a turn off for Badlands National Park. What a way to start the vacation! In the golden light of the late afternoon we got our first look at the canyons and rock formations of the Bad Lands. It took my breath away. The amazing vistas are exceeded only by places like the Grand Canyon. And we saw animals!

071aRabbits and Mule Deer and a glimpse of some pronghorn.

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Over the rest of the week we explored Custer State Park where the buffalo, pronghorn, and prairie dogs are an everyday wonder.  (Where the deer and the antelope roam.) The wild “begging” burros  of the park had no shame in their quest for handouts!


After a critter jam of buffalo we entered Wind Cave National Park  following a ranger to a depth of 200 ft. below the surface.

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We drove the winding Iron Mountain Road from Custer State Park to Mount Rushmore, twisting and turning on the horse shoe turns and “pig tails”, not a road for the faint of heart.485 copy

We rode the 1880 train round trip from Hill City to Keystone and watched a family of Mountain sheep cross the road as we headed to the station. On the train ride we learned about the history of the black hills and saw “summer cows”…”Some are white, some are brown”….

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I’m still following the Wild Horse Sanctuary.

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What a day that was! But it didn’t end with wild horses, it ended with Mammoths at a dig in Hot Springs.


We went to the Pine Ridge Reservation  but got lost on “the longest dirt road in the world” (our name for  it) and never found the PowWow.

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And there was more but I’m running out of room. We never got to Deadwood, or Sturgis , and only saw Crazy Horse from the road. The Corn Palace is farther to the east in Mitchell, but we did go to Wall Drug Store where we had dinner and bought some mementos. And South Dakota is where I “met” Scout..my little prairie dog with the flower. Totally unexpected and so sweet looking. Glad I caught this moment in time.

PD flower

Yes, I can count South Dakota as a YES on the countdown, but I’d like to go back again. The count now stands at 16 / 25

I Was Just Thinking…

Awww, you know what that means. I was stumped for a subject to write about.  But seriously I do think sometimes.

I read a post from a fellow travel blogger titled 7 Questions all Long Term Travelers Hate.http://girlvsglobe.com/2014/05/7-questions-all-long-term-travellers-hate.html


 This is a very humorous blog but it did get me thinking. First of all she refers to eighty-year old adventurers and twenty something homebodies.

(We’re not 80 yet but we are getting up there)



When I was twenty something I never went on vacation unless it was to sit at my mother’s house usually with a book or two. I was convinced I couldn’t afford to travel. I soothed my wanderlust by moving my whole house every 2 years or so.


Back in the day (yes I said that on purpose) young women didn’t pack up and move on their own but I did. First I left my folks home in New York and moved to Massachusetts. Then I proceeded to move from town to town every 2-3 years. My family claimed they couldn’t keep up with all the address changes. Looking back it would have been cheaper to just travel a little and keep the same apartment.

 She goes on to say that Wanderlust is for life and I really think that’s true. The older I get the more things I want to see. I go through my “bucket” list all the time. It doesn’t get shorter with each vacation, it gets longer! In my mind I have vacations for the next 2 years all planned out! I just have to keep healthy and the money coming in to cover the trips. I don’t think I’m cut out for “roughing it” anymore.


 I’m always looking for ways to increase my freedom and flexibility while developing multiple ways to pay for my travel addiction.

 What about you? Are you an arm chair traveler or do you have a touch of that wanderlust too?