Its Puffin Day!

Saturday arrived with more clouds and threatening rain. We were up really early. Breakfast was 5:15 am! We had to go to Dunkin Donuts because Helen’s Restaurant wasn’t open that early. That’s when I found out that we didn’t even know if we would be going out. The leaders were manning their cell phones with the captain while the rest of us got our breakfast sandwiches and coffee.

To the relief of all we were given the green light and headed off to Cutler where the Barbara Frost was moored and waiting for us.

Cutler Harbor1

The Barbara Frost is a bare bones, hard working charter boat. It’s no frills all the way. Bench seats line the sides and stern. The only heat is in the little cabin where the captain and mate were steering the boat. (Notice I did not call this a ship)

boatYou may be asking yourself “heat? Its July why do they need heat?” Well That thought crossed our minds too but a winter parka wouldn’t have been out of line. It was March in July. Cold and blustery!

On board the Barbara Frost

On board the Barbara Frost

This was the Bay of Fundy, known for 50 ft. tides, tidal bore rafting and whales! It was exciting just to be on one of the 7 Wonders of North America.

Getting to the Barbara Frost was also an experience. They loaded us into a tender, a little boat, to ferry us out to the “mother ship” (That was the Barbara Frost) but there was no ladder. You got your butt onto the gunwale and then swung your feet over and into the Barbara Frost.  Then you got out of the way so the next person could get in. Captain Andy, owner of the Barbara Frost and Bold Coast Tours was right there to help everyone.

Bold Coast Charters is the only US based company to be authorized on Machias Seal Island. The only other tour company  is based in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Machias Seal Island

As we headed into the bay I realized this was not the same island I visited from Bar Harbor. That one was located in Frenchman’s Bay.



3:30 am is sooo early!

Thursday morning it was time to rock and roll. Get out of bed, get moving. It was time to head to Marshfield MA where I would meet up with the Audubon Society for a tour of Maine’s Peatlands culminating in the PUFFINS of Machias Seal Island!

By  5 AM we were loaded into the Audubon van and headed to Ipswich River Sanctuary where we hooked up with another van. Altogether there were two leaders, Scott and Sue and 12 participants.

For the most part these are hard core Birders so I was about to be introduced to a whole new way of looking at birds. We were still on the road at lunchtime so when a Subway came up we pulled in and made the clerk’s day. The poor girl was faced with 14 hungry travelers and she was working all alone.

After lunch we all piled back into the vans and soon we were entering blueberry country. Our Birding stop was the Blueberry Barrens.

Blueberry bush

The birders were looking for Upland Sandpiper, Vesper Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow to name just a few species.


We traveled on another long dirt road. It made me think of the time Sandy and I got twisted around on an Indian Reservation. We called it the “Longest dirt road  in the world”. This one was a close 2nd.

Maine Dirt Road

The scenery was beautiful. The day had turned cool  and damp and eventually it started to rain.


We stopped to check out a marsh with a beaver dam. The birders used powerful spotting scopes and saw all kinds of birds.

Beaver lodge

We finally arrived at our home away from home at about 5 pm. For the next 4 days we’d be staying at the Machias River Inn.Machias River Inn

Dinner was at 6:30 at Helen’s Restaurant and then we wrapped up our day. We’d be up bright and early the next day. Breakfast was at 6 am!

Vacation Planning

Anyone who has followed this space for long knows that my goal is to take a vacation in all 50 states.  Obviously that means two or more new states a year or I’ll be 90 or older before I manage to complete that goal.

I’ve gotten a bit side tracked lately because with each upgrade to my time share they’ve given me a vacation that includes airfare. Bottom line is I keep taking the bonus vacations and have gotten off track from my goal.

So I decided to organize my thoughts and future plans.

July is a brief visit to Maine to try to capture an Iconic Puffin Photo. Its only an extended weekend. (and I’ve vacationed in Maine-Loved it)


I have a vacation to Maui all scheduled, if not completely planned, coming up in November.


I’ve been to Hawaii twice before. Once to the Big Island and once to Oahu so this will be my 3rd visit to Paradise.


In January my company will hold their annual convention in Las Vegas. I am seriously considering added a few days vacation on and staying at the Polo Towers. After all, my company is paying for my airfare. I’ve been to Las Vegas for vacation twice before but there are still things I’d like to see.

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February looks like another trip to Hawaii compliments of my time share. I have a choice of the Big Island (Kona side) or Maui.


Right now I am leaning toward Maui again for the whale watching and snorkeling. February should be peak season for the whales.


That will wrap up the commitments so far.

So where is my focus after those are done?

Jackson Hole Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park is still top of the list.


Key Largo (John Pennekamp Park) (Even though I’ve been to Florida more times than I can count)


Pacific Northwest (Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area)


Central Idaho ( The Sawtooth Range)


Channel Islands CA


Katmai National Park, AK (Brook Falls) (Alaska is another repeat)


I guess that will keep me busy for a while.

Thinking about Hawaii

Hi everyone. It’s been a crazy week. I thought I’d have a quiet work week with my main agent on vacation but surprise, surprise. She  created an out of office message telling everyone to contact me! My quiet week turned into  work HELL!

I also found out I am getting another agent because one of the new support people isn’t keeping up.  Transitioning the new agent over starts Monday.

I’ve also been trying to get the release from the bank for my car’s title. Can you believe that when I requested a duplicate so I could donate my old car that the bank never removed the lien!? The car has been paid off for at least 10 years. What a mess!

So in between all this I started researching things to do on Maui HI. I know that trip is quite a way in the future but it was relaxing to poke around for things to do. Of course the number 1 thing I want to do is Whale Watch. The season is November to May so it will be early in the season (November) but we can hope there will be some action.


The number 2 thing is “The Road to Hana”. Do I drive or tour??? If I drive we can stop where we want , when we want but I won’t be able to enjoy the scenery while I’m driving. If we tour we give up control but I can see everything. Maybe I should do it twice, once as a tour and once as a drive. Anyone who has been there and done that? Any suggestions?


The number 3 thing on my list is snorkeling at Molokini, a crescent shaped crater that is the premier spot for snorkeling, snuba and scuba. That’s as far as I’ve had time to get.



I know a big attraction is sunrise on Haleakala. I’ve read a lot about that. One article even said the best day to get up for the sunrise is your first day on Maui because you won’t be on Hawaii time yet.


Right now I’m just working up my rough to-do list. We have almost 2 weeks there, 11 days so there’s lots of time to fill. I hear the Maui Ocean Center Aquarium is another must-do.


I’m sure you will see many more posts as I get this trip sorted out. Any thoughts or suggestions?



That’s a Wrap, Jack!

That about sums up this trip to Las Vegas. Nothing too crazy but still fun and a nice break from reality. The rumor is that our next company convention in January will be in Vegas. I may just have to add a couple of days and stay at Polo Towers again. Maybe I’ll make it to Mandalay Bay and the Shark Tank!

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I think I forgot to mention that we did stop by the Bellagio so I could show Sandy the dancing fountains. I really think I got a better feel for Vegas this trip; traveled around more.


So now what do I do and where do I go next?

My next scheduled time off is for a short trip in July to Maine but I think I need to find some things to share before then.

This weekend is supposed to be nice but my car is going in for “surgery”. Like me it needs a new  “rear end”.


They said to expect to have the car tied up all day but maybe I can squeeze in a short trip to the pond in Plymouth to see if there are any baby ducks or swans.

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Another project is to learn to shoot in “raw”. (That’s photography speak to anyone who isn’t into cameras.) Well, actually it’s not the photo taking that’s hard, it’s the editing. I’ll have to learn how to edit “raw” photos. That means new software etc. Kind of boring topic unless you’re a photography buff.

But I’m sure I can find something to babble mindlessly about until the next trip. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments. I love getting dialog going.