Oh Oh Crazy Time Again

Sorry I’ve missed a few posts. Work just got crazy again. Here it is only March 3 and I have more deals in the works then I had all last month! Spring Real Estate season has arrived.

Redfin property photos; 511 Park Rd, Rockville, MD 20850, Friday-Saturday, October 4-5, 2013.

Redfin property photos; 511 Park Rd, Rockville, MD 20850, Friday-Saturday, October 4-5, 2013.

My posting may get a bit sporadic now but I’ll always come back.

las vegas

The countdown to  Vegas has begun too so I see more posts in the near future.


We’ve been to Hawaii…in fact we’ve been twice. Once to the Big Island and once to Oahu.

akaka falls

When we were on the Big Island we went looking for a Green Sand Beach. We never found it but I finally met someone who did.

green sand beach

She said they got there by off roading so we must have been on the right track. We drove as far as we could in the rental and then I (the driver) chickened out as the road disappeared and got all rocky.

I recently found this guide book description of the road to the beach in question.

Keep in mind, driving to the actual beach is out for all but the most experienced off road drivers. Instead, most opt for a 2 1/2 mile hike each way along the wind swept and hot dusty deep rutted jeep roads.

Too bad. Would have loved to find that!

I wonder if there is a green sand beach on Maui?

California Adventure

After dinner at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel I walked into a Disney themed retail area right out the back door of the hotel.

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Strolling along this section was similar to Disney Boardwalk in Orlando, just much smaller. That seemed to be the theme over all. I am used to Walt Disney World, Orlando with multiple parks covering lots of acres.

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This was only 2 parks, Disneyland and California Adventure. I wanted to see both but there wasn’t enough time.

My goal for this one evening was to see the water fountain show at California Adventure called World of Colors.


In celebration of  Disneyland’s 60th anniversary, the “World of Color” water show at Disney California Adventure got a new story overlay dedicated to the history of Walt Disney and his first theme park. Neil Patrick Harris’s image tells the story from Steamboat Willie to Star Wars with a little help from Mickey and Walt.


I couldn’t believe I was wearing a winter coat in California but it was cold and the World of Color is projected over a pond that is loaded with fountains that dance and provide a backdrop for the videos. The breeze was chilly and when the fountains explode you do get wet!

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Of course when the flames shoot into the night sky the brief warmth is welcome!


I got there in time for the last show of the day and by the time it was over the California Adventure Park was closing so I didn’t get to see much else. I’ll have to plan another visit when I have more time.

Maybe I should plan a California Dreamin’ Vacation. What do you think?


It seemed like I just got home and we were into the holidays, Christmas and New Years and then it was the middle of January and time for our annual company meeting. I’m breaking my rule about talking about work but this is a very big deal in my work world.

IMG_20160115_130720Called Redferno it is the one time of year that everyone who can get away joins together in one big gathering. There’s a lot of Rah Rah Rah but there ‘s also a lot of really good information about the company’s goals for the coming year and of course, the kudos and awards to the top performers across the country. I love seeing my friends’ names up in lights! I almost got on the board this year too. Maybe next year.

The past  2 years Redferno was in San Diego. This year it was in Anaheim, Ca. If there is one thing I don’t like about it , its that you travel all that way and every minute is booked with training and company events. You don’t get to see the area so it doesn’t matter where they hold it.


But this year was different. Redferno was in Anaheim Ca. the true first home of Mickey Mouse and even though our days and nights were crammed full of work for the week, our last night we were given park hopper tickets and a shuttle bus took us to the Disneyland Parks. A very nice perk. Thank you Redfin!


Bayside Miami

At the Bayside we were herded off the bus and led through the complex of shops, stalls and retail outlets to the marina. Before we boarded our boat for the Boat Tour we had to have our lunch.

The Tradewinds was expecting us with special menus geared to quick preparation and service. The Tradewinds is outdoor dining on a covered deck. You are protected from a passing rain shower but not from marauding sea gulls , as I was about to find out.

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I was sitting with a mother and daughter who was visiting America for the first time. We had a bit of a language barrier but there were still lots of smiles. I am not a big taco fan so I ordered the fried shrimp which came with tons of french fries. I’d just settled my plate and had a shrimp in my hand when I was dived bombed from behind. Something hit the back of my head and tumbled over my shoulder. It was a  big old seagull! (Mine, mine, mine).

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It landed right on my french fries, grabbed a beak-full and took off. Everyone at the table froze in shock and then we started to laugh.  We spent the rest of the lunch on high alert protecting our meals.The restaurant wouldn’t replace my french fries but that was ok. I only wanted the shrimp anyway.

As everyone was gathering after lunch to get ready to trek over to the boat I went in search of the parrot man we’d passed on the way in. I love these beautiful birds but could never have one as a pet myself. They would outlive me for sure but I can enjoy them when I run across these folks who share their pets (for a price).

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Time to board our boat for the views of the Islands of Biscayne Bay and the homes of Miami’s rich and famous.

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Once again we passed the “Fast & Furious” bridge. The drawbridge was open this time.

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As we slowly cruised by these beautiful homes our tour guide played the music associated with the stars, maybe a theme song from a movie or if the celeb was a musician one of their hits. He shared a snippet about each property. Everything from the price tag to the history of the ownership. It was relaxing and enjoyable although not being a big celebrity follower, I couldn’t tell you much about who owned what.

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As we headed back to the marina everyone crowed the bow for pictures of the Miami skyline.

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Meanwhile back at the Bayside some free entertainment was getting warmed up. It was time to salsa and I don’t mean on chips. I spent the rest of my afternoon there while my tour companions scattered to shop or drink.

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Eventually it was time to catch the bus back to South Beach. It was a very nice day!