South Beach Miami

I knew South beach would be a big change from Orlando. I wanted to get to south Florida so I could visit the Everglades again and maybe, schedules permitting, visit some relatives. The only condo available was right on Ocean Drive, South Beach. Part of me liked the sound of that and part of me reminded myself that South Beach is where the “Beautiful People” go to vacation.

The other drawback is the parking. It’s a minimum of $47.00/day to park so I would be stuck either taking public transportation, cabs or walking. I felt that paying more for parking than I was for a rental was not the smartest way to spend my vacation bucks. I was hoping there’d be some tours to take me where I wanted to go that might pick up at the resort.

My first surprise was the resort itself. I am used to Diamond Properties having large lobbies and a feeling of spaciousness but “Crescent Resort on South Beach” was tiny. It’s in the heart of the Art Deco district so there are restrictions on what they can do to the property.

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As for the service, the staff had the same welcoming attitude of all the other Diamond Properties I’ve visited. I arrived 2 hours before check in. It was raining and I’m sure I looked more like a drowned rat than a “beautiful people” but they were very gracious and  let me check in right away. Then they told me I could get a 20% discount at the Purple Penguin next door as they did not have a restaurant.


Considering the weather this was a perfect solution.


I was still fighting the cold I caught back in October while on vacation in San Antonio & New Orleans so I welcomed this dreary day as a “down day” so I could relax, nap and do nothing once I got checked in. I was glad I had a couple of books with me.


My room was small but I loved the accent wall in the bedroom. It’s the same  color as my living room at home.





The Magic Kingdom in December

Finally it was the day I’d originally envisioned. It was time to visit the Magic Kingdom. I’d been here for Christmas once before and although the park was wall to wall people that trip, I remember the decorations were spectacular.

The mono rail was not running to the Magic Kingdom so everyone had to get there by boat.

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We lined up and waited, and waited and waited. There’s no place to sit or lean. It didn’t take long for my newly improved back muscles to start a downhill slide.

As soon as we reached the park I rushed to get through security and ticketing.

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I had my eye on the ECV (electric convenience vehicle or scooter) rentals. Too late, there was a waiting list. I was #2 on the list. They would call our cell phone as soon as one came back in. They don’t take reservations so you just take your chances that one will be available. This was the first time I’d struck out.


We headed into the park.

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Even though this is consider a slow week the Magic Kingdom was full!

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Because of my questionable ambulatory abilities we stayed close to the square but there was plenty to see there.

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We started out by taking the train ride around the park.

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You never know who you might run into.


The goal is to just have fun.


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We got back in time to see the horse drawn trolley pull up and enjoy a rousing show of song and dance.

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It was the last show of the day. They only do these shows in the mornings so we were lucky.

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And even though the park was crowded, we still had front row places. Great for memorializing the event in pictures.

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As they unhitched the beautiful Clydesdale from the trolley I could almost hear him say, “That’s all folks”.

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There was only a 10 minute wait to see Tinkerbell so like little kids we hopped in line. I may be a grown up but I still love the character visits.


Joe seems to like these visits too even though his job keeps him in contact with them all the time. He had to get his “selfie”.


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Animal Kingdom At Christmas

With the Orlando Eye down for the count  Joe and I put our heads together to come up with a plan B. Now when you are in Orlando and your BFF works for Disney World, what is the most logical conclusion for a Plan B?  Why, go to one of the parks , of course!

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My very favorite park is Animal Kingdom because of the animals.  We figured we could get The Kilimanjaro Safari ride in and maybe the Lion King Show before the park closed for the day.

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I love the bridge where we can see the Mountain. I always have to stop and take a picture there. Usually there’s a park photographer too because its such a popular vista.

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The park was pretty slow so we were able to get on the safari ride pretty quickly.

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A lot of the animals were out of sight waiting for the evening feeding but that meant that I got to see some that I’ve missed in the past.

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There was a lovely bright colored bird. The driver told us its name but I don’t remember it now.


Of course the elephants can’t hide

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and there were giraffes.

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The best were the big cats and of the big cats, the lions.

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We even got a roar out of the male before he laid down for his nap!

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Too soon it was time to move on if we wanted to see the Lion King Show.



A Very Mickey Breakfast

Friday morning we were up bright and early. Joe had breakfast reservations for us at Trattoria on the Boardwalk.

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Joe  had eggs but rounded out his breakfast with a Mickey Waffle.


I decided to try the caramel apple pancake .  I thought it would be similar to the Big apple pancake they have a Bickfords or like I make at home with apple slices through the pancake batter but I was wrong. These were a short stack of pancakes covered in hot cinnamon apples and caramel sauce. Real good but oh so sweet.



I had hesitated about ordering a Mickey Waffle as I was afraid it would be too many carbs but I was glad for it as it cut the sweetness of the pancakes. Besides, calories don’t count on vacation, right?

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It was fun breakfast.

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After we ate we wandered through the Boardwalk shops and lobbies checking out those decorations and taking pictures.

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I think the elaborate chandelier was the best.

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Our plan was to spend the morning that way and then go to the Orlando Eye. Joe had coupons for combo tickets, buy a ticket for all 3 attractions, Madam Tussaud’s, Sealife and The Eye and get a 2nd ticket free. We did it online and it worked so soon it was time to head to downtown Orlando.

Orlando EYE