What I did on My Lake George Summer Vacation

What I Did on My Lake George Summer Vacation

How many remember those back to school essays- What I did on my summer vacation? Well I figured that was a good title for this post. Covid has slowed vacation travel to a crawl, a drip, a puddle. I’m so lucky I have family in the Adirondacks. But as I mentioned in my last post I met up with my brother and we headed to a campground where our RV was waiting for us. This is a different kind of vacation for me! No luxury time share condo this time. But at least we aren’t in a tent. 

Lake George Escape

I’m not knocking camping in a tent. I’ve done it before and it’s great fun. They even have something called “Glamping” where  the tents are elaborate and rival that of a sheikh but it has been a long time since I went roughing it. I’m happy we have the RV as a middle ground. Our RV is set up at The Lake George Escape Campground. I think it’s Warrensburg, NY but the actual address says Diamond Point. The first order of business was to prepare the Fire Pit for visitors. The second was to take a stroll down to the beach so I could see where the canoeing, kayaking and tubing took place. Just in case I was feeling frisky.


Whiteface Mountain

The next morning We decided to take a drive to Whiteface Mountain. Whiteface is located in the town of Wilmington about 13 miles from Lake Placid which is most notably remembered as the venue for the 1980 Olympic hockey game known as the Miracle on Ice. It amazed me that I had never been through Lake Placid considering I grew up in the area. We cruised the town so I could get a look at the Olympic Stadium and the ski jumps from the winter Olympics. I am such a tourist!

But back to Whiteface. We never expected we’d have such a time getting up the mountain. Whiteface is the 5th highest mountain in New York State and part of the High Peaks of the Adirondacks. On a clear day the summit offers 360 degree views of the Adirondacks and even glimpses of  Vermont (and if it’s very clear) Canada.

What I did on My Summer Vacation- Lake George

Whiteface Mountain Veterans Memorial Highway takes you to within 300 ft of the summit. Be prepared it’s a toll road. The fee was $30.00 when we made the drive. Whiteface Castle dominates the summit. To get to the tip top you can take a .2 mile trail or a 242 ft tunnel that leads to an elevator. But we never got to experience either. At the start of the road a big sign said 0 visibility.  We went up anyway. The elevator was not running and we were in the very heart of the clouds. This was truly Zero Visibility.

Road Trip! Time for a Drive Vacation

Road Trip!

It’s a summer drive vacation aka road trip.  Covid has put a real damper on travel. I canceled my vacations for this year. I’m waiting for the pandemic scare to subside. I hear plane fares are going to be at an all time low this fall. I also hear that lots of flights may be canceled or consolidated and some airlines may fail. But someone with my wanderlust can only be slowed down so long. So even with arthritic joints and a Covid 15 weight gain, it was time to do something. My choice…ROAD TRIP! God bless my brother. He gave me an excuse to travel. I decided to go visit him in Lake George, New York.

Camping 2020 Style

Road Trip began with a drive to the Northway aka route 87, the north-south highway through eastern New York. I picked it up from the the turnpike (Route 90) in Albany.  All in all it was about a 3.5 hour drive from my house to Exit 23 for Diamond Point/ Warrensburg. Of course I went to exit 24. That was the exit if I wanted to go to my brother’s house or to our “old homestead”. Old habits die hard I guess. Anyway I had to turn around to get to exit 23 which was my destination. We were going to spend the week camping 2020 style. No tents for us. We had an RV to use. 

Communication is everything

Of course I got my wires crossed. Got to love texting. You try to keep everything short and the result is we get totally twisted up. Because I’d gone to the wrong exit my brother thought I was meeting him at his house but by the time he replied I’d turned around and was headed back to the correct exit – exit 23.  He said come on to the house so I said ok I’m just getting gas. He thought I was in Bolton the town on the lake when I was really in Warrensburg.  I finally found my way back to exit 24 and then it was just a hop, skip and jump to his house. We then caravan-ed back to where I started at exit 23. We are still laughing about that.

Puzzle update:

Here’s where I left off on the puzzle before my road trip. Making slow but steady progress


Road Trip to Hana- Again

On the Road to Hana

I’m in Maui so that means a trip to Hana. The only way to get there is taking the “Road to Hana” also called the Hana Highway. Regular visitors to this site can attest to my experiences with the Hana Highway. I’ve had some close calls when I’ve attempted to make the drive on my own so this time I chose to take a tour. Let someone else do the driving. In case you are wondering about my cowardly decision the Road to Hana is considered the 5th most dangerous road In The World!

The Hana Rainforest & Waterfall Fun Tour

The concierge recommended Aloha Sunshine Tours for the trip to Hana. Pick up was in the lobby at Ka’anapali Beach Club at 6:10 am. I was advised to wear a bathing suit under my clothes and bring beach towels and sunscreen. Also recommended was bug repellent and Dramamine. This is not an inexpensive trip. I was receiving a discount but for those not members of a resort club or time share the cost of the tour was $161.45 per adult. The price includes lunch in Hana. In our case lunch was a sandwich wrap and a soft drink. I just didn’t want you to think it was an elaborate restaurant meal, it wasn’t. 

Lets Talk about The Road to Hana

The Hana Highway is dangerous because in a 30 mile stretch there are 620 curves and 59 single lane bridges. Unlike other places where one car goes then the other side goes, like at a stop sign, if you have a line of cars behind you  that gives you the right of way and the on coming cars all wait until the whole string of cars has passed. Some of the curves are blind curves. Our tour bus went around them with the horn blaring to let cars on the other side of the curve know we were coming. Two of the passengers got car sick. but thankfully managed to hold it until we could find a place to pull over. The drop offs can be dizzying when you look down.

The Hana Highway runs through a rainforest

The scenery is magnificent. We stopped to take a quick dip under a waterfall. You are traveling through an honest to goodness rainforest. Waterfalls abound, some dripping down onto the highway. There can be fog and limited visibility. The day we went it was sunny for the most part. Only patches of rain. One big change from my previous tour, when we got to Hana we turned around and came back. The tour did not take us on the back side of Haleakalā. Our driver said the unpaved road there was too rough on their vans. I’ll share some of the stops we made in the next post.

If You Go

If you get to Hana , whether on your own or by tour, be sure to pick up some banana bread. It is THE BEST! I’m told it’s made with the tiny bananas and that is what makes it so moist and sweet. I don’t know if that’s true but I’ve never had banana bread as good as this in my life. Its worth the scary ride on the Road to Hana.




The Road To Hana is a Very Scary Road

The Road To Hana is a Very Scary Road

I know I’ve been neglecting adding posts lately but I have been working on things. I’m re-writing some of my earlier blog posts for a writing course I’m taking. I’d like to share one I just finished about a experience I had on the Road to Hana in Maui.  Originally this was 2 blog posts from my trip in 2017. After taking the writing course I condensed it down to under 800 words and made it 1 story. So here it is. I hope you enjoy this revised version.

My Road to Hana Mishap (or how I scared myself silly on one of the most dangerous roads in the US)

My heart is pounding like a jack hammer. My hands are shaking and sweating. My whole world has shrunk to this place, this minute. How did this happen? How did I get myself into this situation. How COULD I let this happen!? 

It’s a beautiful Hawaiian morning. Blue sky, a few fluffy clouds. Nothing to give me a hint of what was to come, a perfect start to a picture-perfect vacation in paradise.  The scenery takes your breath away  but that’s not why I’m having trouble breathing now. No, I’m sitting in my rental car, a jeep SUV, with the chassis balanced on a large rock; a boulder really. My left front tire is up in the air and my right fender is flush with a solid wall of dirt and clay. There’s a 100+ foot drop off to my left.

Don’t go on the Road to Hana the car rental people said. Your insurance will be void. My Insurance! What about my life? Right now its flashing before my eyes!

Be sure to turn around at mile marker 38 they said at the resort. Whatever you do, don’t go past Mile 38. I swear I never saw it. I saw whales playing off the coast. I saw green hills and blooming flowers. I did not see Mile Marker 38.

So now I’m parked precariously on my rock on a one lane dirt road that is barely clinging to the side of the mountain. I can see the nonexistent shoulder crumbling. There are about 20 cars behind me. They can’t move forward until I do. There are 2 cars trying to go down the same road I’m on. They refuse to back up. I can’t back up with 20 cars behind me. Driver #1 is screaming obscenities at me. I don’t know what to do. I’m as far off the road as I can get. If I close my eyes, I see my car, with me inside, plunging over the edge. Yup I’m about to become a statistic.A footnote tale of caution for tour guides to tell their guests.

People are starting to leave their cars to gather around. They shout instructions, wave their arms and offer advice. It doesn’t change the fact that there are 2 cars face to face on a one lane road. Something has to give and about that time it does. Driver  #1 , his patience worn out, suddenly guns his car. Spectators scatter as Driver # 1 barrels past me. He makes it! As a final gesture of good will he flips me the bird on his way to intimidate the next driver in line behind me. 

Driver #2 now creeps forward. The spectators urge him on. Ever so slowly he manages to force his car up to my boulder. His car is now leaning at a dangerous angle. His front bumper is only feet from my boulder, but his back bumper is still in the middle of the road. At that moment my car chooses to fall off its rock. With a crunch and a bump, I’m back on the road. There was no screech of metal  so I cross my fingers that there’s no damage. No one is blocking my way now, but I still have to get around the rear of the other car. That will take me very close to the edge of the cliff. I look to the spectators.They wave me forward with encouraging words. I hope they want my success – not to witness a big splat. I hold my breath. I’m afraid to look to the left. I stare at the single lane ahead with the rear end of the car in the middle and then I’m past car #2.


I turn the corner and there, not 100 yards ahead of me is a pull out. There’s even a food truck. I pull in, turn around and fall out of my car on shaking legs. I can’t believe I made it. I’m safe- at least until I have to venture back the way I came.



Hog Heaven

Hog Heaven

Hog Heaven


You could say that I was in Hog Heaven at Ocean Point Resort. The suite was beautiful, the view was outstanding. The bed was comfy and gave me a good nights sleep but when I woke up this morning I was anywhere but Hog Heaven. My plan had been to do some more snorkeling but when I got up I nearly took a header getting out of bed. My feet were so sore. I think they were black and blue. They weren’t cut. I’d checked that carefully after my encounter with the coral rocks but they did get very bruised. I gingerly limped into the kitchen area, made some eggs and collapsed in a chair at the counter for breakfast. 

What to do?

As I enjoyed my eggs and tea I mulled over how to spend my day if my feet were going to be difficult. I quickly realized that walking or hiking would be out of the question. Braving the coral shore for snorkeling wasn’t appealing either.  The resort’s pool was an option but I was pretty sure I’d get bored quickly. I’d brought some books with me and decided to put my feet up on the deck and read a little. Then I’d reassess how my mobility was doing.

Hog HeveanIslamorada

Around noontime I made the decision to explore a little from my car. The next Key is Islamorada. I first heard of Islamorda a few years ago when HGTV held a Dream Home Getaway here. Theater of the Sea is also located on Islamorda so I figured I’l take a little drive to get familiar with the area. 

Hog Heaven Really Does Exist

As I cruised around I spotted a huge pig advertising Hog Heaven and ocean side dining. You’d be amazed how few places have ocean side dining considering we’re on a chain if islands.  I followed the sign into a dirt parking lot. A rustic building sporting a “crashed plane” welcomed me to Hog Heaven. Yes, Dad, it does exist! Inside I passed a  classic car, at least half of one, with speakers blaring.Hog Heaven

I could see the bar area and headed that way. This was the ocean side dining. Tables looked out on a small marina. I placed my order, fried shrimp and cornbread. It was outstanding! I really was in Hog Heaven on Islamorada Key, Florida!

Hog Heaven