Over Hill and Dale

The Hills of Busch Gardens

Last time we got together I told you we were warned about the steep hills at Busch Gardens. Well it was no understatement. A tram takes visitors from the parking area to the entrance. Its a very similar set up to Disney World. The Tram operator was very nice about muscling the scooter onto the train. He returned to help us take it off as well. So far so good.

Christmas Town

Once we went through security we headed down Main St in Christmas town. It was just beginning to get dark but even if the lights weren’t fully on display there were other lovely decorations.  One of my favorite decorations was the clock tower. I loved the way that was decked out.It was simple but elegant!


The Hills are Real

Leaving Main Street behind we began to wander the rest of the park. It wasn’t long before we came to the first hill. And it was a hill. Unlike the gradual slope one might expect in an amusement park where everyone is walking this little hill was quite steep. I pointed my scooter at the hill and started up.

About half way to the top the scooter began to lose power. Then it quit entirely. If that was all it would have been no problem. We could have just hopped off and pushed it the rest of the way but that’s not what happened. No! That scooter started rolling backward down the hill gaining speed as it went. It almost tipped over before I managed to get off and stop it. Other visitors all came running to give me a hand. I was so embarrassed. I thought I’d done something wrong!

Let’s try this again

We pushed the scooter to the top of the hill, turned it back on and went on our way. We wound our way past Pompeii’s wall of lights and through the polar bears. This was all pretty flat but then it was time to tackle another hill. Even being prepared did not stop it from happening again.  By now I was getting very skittish. Joe said he would drive it up the next hill so we continued on. This was certainly putting a damper on our adventure…at least for me.

Global Warming or Fake News

Is Global Warming real?

If you ask President Trump, Global Warming isn’t real, It’s FAKE NEWS! But if global warming is fake, why are we getting so many major hurricanes? Hurricanes gain strength and grow from the warm water of the Caribbean. When they pass over cooler water they loose energy. “The U.S. has never been hit, since we started collecting records in 1851, by two Category 4 or stronger hurricanes in the same season.” Jeff Masters

It looks like that is about to change. Hurricane Harvey just left Texas and now Irma is about to make landfall in Florida.

What’s causing these “Storms of the Century”

It’s a bit confusing actually. When we have an El Nino  year extremely warm temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, push strong winds into the Atlantic, creating high levels of wind shear that stops hurricanes. In a La Nina year the opposite happens.  Pacific sea temperatures reverse and cool which tends to drive hurricanes. But here’s the thing (there’s always a thing), this year is neutral! It’s neither El Nino or LA Nina.

hurricane Andrew

2005 was Neutral too

In 2005 the conditions were much like they are this year. Think back. We had  hurricanes Rita (Cat 3) , Wilma (cat 4) and of course Katrina, (cat 5).  Katrina was like Harvey in that much of the damage was due to flooding. In the case of Katrina levees failed but Harvey stalled and rained and rained and rained!

Why I Believe in Global Warming

I’ve heard all of the arguments about the weather being cyclical and I agree. But I do believe that the water is warmer so storms are more extreme when they happen. Something is making the oceans warmer. Something is making the ice caps melt which is making the earth warmer. I’m not a scientist but I’m sure all of our human polution can’t be helping the situation.

In search of Rangeley Lake Resort

First Stop Appalachian Trail

Not having much choice I continued on Route 4 looking for someone or someplace  to ask directions to the resort. I blame myself because I didn’t take the time to map out the route first and use OnStar as back-up. I hadn’t gone too far when I saw a sign for the Appalachian Trail.Appalachian Trail sign Pulling into the lot I found a text had come in from my sister. Seeing that reminded me that when on vacation you don’t get lost, you sight see.

My respects to Geraldine Largay

I was still without a cell signal so I checked out my location. On the right side of the road was a trail shelter for hikers. Slowly it dawned on me that this must be the section of the trail where Hiker Geraldine Largay got lost. The search for her and the eventual recovery of her remains were the subject of a couple of episodes of North Woods Law. Her story is very tragic. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/27/us/missing-hiker-geraldine-largay-appalachian-trail-maine.html?_r=0 It especially hit me because she was hiking alone, something I often find myself doing as well.

As I sat thinking about that I remembered one of the things that hindered the search was that there was no cell service. Geraldine couldn’t call for help and the wardens couldn’t “ping” her phone. No sense waiting here then, it’s back on the road..

The Suds and Sizzle

My next stop was at a little laundry and tanning place. The sign said open but no one was around. I must say, it looked far cleaner and well maintained than the laundromats in my area. We could take a lesson. I didn’t linger. I could see the afternoon shadows getting longer.

Dallas Hill

A mile or so after leaving the Suds and Sizzle I spotted an scenic overlook. Up until now there were only glimpses of the lake through the trees. At the overlook was a gorgeous view of Lake Rangeley.rangeley overlook

It reminded me of looking out over Lake George, where I grew up. I also could get a cell signal so immediately called the resort.

Maggie answered and told me to fear not, I was almost there. Continue on the way I was going, I would pass the IGA grocery store and then the Main lodge would be on my left. IGA grocery storeSure enough. It was right there!

I have arrived

Maggie had me checked in in no time. There are so many amenities they will take up another post.

I have a lovely 3 bedroom cabin all my own for the next 7 days.I have a pile of maps and even a list of moose watching locations. This is going to be great!




Spring Has Sprung when Lilacs Bloom

Spring has sprung when Lilacs Bloom

Lilacs are one of my favorite spring flowers. From their beautiful fragrance  to their delicate blooms, Lilacs are the comfort food of the flower world. I’m blessed with a ride to work that passes everything from pruned and pampered lilac bushes to wild road-side shrubs. This time of year they are all covered in purple blooms.


Lilac Sunday

Lilac Sunday at the Arnold Arboretum was canceled because of the rain. Of the many thousands of flowers at the arboretum, only lilacs get their own special day. Most of the lilacs in the Arboretum are located at the edge of Bussey Hill Rd. The Arboretum has 369 lilac plants! If next week is nice maybe I can catch the tail end of the blooming season.

Lilac Symbolism


The lilac story actually goes back to Greek mythology. According to the story Pan was enamored of a nymph named Syringa. Pan chased Syringa into the forest. Syringa wanted to avoid his advances so turned herself into a lilac bush. To Pan’s surprise, he could not find Syringa, but he did find the shrub. A lilac shrub consists of hollow reeds. Pan cut the shrub to create the flute he is so well known for playing.

Lilac Meanings

Lilac meanings vary throughout different cultures and time periods.

  • The Celtics regarded the lilac as “magical” due to their incredibly intoxicating fragrance.
  • During the Victorian Age, the giving of a lilac was meant to be a reminder of an old love. Widows were often seen wearing lilacs during this period.
  • In Russia, holding a sprig of lilac over the newborn would bring wisdom.
  • In the United States, the lilac is the official state flower of New Hampshire and represents the ‘hardy’ nature of its people.


Lilac Symbolism & Colors

  • White lilacs symbolize purity and innocence.
  • Violet lilacs symbolize spirituality.
  • Blue lilacs symbolize happiness and tranquility.
  • Magenta lilacs symbolize love and passion.
  • Lilac, the color for which this flower is named, is a light purple that symbolizes a first love.

Lilac Facts

  • The lilac is the official flower of a couple’s 8th wedding anniversary.
  • Lilacs have one of the shortest bloom times and only flower for three weeks at the beginning of spring.
  • George Washington and Thomas Jefferson  loved lilacs, growing them in their gardens.
  • Lilacs belong to the same family as the olive tree.

Comfort Food of Flowers

Lilacs symbolize home to me. Growing up our driveway was lined with lilacs and there was a huge lilac bush in the middle of the yard. The blooms only burst forth in early spring and in a wink of an eye are gone. For about 3 weeks the air is fragrant each spring. No matter where I am, the scent takes me home in my mind.


Facts and symbolism provided by FTD web site https://www.ftd.com