4 is a full day

#1. Oliver Mills Park, Middleboro

The Blue Heron is back

 And hungry


and sucessful

 if a bit clumsy.

And for my friend Alex..a snake 🙂

2. Jenny Grist Mill Pond

A swan

A boy duck

and a girl  duck with  a ‘”come hither look”

#3. North River Wildlife Sanctuary, Marshfield

The Marsh

The River

The goldfinch 

and a fiddle head fern

# 4. Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary..It never disappoints

A Snipe

A turkey

A Blue Jay

And the baby Geese (goslings)

Busy, Busy, Busy

As I occasionally remind myself, this blog was meant to be about my travel experiences. I tend to digress since when you only have 2 – 3 weeks vacation it’s easy to run out of stories to share. That’s when I fall back on the local color. But I had a productive travel  planning day yesterday so I thought you deserved an update.

Back when I went to Florida in January my time share rewarded me with a 4 day cruise for 2. The cruise is free but I would have to pay the port fees and taxes and of course any tips and miscellaneous expenses or excursions.

The first hurdle was who to ask to go with me. That was solved because as soon as Joe (JR) found out about it he jumped on the chance to go. The Cruise line is Carnival, known for its lively, activity packed cruises.

 There were 5 itineraries to choose from:

BAHAMAS…Port Canaveral, Freeport, Nassau

BAJA MEXICO…Los Angeles (Long Beach), Catalina, Ensenada

WESTERN CARIBBEAN…Miami, Key West, Cozumel

BAHAMAS….Jacksonville, Freeport, Nassau

WESTERN CARIBBEAN…Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, Tampa, Cozumel

We decided on Western Caribbean..leaving from Miami, Port of calls Key West and Cozumel. We felt that leaving from a Florida port was the most economical way to go. I’d love to see Baja but the cross-country flight would add time to the vacation and cost. So by going from Florida we had Caribbean or Bahamas to choose from and we’ve both been to the Bahamas. We’ve both been to Key West too. In fact JR. lived and worked there which is how I got to visit. We both love it so  Key West and Cozumel are the ports we want to visit.

I’d called the booking agent a few weeks ago to get some general information and what the port fees would be and now I was ready to book the cruise! It was pretty easy. The agent walked me through everything answering questions as we went along. The cruise leaves on a Monday at 4 pm so I might fly down on Sunday and get a room for the night or since it doesn’t leave til 4pm I might fly in early on Monday. I’ll make that decision as it gets closer to the big day.

We’ll arrive in Key West at 7:30 am Tuesday and have until 2 pm to explore. Then it’s back on the ship to head to Cozumel. We’ll arrive there at 1 pm on Wednesday and be in port until 10 pm.

Thursday is at sea all day but according to the brochure this is one of the FUN SHIPS and there are lots of things to do.

We arrive back in Miami at 8:00 am on Friday. I may add a couple more days on and stay in Miami so see the sights…Miami Zoo, and The Everglades for starters.

I was so excited when I finished that I had to call JR and let him know it was all set. He better get his passport! When I reached him he had another project on his mind.

He’s coming up to visit in June. He wanted to know if I still wanted to go to Acadia (Bar Harbor, Me). We’d talked about it but hadn’t made any definite plans. I jumped at the chance so through the wonders of the internet we both searched hotels and motels in the Bar Harbor area. We settled on a Monday, Tuesday Wednesday visit and drive back home on Thursday. I have a Hotels .com account so I booked the room. Then I headed off to work where I put in a vacation request for that Thursday. It was approved.

$250.00 on a credit card and $500.oo cash (debit card) and 2 vacations are not only booked but paid for! That’s the way I like to roll! Even nicer because Joe will be paying part of that so I will have money coming back to me when he gets up here..money I can use for “spending money”.

So for vacations…thus far I have a June “mini” vacation to Bar Harbor, Me., a July “mini” vacation to Portland, Me, and a full vacation (6 days) in September to Glens Falls/ Lake George, NY. to visit family.

Then to start the New Year off, we’ll be cruising to Cozumel in Jan 2013.  Looks like I’m going to have some material to share with you all this year. 🙂

Still pending but soon to be booked is THE GREAT ALASKA CRUISE.

And I’m sure there will be plenty of “day trip” adventures over the summer too!

Around Dusty Roads

Ahhhh! It’s the kind of day that gave this blog its name. Hop in the car and see where you end up. Of course the roads around here are paved for the most part but the sentiment is the same. Sunny, Warm, early spring….a perfect day for a drive. Who knows how many more drives like this I’ll have with gas headed toward $4.00+/gal.

SPAM! and I don’t mean the lunch meat

I would love to know how you get targeted by spamers? Lately I have been getting hit by 20-30 spam messages per day! What a mess. It takes forever to sort through them and it isn’t fair to those of you who are following my comments. I am very sorry this is happening.

What did I do to come to their attention? For more than a year I’ve had a nice quiet blogging life!

I contacted WordPress because I know my Spam filters are on and it does catch some of it but they said there’s nothing they can do. I have to enter each IP in order to block it. I am spending more time doing that than I am writing posts.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? How did it happen? Why is it that one day it’s BAU (business as usual) and the next day the comment box is flooded with automated nonsense?

Once it starts it just keeps rolling….5 spam  and I enter the IP in the filter. Next day 10 spam, all new IP’s so I enter them, the next it jumped to 20! It’s like they multiply!

I have entered over 100 IPs in the past week. Any suggestions?

An Ecosafari

I waved goodbye to Gatorland and headed out to find St. Cloud. As I pulled out of the parking lot my cell phone rang. It was Joe. He wanted to know where I was and where I was going. He had seen a news clip in the morning about a Manatee Festival and since I hadn’t seen any manatees at Weekee Wachi State Park, he thought I might be interested. I thanked him and told him I would take it under advisement. Right then I was heading for St. Cloud for an EcoSafari.

I’m new to GPS so I didn’t know where to find the eta. If I’d known I might have been prepared for the length of the drive. Orlando to St. Cloud wasn’t an issue but getting through downtown St Cloud to the Eco Safari was. I drove and drove. I was supposed to be there to check in by 12:45 but that came and went and I was still driving.

I tried to call to let them know I was on my way but they didn’t have a phone listing. I looked on my receipt from the concierge…nothing thereso I even tried  my cell phones 411. They couldn’t find anything either. I alternated between being nervous that I would miss out and angry that I couldn’t reach anyone. Finally I saw a sign and turned down a dirt road which eventually led into a dirt parking lot. I had made it and only about 15 minutes late.

I was supposed to check in at the restaurant. I followed the signs around the veranda to an entry at the back. Once inside a clerk in the gift shop pointed me to a closed-door at the back. I slipped in to see that everyone was watching a movie about the eco-ranch and how it came about. It was a sad story because it was created in a son’s memory. I won’t attempt to give you the whole story because I’d missed half of it but I did arrive in time to get the gist of it.

This Eco-Safari is called Forever Florida. The area consists of 4700 acres of eco-ranch and abuts a conservation area. The land is being preserved the way nature intended. The area boasts 9 distinct Florida ecosystems and an endless array of natural flora and fauna including alligators, black bears, nearly two hundred species of birds and the endangered Florida panther. There was no telling what we would see!

After the movie we all clambered aboard a large swamp buggy for the “Coach Safari”. They also have a “Horse Safari”, Zipline, and a new  Cypress Canopy Cycle. Our very personable drive was also our guide. As we headed out he pointed out the sights and explained the type of terrain and eco system we were covering.

At first it was ranch land with the Florida cattle. They have long”ish” horns. They don’t quite reach long horn status like Texas Long Horns but the curved horns still look pretty sharp. the bloodline is being preserved and can be traced back to the spanish who originally brought them. This was a theme I was to hear  over and over whenever the topic of Florida Cows came up.

Right off the bat we spotted a hawk. The driver said it was a red-shouldered hawk. It was too far away for a picture but we’re off to a good start.

As we left the grounds of the working part of the ranch we saw a mucky, swampy ditch along the side of the road. In that muck we spotted turtles and alligators.

 There were birds in the trees over hanging this little trickle of water. Our driver said “This is Florida and where there is water there will be alligators”.

He was very knowledgable, naming and pointing out all the birds, flowers and even the plants growing in the little ditch.

We saw several Anhinga. At one point we watched one pull its long neck in only to have it shoot out with amazing speed to snag a passing bug. It was like watching a snake strike , not a bird but I guess that’s characteristic of this species.

As we drove along we traveled from swampy to dry and into cypress groves. We saw baby alligators and even white tail deer. No Florida Panthers although we passed markers identifying Florida panther territory.

As we passed through a grassy “savannah” our sharp-eyed guide pointed out a pair of sand hill cranes. It was so hard to see them he had to stop the  swamp buggy so we could watch for the motion as the cranes moved through the tall grasses.

We also passed the trail markers for the Cross Florida Greenway, a hiking trail that runs from the tip of the Florida Keys to the Panhandle. It’s to Florida like the Appalachian Trail trail is to the East Coast.

We made a stop at a cypress grove to walk a board walk.

 Our guide pointed out the cypress knees that grow from the roots of the cypress trees. If these knees get damaged then the tree dies.

No one seems to know why. We could see the waterline from the floods when hurricanes go through and damage to the boardwalk. Florida is in a drought at the moment. It was very apparent once the various water lines were pointed out.

It wasn’t too much longer after we reloaded when we turned back to the ranch. It was an excellent experience. Since I’d been running so far behind I hadn’t had lunch so I ordered one of the all beef hot dogs they offered. The beef was from their cattle and the hot dogs made on their ranch. They were huge and soooo good! I don’t think I have ever tasted a hot dog that was so good. I guess fresh is best. 🙂

After lunch I wandered the grounds with the owner’s permission. Thier only advice…watch out for the alligators in the pond!  As I wandered around I spotted a cat. I hadn’t seen a cat since I left mine at home but as usual during my trips at some point I will run into someone’s cat. And as is usual the cat says hello in it’s cat-ly way and lets me pet him so I can have my “kitty fix”. 🙂

Time to find my way back to Orlando.

If you go…I recommend this trip. It was fun and educational but be sure you have good directions and allow extra time to get there.