Mermaids and Manatees

Day 3 dawned with overcast sky’s and light rain showers. It was tempting to just crawl back into bed and sleep-in but my time in Florida is limited so that would be a waste.  I was here and opportunity only knocks once (or so “they” say). Joe was at Disney, working, so I was on my own today. I don’t mind that. In fact I told Joe before I came down that I  would visit him while I was here. I wanted him to understand that he didn’t have to play host to me the whole week. I had exploring to do and I like doing a lot of that on my own at my own pace.

The concierge at my timeshare said that the cold snap they had the previous week had driven the manatees into the springs for warmth. He suggested I take a drive up to Weeki Wachee State Park. He thought there were some in that spring. Seeing a live manatee in the wild would be an awesome experience.

Weeki Wachee State Park is about an hour north of Orlando. I had my GPS and the roads were good. I drove in and out of bands of rain. It was a scenic ride once I was off the highway. I think most of the drive was on RT 50. There were orange groves both well-tended and abandoned. The well-tended groves were loaded with fruit. As many times as I have been to Florida, I had never seen orange groves so this was really neat.

 The weather report said it was supposed to clear so I was hoping the sun would be out by the time I arrived.

I remember hearing about the Weeki Wachee Springs when I was much younger. They had mermaid shows and I thought that would be an awesome job to have when I grew up. I was surprised to find out that they still have those shows at the park. I thought they were a thing of the past like so many other  things from the 50’s.

 There are a couple of different shows. One show, Fish Tails, gives the history of the mermaids  before a pageant style  show is presented and the other is based on the Little Mermaid. There is also a reptile show and a boat ride  with a conservationist. But I am jumping ahead. Let me walk you through my visit.

Arriving at the entrance to the Park you have a large paved parking area. The entrance is attractive with flags and sculptures of mermaids.

The ticket price includes all the “attractions”, the shows and boat ride I mentioned. Unfortunately the ranger at the window said the manatees were gone now, back out to sea, but she highly recommended the mermaid show.

I was here so I paid my admission and set about exploring.

Inside the park there were paved paths and benches and peacocks…loads of peacocks.

They were pretty but kind of dirty. They liked to sit on the benches too but they left  quite large piles of calling cards if you get my drift. If you go, look before you sit.

I took the boat ride first and was surprised to be the only passenger. I guess the threat of rain had put a damper on visitors.

There was a captain and the conservationist and me. The ride is not long but we saw  Ibis,

 an eagle nest,

 Great Blue Heron,

 and a Little Blue Heron

, even a domestic Muscovy duck.

Looking into the clear water of the spring fed river I could see fish darting about through the water. They even jumped and splashed occasionally. No wonder the wading birds were hanging out.

The guide said there was an alligator that made it’s home in the spring but that it didn’t come out too much before dusk. On the previous trip down the river they saw white tail deer but they were gone when we got there. Both the captain and the guide recommended that I take a kayak down the river if I had time. Unfortunately I had missed the last trip with a pick up so I would have to come back another day to do that. (I suspect it will have to wait for another trip)

Back on shore I wanted to get some lunch but I would miss the mermaid show if I did that so I headed to the Mermaids instead.

You enter down a flight of stairs and then turn into the theatre itself. The benches are stadium style and surround a curtained wall. While waiting the history of the facility and the mermaids is shown on TV screens above the curtain. And then it was showtime.

The curtains go up and you are looking through a wall of glass like an aquarium but it’s not an aquarium. It’s really a window into the spring and there are the mermaids, young women in mermaid tails, performing synchronized swimming.

Each has a breathing tube which allows them to perform their stunts without surfacing for air. This was a traditional show like they have been doing for years here. Near the end of the show one of the “mermaids” returns from a costume change without her tail but wearing ballet shows. She hands her breathing tube to her  spotter and dives to the bottom of the spring at 117 ft holding her breath.  It ends with a water ballet sans tails dedicated to patriotism and the American Flag.

It certainly is different and quite enjoyable.

I skipped the reptile show in order to grab a quick lunch at the snack bar, Typical park food…hot dogs, hamburgers, fries. I was the only one there although I did see a few people wandering the grounds while I ate.

After lunch I checked out the stage where the reptile show took place and sure enough, I had missed it. The herpetologist was packing up his stage props and animals but he was willing to let me pet his alligator.

There was another mermaid show but it was getting late. I didn’t want to get stuck in Orlando Rush Hour on my return so I skipped the 2nd show and just wandered the grounds a bit more admiring the peacocks.

As 4 pm approached I headed back to the car for the drive back to the condo.

 So no manatees but I bet you didn’t really expect me to find mermaids! 🙂

My Big Announcement

I told you that I would have an announcement for you before the end of January and today’s the day. I actually had hoped to be ready by January 16 but nothing ever goes as planned.

You know I love to take pictures but in less than 2 years I have thousands! I felt there must be some way I can use these pictures because I certainly can’t put them all in albums and I know I’m not going to stop taking them.

At Christmas I made up a bunch of Christmas cards using my photos instead of buying the mass-produced kind and they were a real hit. That got me thinking. Maybe other people would like cards like that.

So I searched online and looked in stores and got ideas and decided it was worth a shot. So I am announcing my new venture:

I have a few cards in the shop now and it is open for business. I will be adding more on a regular basis. I even have a Year at a Glance calendar.

A couple of cards round out my beginning inventory. And yes , Rocky and Smokey will be on some upcoming cards too. My furry little models.:)

I hope some of you will stop by the shop especially as it grows. you never know, maybe something will catch your eye!

The Smartest Kitties in the World

Everyone thinks they have the smartest pets  in the world and I will admit that my cats don’t jump though fiery hoops or anything like that. Still my babies are pretty smart.

You’ve all met Rocky, our editor  in chief.

Editor in Chief

 In addition to “editing” he also types and points where the cursor should go on the screen. He opens doors and cupboards and linen closets. He even  figured out how to open the “trifold” doors on the closets. He also likes to watch TV, especially sci-fi and nature programs. He comes when called and will play “fetch” when he feels like it.

He even helps me pack for my trips!

 All in all he’s pretty entertaining.

Smokey is a bit more laid back but I don’t think he should be short-changed in the smarts department. Smokey knows his name and comes when called. He is a natural alarm clock and starts poking me in the face with his paw about 5 minutes before the alarm goes off.

Smokey will play a little but would much rather cuddle up on the couch. He’s not as interested in watching the computer screen or the TV but he’ll sit and try to type all day if I let him. Those little keys really fascinate him.

Now I want to take a trip back in time to when Rocky was a kitten and Smokey was a newcomer to my household. I lived in an apartment in Randolph and the fire alarm was always going off. We even had fires. When that alarm would go off the cats would disappear to parts unknown and my fear was that if we really had to escape, I’d never find them. I did not want Smokey living up to his name or Rocky turning into a “crispy critter”.

So I practiced (with lots of chicken and turkey bits) to get them to run to their carriers when the alarm went off. Rocky, being a kitten, learned the quickest.

 Smokey , in his rebellious teenage cat years, still preferred the far corner under the bed but sometimes he’d cooperate. They got pretty good at it too. Then I moved to Taunton and life went on but I never got back into the “fire drill” mode.

So we’ve been living in Taunton now for around 6 years and I’ve never  once practiced those old skills. In fact, as long as I’ve lived  in this condo the building fire alarm has never gone off …at least not when I’ve been around…until Saturday night!

The alarm went off about 11:30 pm. The cats jumped and I jumped and then both cats just looked at me. I said “Fire” and pointed toward the bedroom where I keep their carriers. They started in that way  with me right on their heels. I put both carriers on the bed and they hopped right in.

I zipped them up, pulled on my shoes and jacket and we were out of the place in less than 5 minutes. When the fire department gave the all clear and we were back inside, I gave them some treats because I was so impressed!

Well it wasn’t over. About 1:30 am the alarm went off again. Once again as soon as I put the carriers down, pointed and said fire they were in them! Once again we bundled up and headed out into the cold. Once again the fire department declared a false alarm and once again we returned to the warmth of our little beds. But I can’t get over how, amid all the noise of the alarm bells and the sirens, my little kitty cats followed my instructions and hopped right into those carriers. They didn’t bolt for a closet  or under the bed even though they looked scared enough.

They say cats have the memory of a 3 year old and sometimes I think it’s even shorter but in this case when the chips were down they not only remembered that long ago training, they responded  right away. I am so proud of them 🙂 ( Can’t you tell?)

Oh the night wasn’t over. About 3-3:30 am the alarm went off one last time. I stuck my nose out the door. No smoke so went back to bed. The cats looked at me as if to say  “What? No carriers?” then they curled up and went back to sleep too. I heard the Firemen come in and give the a”all clear”. So glad we didn’t pack up and go out again.


Just because I assigned a theme to 2012 doesn’t mean I can escape the urge to  look at the new year as a new start, a chance to get a “do-over” with a new  (old?) set of resolutions.

So here they are: the same old worn out chestnuts that I bring out every January. Still, if I BELIEVE this may just be the year.

#1. Be a better housekeeper!. Not perfect but just a bit more conscientious.

#2. Eat Well…not more , just more healthfully.

#3. Exercise

#4. Clean up my financial life.

#4. Above all Live Life Fully! (LLF)

You notice I didn’t say I was going to lose weight…not 10, not 30, not 100 lbs. Would I like to lose weight? Sure who wouldn’t but my effort is to focus on health not weight loss. If I can be active and feel good then I’m not going to sweat it if I’m a bit “rotund”.

Moderation in all things!

New Years Day 2012

I have a theme for 2012. I’ve never assigned a theme to a year before but maybe it’s time.

My theme for 2012 is BELIEVE.

Grab onto the optimism of youth when everything was possible.

Throw out the cynicism of age that comes from seeing so many failed attempts and crumbled dreams fall along the path of life.

Let those experiences go. Take the lessons learned and be thankful for the wisdom gained no matter how painful.

Celebrate the resilience of the human spirit. Recognize that the journey is not done. There’s still more ahead and with strength and perseverance there’s still time to reach your dream.

If you Believe you can, you will. So just…BELIEVE.