Nh Dream Vacation..You can vote daily


Browse & Vote
Find your favorites and vote now! You can vote for as many photos or videos as you’d like, but remember, you can only vote once per photo or video, per day. Photos and videos with the most votes at the end of the contest will be eligible to win one of three Popular Vote prizes. Click on any photo or video to vote!

Editor in Chief

Dusty has some votes..Yea! and Thank you! We just noticed that you can vote over again as long as it’s not the same day. So we’re  reposting the link in case anyone feels like taking a minute to vote again!


UPATE~NH Dream Vacation Photo Contest

I have spent several hours trying to upload my 5 photos to the NH Dream Vacation Contest.

First I ran into problems because some of my photo files were too large so I had to reduce them and reload.

Then 3 of my photos were on my desk top computer and 2 were on my laptop. Although they are networked I couldn’t get them to all upload to the same entry form. The entries have  to be submitted all at once. I finally gave up that battle, copied the 2 from the laptop to disk and reloaded them on the desktop so they would all be in the same place.

So you’d think it would be easy from there, right? Well putting them in the entry form was easy but then I hit submit and nothing happened. When I hit submit a 2nd time I got a message, validating form. Well It’s now been 15 minutes and it’s still “validating form”. Maybe they are getting a lot of traffic. I wish it had a progress bar so I’d have some idea if it’s doing anything or just frozen.

The link is: http://nhdreamvacation.com/browse-and-vote/

If it ever uploads they will probably be under Recently Submitted.

I finally canceled out and reloaded all of them This time they went right in and I got a message that “All photos have to be approved. My pictures will appear shortly” So at least I know they got there this time. I’m not sure what “shortly” means but I’ll keep checking and let you know.

Speaking of checking, I haven’t seen anything on the Cog Railway pictures either. Maybe I didn’t make the cut or maybe they are just behind.

The 5 I am trying to submit are:

C is for California, Colorado, Connecticut

The dilemma with “C” is that I have been to California and Connecticut and more than just a touch down at the airport. I haven’t vacationed in either state so I don’t think that I should check them of my list.  When I set the goal I was thinking along the lines of a vacation to really explore each state. I’m hoping that eventually I’ll have a travel trailer/RV and tour the lower 48 at my leisure. In the meantime my paltry vacations will have to suffice.

I went to California in 1996 for a business trip but I didn’t really get to see much. We did take a few hours to visit the Queen Mary but there’s so much more to the state. From Baja in the south to the famous Highway 1 that follows much of the Pacific Coast there’s just so much to this state. I want to see the LaBrea Tar Pits and Channel Islands National Park and the giant Redwoods of northern California.

Of course the first Disney Park is out there and even though I’m not a huge Theme park fanatic, it certainly deserves at least 1 visit. Hollywood on the other hand isn’t high on my list. I think I’d be happy just taking a picture of the Hollywood sign. 🙂

Connecticut is one of my neighbor states. I like the Connecticut River Valley a lot.

 I really hope to get back there again this year. It was pretty cold when I went eagle watching in March. I want to explore Gillette Castle too. I only saw it from the River.

 I spent a spa weekend in Connecticut once. I was kind of bored because I’m not a big “pampering ” kind of person. Once I got my  massage I was ready to go home while everyone else went shopping. That’s just not me. I do want to visit the Mystic Seaport and their aquarium. It’s supposed to be terrific. Still, I’m not sure I want to spend a week’s vacation there. Day trips work for me. I think I can check that State off the list.

Colorado… Sand Dunes National Park, look for mountain goats in the  Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests, spy bald eagles swooping above the reservoir in Navajo State Park, and that’s just the beginning.  There are Dude ranches and waterfalls, John Denver country. Gaze at the sunset behind the rugged Rocky Mountain’s peaks. This state is definitely on my must-do list.

Have you been to any of the states? Do you live in one of these three? What do you think are the best places to visit in these states?