The Banks are at it again

Busy day  running around with last-minute things that have to be done before I leave on vacation.

I started the day by stopping at the bank. I took out cash for the week and went to a teller to change  $20.00 for quarters for laundry. Then I headed over to Mastria Auto Dealers..GM, Buick Suzuki…you name it and Mastria probably sells it. They took over the Saturn Dealership when the auto industry was reorganized.

Last spring I got an email offering me free maintenance for 1 year. Basically 4 oil changes and tire rotation etc. At first I thought it was a scam. Nobody gives anybody something for nothing but I called and they honored the offer. That was right before the Sedona trip. I wanted to be sure the car was all set for the drive to meet my sister in New York.

It was time for another oil change so I called again and they got me right in.

I started out in the waiting room but they had the AC cranking to the point that I was freezing so I went outside to a bench they had by the door. It may have been warm but there was a nice breeze. As I was sitting there I was joined by a very pleasant man with a lilting accent. As we talked I tried to pin point where he was from by his accent..not Haitian, not Jamaican not Dominican…I was stumped. Finally the gentleman took pity on me. He was from Ecuador. He was an electrical engineer in his home country and that had given him the opportunity to travel all over. He’s been to China many times and said he loved it there. He also liked India. He says the people are very friendly. We laughed about the vagaries of language.

He learned English in school as a child but day-to-day use is much different than you learn in school. For example one day he was looking for the “Elevator”. He didn’t know what it was. He said he asked someone and they pointed it out to him. He laughed and said he knew it as a “Lift”. If he’s been in England he’d have been all set!

About then they brought my car around and it was time to move on to my next errand which was  at Ritz Camera in Hingham (37 miles away). I needed  to pick up some filters for the camera and some odds and ends I wanted for vacation. So far I had paid cash everywhere.

After I left Hingham I went to BJ’S Wholesale Club for cat food and kitty litter. I have to be sure that all is well stocked for my pet sitter while I’m away. This is the first time I used my debit card other than when I took out cash this morning.

I returned home and unloaded the car then ran back over to the grocery store to pick up some mushrooms, broccoli and chicken tenders for a stir fry for dinner. When I tried to use my debit card there, it was declined! I tried it twice..same thing. I handed over the cash and headed home. It was too late to do anything now as it was after 4pm.

Once in the house I logged onto my account. I had money in there. It showed my withdrawal  from the morning. The BJ’s charge hadn’t been posted but the amount had been “held”. I haven’t used that card anyplace I haven’t used it before.

As I puzzled over it I pulled my cell phone out. It had shut itself off..again. One of these days I really have to get a new phone. I  turned it back on and there was a message from the bank. They had suspended my card as they did not believe I had possession of it. They were”protecting” me from fraudulent usage and would I call them at my first opportunity.

Of course they weren’t there at 4pm either.

My friends at work are either pulling my leg or maybe they believe it, but they say I am a marked woman now. They are blaming these problems on my previous posting where I ranted about inflation and banks. I’m sure you remember the one. It was titled Really Federal Reserve, Really? They can’t wait to see if I get a hassle next time I fly. They are convinced this is all “government retaliations”. They are calling me a Terrorist! After all, they track terrorists by following the money. I guess that’ll teach me to keep my opinions to myself. What is that about freedom of speech?

I’m laughing now but we’ll see what the bank says tomorrow.

In the meantime I’m doing my laundry and spending a quiet night with my kitty cats!

A bit of this and a bit of that

More Great White sightings off Chathem, Ma on Cape Cod. Seems like there’s a new report of sightings every day. The most recent was 150 yards off Monemoy Island. That’s about 1 1/2 foot ball fields. I so want to see one!

The Barnstable Fair is this weekend. Traffic is going to be at a stand still on the Cape. I won’t go looking for Great Whites this week!

A friend of mine just got back from vacation and immediately was out sick for a week. I spoke to him today and asked if he was feeling better. He said yes, thankfully. He had food poisoning from eating lobster! I said where did you get the bad lobster so I don’t go there, of course  I was thinking it was local. His answer was not to worry because he was in New Hampshire. Oh Oh…I’m going to New Hampshire so I told him I was heading to Waterville Valley. His response was “WATERVILLE VALLEY! THAT’S WHERE I WAS!”

Well, he couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant but he gave me detailed directions to the restaurant not so I could find it but so I could avoid it and said do not eat the lobster there.

My co-worker Nick who went to Ireland has gone off on a Mediterranean cruise to Greece so I still haven’t hooked up with him to get his Ireland story for you.

I’m having dinner at Diane’s house on Tuesday. Diane told me about her trip to Mexico and let me share it with you. Maybe I can get her to tell me some more stories!

I tell everyone that I’m not interested in international travel but it did occur to me that there are certain areas that I would love to see.



Costa Rica

The Amazon

Alaska is domestic and I’m still working on that trip. Goal…2012 late August or early Sept.

I  miss my kitties when I travel. I don’t think they miss me. They like their pet sitter a lot.

So how scary was that? A glimpse into the way my mind works. As you can see my little brain jumps all over the place. Hopefully something with a bit more substance will pop into it before Monday rolls around. Maybe I should let “Scout” or “Rocky” do that post.

Have a good weekend everyone! 🙂

New Hampshire Photo Contest

Living first in New York State and now in Massachusetts, I am very familiar with our neighboring state of New Hampshire. But I am familiar in a day trip/ drive through to somewhere else kind of way  or in my younger days as the place to buy alcohol on a Sunday and illegal fireworks (legal there but not in Mass.) for the 4th of July.

I made one memorable motorcycle trip with my brother. It was in the fall and we biked the Kancamagus Highway to see the fall colors. I have two thoughts on that…COLD! but Spectacular. Nothing like seeing those views without being limited by the car window.

So this year I had some points left over on my time share to spend but I didn’t want to do anything expensive. I’d just returned from my “big” vacation in Sedona in May and was still trying to replenish the coffers. As you know if you’ve been following for any time my car has been doing it’s best to prevent me from making any progress in that regard.  So I searched the time share list for some place close enough to drive so that I could avoid airfare and car rental costs. New Hampshire popped up. The time share had openings and was within the points budget. It also met the other criteria like driving distance and time off from work  so I booked it.

Once I had the dates, I happened to see a TV ad for New Hampshire Dream Vacation Photo Contest. It took a little searching online to find it but the idea meshed perfectly with my plans for this vacation. I know that New Hampshire is a beautiful, scenic state so my purpose was to visit interesting places like the Lost River Gorge and look for photos ops. I want to take my time setting up the shots and really try to push my photography skills to the next level. Adding in a photo contest would just give me a little more incentive.

The rules require that the person submitting the photos be in the picture or they can use others in their party but they want people having fun. Well I am a party of 1, so I guess I’m going to learn to use either my remote release or the timer on my camera. Works for me.

You also have to have an “Official Sign” to hold in the picture so I downloaded that.

As with most photo contests I’ve seen there are 3 phases. The first is to have your picture qualify. That’s usually pretty easy. I’ve never had one disqualified.

The 2nd step is a bit harder and it’s where I usually fall down. This is the popularity contest part. The photos are online and  the more people to vote for your photo the higher you rank in the standings. It’s like the popular vote on Dancing with the  Stars or American Idol. I don’t usually send anyone the link so I only pick up “accidental” votes. In other words someone happens to be browsing the pictures and happens to think one of mine is good or cute or something and votes for it.

The end result is that I have had a couple make “semi-finalist” but that’s as far as it goes.

The final decision is  made by a panel of judges but since I’ve never actually won a photo contest I don’t know if I’ve ever got to that level.

Well, this time I plan to do things differently. Photos were the reason for the trip so coming up with 5 photos that meet the contest criteria should be achievable.  I’ll upload them per contest directions and I’ll show them here with the link to vote. Maybe with your help I can move from the pack of semi-finalists into a finalist spot.  Watch for the update and photos at the end of the month!

Comments Section update…Editorial Comment

Editor in Chief

We finally recieved a response from WordPress. Apparently they had to manually reset the comments section on the  Really Federal Reserve? Really? post. They do not have an explanation why all other posts have shown the leave comments section without any problem. This is their response:

Hey there,

The comment setting being off would have nothing to do with us; we have a very strong policy in favor of free speech:

I have manually reset the post settings for you. The comments should now be enabled. If you have more trouble in the future just ask.


Happiness Officer
Automattic |

The comments section is there now. I still don’t know what happened and why just on that post but I guess we’re all set for now. Thanks everyone for your patience.


Yesterday I lost myself and published a “rant”. I confess it felt good but I don’t know if it was the right thing to know ..airing those thoughts in a public forum like that but what’s done is done. Time to get back to the fun stuff.

It’s these vacations and mini-jaunts/day trips that keep me going and positive through the turmoil of modern everyday life and I love sharing them in these pages.

So before I start to tell you my upcoming plans here are a few updates on some of the things we’ve already talked about.

1. Lally Laggy Farm: I met the proprietors of Lally Laggy Farm on my drive to New York before  I went to Sedona. I sent an email to them asking to arrange the follow-up visit  but have not received any reply. The email was not returned so I assume it’s not lost somewhere in cyber space. I will send a follow-up request and continue to wait.

2. RunningBrook Vineyard and Winery: This coming Sunday, July 17, Runningbroook is hosting an event: Mid-Life Crisis Band, Samplings of Middle Eastern Foods,Chef Michele will show us how to make SANGRIA!, Bring a Picnic Lunch and Join the Fun!  1-5 pm

 Also coming up at Runningbrook and several other vineyards on the Coastal Wine Trail…Shakephere in the Vineyard. See their web page for details, times and dates.

3. RiverQuest: You may remember Riverquest Cruises from when I went on that very cold Bald Eagle cruise back in early March.  Anyway River Quest with Captain Mark has a series of summer cruises on the Connecticut River. If anyone goes on these I can guarantee it will be warmer than my trip on March 3rd! 🙂 Here’s a sampling of the things they have on the schedule so far.

  • Thursday, July 14th:  Full Moon Cruise: 6:30pm to 9:00pm, $25pp
  • Saturday, July 16th: Osprey Cruise: 9:30am to 12:30pm, $35pp
  • Wednesday, July 20th: Cruise to Middletown: 6:00pm to 9:00pm, $30pp
  • Wednesday, July 27th: Parrothead Cruise: 6:00pm to 9:00pm, $30pp

I have not been asked to share this or paid to pass along their advertising. I just like to keep you up to date with the things that I hear about once I open the door by making my first visit. Many of these things conflict with my work schedule so I won’t be able to take advantage but one of my readers might be able to go and can then let me know how they enjoy themselves!

I do want to get back to the Connecticut River this summer but my July is pretty booked up so it may have to be August even though that’s filling up quickly too! 🙂

Let me know if any of you go and of course, what kind of time you have.