Bucket List, Sedona~ ”The Possibles”


Grand Canyon

Then we have a list of “possibles”. If yesterday’s list was the main course, then this is a list of “side dishes”.

Now understand that this list is one I have put together from reading brochures, searching the internet and my own past visit. This is very much open to change and I know we won’t have the time to do everything. If compared to cruising,  yesterday was the cruise and these are “excursions” to pick from.

Slide Rock

“The Possibles”

  • Native American Journey’s…”Visit the bottom of the Grand Canyon”
  • Wineries tour
  • Montezuma Castle National Monument
  • Tuzigoot National Monument
  • Slide Rock Park
  • Take a day tour (drive tour)

         Grand Canyon Loop

         Flagstaff Loop

  • A longer Road trip to Monument Valley
  • Meteor Crater
  • Petrified forest
  • Spa day/massage
  • Vortex tour
  • Sunset Crater
  • Jeep tour
  • Lowell Observatory

Meteor Crater

I’ll be looking for feedback on this one for sure. What do we pick from the list or have I missed anything that can be called “Not to be missed?”

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Bucket list Sedona ~ take 2


Ok Here’s the NON-NEGOTIABLE List:The trip to the Grand Canyon on the railroad with the rim tour will be a full day. The 2nd trip will be for the IMAX film and some exploring of the canyon on our own.

Williams Station


Verde Canyon Railroad is an afternoon and is combined with the Blazin’ M dinner show.

Verde Canyon Tarin

The morning is open although we want to go to the Blazin’ M before the train ride too because there isn’t time to browse the Old Time town exhibit and shops after the train ride.

Blazin "M" Dinner Show


The Cowboy Cookout and trail ride is a mid afternoon and evening leaving the morning free.

M Diamond Ranch

Getting Ready for the Trail Ride

The Sedona trolley will be the first thing we do on Sunday.

Sedona Trolley

 After all their motto is :The Best First Thing To Do in Sedona, Arizona. I think that first day is a great day to get familiar with our surroundings, do some shopping and browsing in Upper Sedona and in general stay close to the condo. Shake off any lingering travel weariness.


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  • Grand Canyon Railroad and Rim Tour
  • 2nd day at Grand Canyon with IMAX Movie
  • Verde Canyon Railroad
  • Blazin’ M Ranch & Dinner Show
  • Trail ride: Sedona Cowboy Cookout…M Diamond Ranch
  • Sedona Trolley


Day Trip to Connecticut

Unknown Duck on the Housatonic River

Somewhere along the line I heard that there were a large number of Bald Eagles wintering in Connecticut. I searched online and there were 4 options for eagle viewing. All were endorsed to some extent by the Connecticut Audubon Society.


Housatonic River

One option was the Eagle Flyer in Essex Ct. This is the Essex Steam Train and it only makes it’s Eagle Flyer run on 1 weekend. This year it is Feb 19th and 20th It sounds like fun but I can’t take the time from work to go this year. I’ll try out the train ride over the summer and maybe go on the eagle run next year.

The 2nd option is Eagle Boat Cruises sponsored by The Audubon Society. The cruises are operated by River Quest/Connecticut River Expeditions. They run on Thursday, Saturday or Sunday, this year from Feb 5- March 13. The cost is reasonable, only $40.00 and is still a possibility if I can get a day off from work.

The 3rd option I found is a land -based guided tour known as Eagle watches on the Connecticut River. The tours are $20.00/per person and includes lunch. The tours are 8:30-1:30 followed by the lunch. The problem with this option is that 8:30 am is tough since I am about a 3 hour drive away. The second problem was that all the dates available were on the weekend …once again, I am working.

The last choice wasn’t on the Connecticut River but I didn’t realize it when I booked the reservation. This last option is the Shepaug Dam Bald Eagle Observation Area. They are open from 9am -1pm on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. You must have a reservation to be allowed in. Their season this year is Dec 26,2010 – March 16, 2011.

Shepaug Dam

You make a reservation and go in anytime between 9AM – 1PM. I liked this flexibility because I had such a long drive and wouldn’t need to worry about missing the tour. The other good thing is they are open on Wednesday which is one of my days off so I don’t have to make any arrangements at work for time off.

I made my reservation for Wednesday Feb 2 but we got stormed out with snow, sleet and freezing rain. I called again and we moved my reservation a week to Wednesday Feb 10. The forecast was for clear and sunny but cold. I received my reservation by email and printed it out. It had all the rules and directions. I ran it on mapquest.com and it said it would take 2 hours and 25 minutes. It actually took closer to 4 hours. I hadn’t figured on rush hour traffic.

I hit stop and go traffic on RT 495 and again in Hartford Ct. Eventually I found the exit off RT 84. The directions were great and I found the facility with no problem. A nice man was sitting in his car at the entrance. He had the list to check reservations.

Building used as a Blind for watching the eagles

It became clear why they had security to watch birds. The observation area is located at the Connecticut power station on the Housatonic River. Eagles are fish eaters and the water near the dam for the hydro electric plant never freezes and the water currents force the fish near the surface so the eagles can snag the fish easily.

There were quite a few people there when I arrived in spite of the bitter cold and it was really cold, especially when the wind blew. There is some protection from the elements, however. There is a building set up as a blind but the windows are open so there ‘s no heat. They had a wood stove going in the corner but it wasn’t much help.

Milton, European Barn Owl Ambassadore


Based on the conversation in the room it soon became clear that everyone there was a dedicated “birder”, which I am not. But it didn’t matter . Everyone was really friendly. One fellow in “camo” had a huge telephoto lens on his camera and he said the eagles were out of range for him. So much for getting any eagle pictures!

They were getting some activity when I arrived so I took out the binoculars instead. There were 2 juvenile eagles flying and diving above the ridge line on the opposite side of the river. You could tell they were only around 2 years old because their plumage was brown and white and they hadn’t developed the trade-mark white head. That comes in at around 5 years of age. We all watched them for awhile then the Audubon rep asked if we wanted to see the birds she had with her. Pictures were allowed. J

Of course everyone said yes so we met Milton & Millie and a rescued hawk. None of these birds will ever be able to be returned to the wild. Milton & Millie are owls and both were bred in captivity and have imprinted on humans. Neither would know how to hunt for themselves in the wild.

Millie, American Barn Owl Ambassador

The hawk had been hit by a car and although is healing nicely will never have a full recovery. He would not be able to survive in the wild so he is now a “bird ambassador” for the Audubon Society.

Raptor Survivor and Ambasador

By this time it was almost noon and the eagles seemed to have settled down for the day. I was frozen so decided to call it a day. I stopped for gas ($3.55/ gal here) and picked up a map. I felt there had to be an easier way back.

I took RT 84 but picked up RT 6 to Providence before I reached Hartford. This turned out to be a great way to go. Most of RT 6 was highway but not the “super” highway like RT 84. Still the road was in good condition and the speed limit was 50mph most of the way. It was far more scenic than the “Fast route of RT 84 to RT 90 to RT 495. I stopped for lunch at a Friendly’s and was still at the Rhode Island line by 3:15pm. I did hit some traffic in Providence because I got there just before 4pm so rush hour was starting but even so I was home by 4:30 pm. With my stop for lunch and some other puttering around, I figure RT 6 shaved at least an hour off the time from the morning.

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So…Bottom line…mixed reviews. The eagles were too far away for pictures or a clear view without binoculars but the birds the Audubon rep showed us were awesome and I got some great pictures of them. I wish it had been warmer and it would be nice if it wasn’t such a long drive but I’m glad I went. I can’t say enough about the folks that were there. From the attendant at the entrance to the parking lot guy and the Audubon lady everyone was wonderful, helpful and friendly.




Bucket List~ Sedona

Some things are just a given for this trip and others are up for discussion or negotiation. Plus you may provide some suggestions that will change our plans.

Here is where we are right now.

We are booked into the Sedona Summit. Check in is a Saturday and we will check out the following Saturday. The room type is a 2 bedroom “lock off” which is nice. If it’s anything like the “lock off” I had in Florida it will give both Sandy and me a lot of privacy.

We haven’t booked our flight yet but one of us will have to drive to meet up with the other. I will check fares from Providence to Phoenix, Bradley International to Phoenix and Albany to Phoenix and then run the results by Sandy. I expect we’ll fly out of Albany unless there’s a big saving from one of the other airports. Bradley would mean a hotel room where TF green (Providence) or Albany would just mean we stayed at one of our homes and then took 1 car to the Park & Fly which is quite a savings right there.

I flew Delta the last time I went to Phoenix but a friend of mine always flies Southwest and she said the fares are much less expensive plus “Bags fly free” on Southwest LOL. I did check their website and they have a web special that is always much cheaper than the other airlines. It will just depend on what kind of connections we can get.

When I went to Sedona in 2008 I had an early flight and arrived in Phoenix about 11 am their time. I was in and out of the airport in no time and in Sedona by 2:30. Check in time is 4pm and in 2008 that was strictly enforced . I was told to come back at 4.

My friend’s father drives a trolley in Scottsdale, AZ which is between Phoenix and Sedona so I was thinking that if we get a flight that gets us into Phoenix early, that we could take a side trip to Scottsdale, take the trolley ride with Julie’s father, I think she said he goes by “Boston Jim”, have lunch in Scottsdale and then drive the rest of the way to Sedona. Julie said the trolley trip takes you into “Old Town Scottsdale” and is well worth the detour.

Once we check in at the Sedona Summit we’ll head back out to the supermarket to stock up on whatever we want to have on hand for the week. We’ll certainly eat some meals out but it’s most cost effective to cook some at the condo.

If there’s anytime left over and we’re not too tired we might explore a little or maybe go up to the Airport Mesa to see the sunset. Usually we just kick back to “recover” from the travel.

Wow look at all the stuff I’ve written and I haven’t even started the bucket list yet.

Well, looks like that will have to be another post.J




Next trip..Sedona, Arizona

Hello everyone J It’s another stormy day in Massachusetts. My friend JR is torturing me by reminding me he is headed to Florida this weekend to warm weather and sunny skies.

Orlando, Fla Sept 2010

I’ve wrapped up my stories from my South Dakota vacation so it’s time to turn my attention to my next vacation.

Back in 2008 I took a vacation in Sedona, Arizona.

I went alone that time as no one was available to join me

on the road to Sedona...Oct 2008

and I was in a “use it or lose it” mode for my time share. While my sister was with me in Rapid City, I told her to think about where she wanted to go next. We kicked around a lot of ideas, including Yellowstone, Jackson Hole and Yosemite. In the end we decided on the Grand Canyon.

On the South Rim, Grand Canyon 2008

When I went to Sedona in 2008 I made several trips to the Grand Canyon including taking the Grand Canyon Railroad

Grand Canyon Railroad


so I suggested we use my time share and go to Sedona again. There were a lot of things

that I didn’t get to see in spite of a very busy sight-seeing schedule so I don’t mind a return trip plus everyone needs to see the Red Rocks of Sedona at least once. They are a great complement to the Grand Canyon.

Arizona 2008

Originally we were going to try to book the timeshare for September but when I went online to check availability there was a 75% off sale as long as we went before May 31.

The time share is based on points and I have 5000 points to spend/year. Expecting Sedona to come in around 7500 points I had banked some extra from 2010 so a 75% off sale left me plenty to book a 2nd trip. With vacation packages so inexpensive at the moment the biggest advantage to a time share is that we can prepare some of our own meals and save on restaurant costs. When we went to Rapid City, we used a vacation package. It was extremely reasonable but without kitchen facilities our meal cost were a big part of the cost of the vacation.

Sedona Summit, Sedona Arizona

But back to Sedona, I have reserved the timeshare for the middle of May. Sandy is retired so getting away is not as much as a problem for her as it is for me as I have to get the vacation time approved. I had discussed the time with my supervisor before I finalized the dates but now they are changing the vacation criteria. I’ve informed work that it’s too late to change my plans now so here’s hoping the approval process will go smoothly.

The other consideration is that Sandy doesn’t like it really hot and Sedona is the High Desert so Mid-May should be warm but not too hot.

We’ll be starting the planning process now and I’ll share that with you as we go along. If any of you are familiar with the Sedona / Grand Canyon area and have recommendations, we’d love to hear your suggestions.

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I think I’ll include a list of the things we are thinking about doing and we can add or subtract from there. I’ll try to put that together for tomorrow’s post.