Cruise Dos

Poolside (c) Dusty Roads Photos

Cruise Number 2

The 2nd cruise was a few years later, 2013 to be more specific. Once again I was teamed up with my BFF. This time it was just the 2 of us. The other thing I did differently was plan the excursions in advance so that both of us were on the same page. We were doing another 4 day cruise, this time to Cozumel, Mexico.

Leaving from The Port of Miami

This cruise seemed to get off to better start. I flew down to Orlando the day before departure. We drove to Miami together to board the ship. Once on board we checked out the state rooms. This one was larger than the one I shared on the last cruise.

Sunset at the Port of Miami (c) Dusty Roads Photos

Cruise ship in Key West (c) Dusty Roads Photos

First Port of Call- Key West

Our first port of call was just down the coast in Key West. Joe had lived and worked in Key West at one time so he was very familiar with it. I’d had the opportunity to visit him so it wasn’t new to me either. We wandered around playing tourist just the same. It was a nice, relaxed day.

Beware of Thieves

I don’t remember which day it was but we decided to take our breakfast plates outside to a deck table.

Sneaky Gull- (c) Dusty Roads Photos

The morning was beautiful. The gulls seemed to know the cruise guests would be out with food and some were quite aggressive. Do not leave you plate unattended as a gull will be in that food in a heartbeat. One of the funniest moments (for me) was when a particularly determined gull decided it wanted Joe’s breakfast. Even though Joe was seated right there I watched the sneaky bird creep up the rail behind Joe. It was obvious the bird knew exactly what it was doing. Joe had no clue what was about to happen. When the bird swooped over Joe’s shoulder to raid the plate I laughed until I cried. Joe was not amused!


Mayan Ruins, Tulem

Photo by Dusty Roads Photos

When the ship docked in Cozumel we took a shuttle to the Mexican mainland. That was one wild ride as the seas between Cozumel and the mainland are extremely rough. The crew of the shuttle were handing out seasick bags! But once on land we connected with our tour guide and got to explore the Mayan ruins of Tulum. These are both beautiful and  fascinating. Well worth the discomfort of a rough channel crossing.  I never expected to be surrounded by such history in my life.  This cruise was more to my liking!


Experience Rating


Who Doesn’t Love an Extra Vacation?


Tulum, Mexico

Bonus Vacation Week every 5 Years

Whether you’re a stay at home person or a world traveler, how can you not like an extra week of paid vacation? The company I work for may have its faults but giving its employees time off isn’t one of them. You start out with 3 weeks. What company does that!? One or two weeks to start is the norm and you have to earn the upgrades. For the last 4 years I’ve been enjoying 3 weeks of travel every year! 2018 is my 5th year anniversary so I get a bonus week to use in 2018.

Yukon Suspension Bridge

Yukon Suspension Bridge

What to do with that extra week?

Oahu, Hi

Oahu, HI

My other 3 vacations are all repeat locations. That’s not to say that I won’t have new experiences to share but I try to get at least one new location every year. That is getting harder to do because I love so many of the places I’ve been. So I decided to not do a repeat with my bonus vacation. After some consideration I decided to take a Virgina vacation. I have family in Virginia but although I’ve spent time visiting them I am not sure that counts as another vacation destination. I thought a trip to Colonial Williamsburg might be fun. I could see the family while I’m there too.

Planning Colonial Williamsburg

colonial horse drawn wagon

My first thought was to plan my vacation for the week of 4th of July. I figured there should be lots of extra special things going on for our Nation’s Birthday. I invited all the family but no one seemed particularly excited about Williamsburg in July. After some more research I learned why. July weather is brutal in Williamsburg. It’s hot and humid. Temperatures hover in the mid to high 90’s. I also try not to travel on holidays because the roads and airports are always extra busy so more things can go wrong. So it seems more research needs to be done find a good time for this trip.


What’s in Store for 2018

2018 Plans and Trips

It’s 2018. Time for new plans and trips. This year I will mark my 5th anniversary at my company. That earns me a bonus week of vacation. So I’ll have 4 adventures to share this year. Of course I’ll be exploring local sights and scenes in between trips. So what do I have in mind for this busy year?

Surf's upHawaii Big and Small

First up is Hawaii. I mentioned in my last post that I am headed back to Maui in February. You won’t have long to wait for those details. In March I’m heading back across the Pacific to spend a week on The Big Island. The Big Island was what started all this travel. It was my first real vacation back in 2007. My mom and sister joined me at Sea Mountain Resort  on the windward side of Hawaii (The Big Island). This is the lush, rain forest side of the Island. It’s also quite close to Volcano National Park.  We only took one tour, a plane ride over the island. The rest of the time we rented a car and Big Island Waterfallexplored. We searched for everything from black sand beaches to erupting volcanoes and I was hooked. I fell in love with both travel and Hawaii. This trip will be to Kona on the dry side of the island.

Wyoming Again

After my March vacation the busy season starts at work. I’ve tried taking vacation then but it’s not easy so I plan to limit myself to weekend excursions until the End of September. I have unfinished business in Yellowstone. Originally I tried to get accomodations in Idaho so I could enter the western side of the park but nothing was available.  That means I’ll be going back to Teton Village in Jackson. It will mean alot more driving to reach the park sections I want to visit but the condo at Teton Village is gorgeous so I’ll make the sacrifice. One change, I plan to rent an SUV this trip!

An Active geyser

The Bonus Trip

I still have one more trip to plan. It’s my bonus vacation. I think that deserves a post of its own.