So Much Food

We Didn’t Go Hungry

We sure weren’t hungry on this vacation! Seems like every meal was suitable for Paul Bunyan. So much food! We’d start our day with something quick but not necessarily light in the camper or at McDonald’s. Although McDonald’s usually makes me cringe I do like their breakfasts. Marvelous Marvin often joined us for breakfast. He was with us in “Spirit” but in his summer attire. Moose don’t like hot weather.

But back to the food. I already told you about Tail o the Pup. So let’s see where else we ate.

The Swiss Kitchen

The Swiss Kitchen in Tupper Lake is described as “Comfort food for a quick bite”. Located at 92 Park St, Tupper Lake, NY 12986 it’s a step up from fast food but doesn’t make it to the level of fine dining. Like they say, comfort food and plenty of it.  As we came in we saw a local member of law enforcement seated at a table next to the door.  If the local police eat here I’m sure it will be good.  I had shrimp and onion rings. Yes, those are really onion rings on my plate. Huge aren’t they. Jim settled for a hamburger (or was it a cheeseburger?) and onion rings. Very reasonable prices and very tasty.

A & W Root Beer

Another time we were just deciding we should find someplace to eat and there was an old fashioned A&W Root Beer Restaurant.  This was just a blast from the past. So many of these restaurants have gone out of business but I remember them from when I was a kid. The folks would take us out for root beer floats. The car hops would bring our meals and sodas on trays that set on the car window. The portion sizes here were more reasonable and typical fast food but it was just enough.

A & W Bear

Cooper’s Cave

We went to Cooper’s Cave a couple of time. Cooper’s Cave is a restaurant and craft beer brewery in Glens Falls NY. It’s located at 2 Sagamore St, Glens Falls, NY 12801. The restaurant is named for the site of the fictional hiding place of Hawkeye and his companions made famous in the James Fenimore Cooper novel The Last of the Mohicans.  The food is good and there is a wide variety to choose from. If you are still hungry after the ample portions, they also serve that summer staple-ice cream.

Ambrosia Diner

Located at 518 Aviation Rd, Queensbury, NY 12804 Ambrosia Diner is typical diner food. Now diner food is real comfort food. I’ve never met a diner I didn’t like. But beware. We went to Ambrosia for a “Lite Lunch”. Kind of silly really. Anyone who likes diners knows there is no such thing as “Lite” anything. I had my old faithful diner choice- open faced hot turkey sandwich. Half of which came back to the campground with me for later. Delicious but way more than I could manage at one sitting

George Henry’s

I tried again for something “Light” at George Henry’s in Warrensburg. George Henry’s is right in the heart of Warrensburg, located at 3735 Main St, Warrensburg, NY 12885. I ordered a grilled cheese with tomato sandwich expecting a little thin sandwich that would be gone in 2 bites. Wrong again. When the waitress brought my plate I almost told her there was a mistake. Thick Texas toast sized slices of bread oozed cheese. It looked yummy but OH MY! So much food! I think I had the French onion soup too. It was a soup and sandwich combo. Great food but bring your appetite.

Martha’s Dandee Creme

Martha’s is a fixture of Lake George life. My family has been coming here since I was a little kid. It’s always a treat to stop for soft serve. It just wouldn’t be a visit home without a stop here. It’s grown and expanded and I hope will still be around long after I’m gone. For the Best! Soft Ice Cream around you have to try Martha’s (and I do love DQ but Martha has them beat). 1133 U.S. 9, Queensbury, NY 12804.  TIP: A small cone is plenty large enough!

Like I said in the beginning- So much food!



Return to Whiteface Mountain

Whiteface Mountain Revisited

We returned to Whiteface Mountain 3 times while I was visiting. We are stubborn folk and no mountain was going to defeat us. Especially not one we could drive up. But Whiteface and fate had other plans. With a mountain this big it can make it’s own weather. After our first zero visibility try we returned on another sunny day. As we approached the bottom of the mountain we could see that the summit was hidden by clouds. No point in wasting another $30.00 toll. We headed off to find lunch.

Tail o the Pup

Located in Ray Brook NY, the Tail O the Pup is a BBQ restaurant with lots of outdoor seating. It was chilly when we were there but we wanted to give it a try so we decided being a little cold was acceptable. Note to self- next time toss a jacket in the car. I had a bit of trouble with the name of the restaurant. What do puppies have to do with BBQ? If the name was Tail o the Pig I’d imagine cute little curly pig tails but a Pup? We gave our order. My brother ordered the fried scallops I went with the BBQ ribs. The scallops were the winner. They were so juicy and they were huge! For a BBQ place my ribs were a disappointment. They didn’t come close to being “Fall off the bone”. They had a nice flavor but I’m not a fan of having to fight with my food to eat it. Next time we go there I know what I’m going to order.

Third Time’s the Charm

Or so they say. So we gave Whiteface one more shot. This was an absolutely beautiful day. Sun shining and only fluffy clouds in the sky. No fog banks, no storm clouds. How could we miss? This time is wasn’t the weather that stopped us. No it was fate or New York’s road construction crews. When we got to the entrance to the toll road a line of cars was turning around. A sign said- “Road Closed for Maintenance”. Ok we’re done. Three strikes you’re out! and all those cliches. We’ll save Whiteface for another trip. 

Whiteface Gondola

But all was not lost. As we drove away we spotted the Gondolas running up the side of the mountain. We might not make it to the summit on one but we’ll make it close to the top. So that was how we salvaged the Whiteface adventure. Enjoy the views from 3/4 of the way up. Imagine what you’d see from the top.

Puzzle update

I continue to make slow but steady progress

What I did on My Lake George Summer Vacation

What I Did on My Lake George Summer Vacation

How many remember those back to school essays- What I did on my summer vacation? Well I figured that was a good title for this post. Covid has slowed vacation travel to a crawl, a drip, a puddle. I’m so lucky I have family in the Adirondacks. But as I mentioned in my last post I met up with my brother and we headed to a campground where our RV was waiting for us. This is a different kind of vacation for me! No luxury time share condo this time. But at least we aren’t in a tent. 

Lake George Escape

I’m not knocking camping in a tent. I’ve done it before and it’s great fun. They even have something called “Glamping” where  the tents are elaborate and rival that of a sheikh but it has been a long time since I went roughing it. I’m happy we have the RV as a middle ground. Our RV is set up at The Lake George Escape Campground. I think it’s Warrensburg, NY but the actual address says Diamond Point. The first order of business was to prepare the Fire Pit for visitors. The second was to take a stroll down to the beach so I could see where the canoeing, kayaking and tubing took place. Just in case I was feeling frisky.


Whiteface Mountain

The next morning We decided to take a drive to Whiteface Mountain. Whiteface is located in the town of Wilmington about 13 miles from Lake Placid which is most notably remembered as the venue for the 1980 Olympic hockey game known as the Miracle on Ice. It amazed me that I had never been through Lake Placid considering I grew up in the area. We cruised the town so I could get a look at the Olympic Stadium and the ski jumps from the winter Olympics. I am such a tourist!

But back to Whiteface. We never expected we’d have such a time getting up the mountain. Whiteface is the 5th highest mountain in New York State and part of the High Peaks of the Adirondacks. On a clear day the summit offers 360 degree views of the Adirondacks and even glimpses of  Vermont (and if it’s very clear) Canada.

What I did on My Summer Vacation- Lake George

Whiteface Mountain Veterans Memorial Highway takes you to within 300 ft of the summit. Be prepared it’s a toll road. The fee was $30.00 when we made the drive. Whiteface Castle dominates the summit. To get to the tip top you can take a .2 mile trail or a 242 ft tunnel that leads to an elevator. But we never got to experience either. At the start of the road a big sign said 0 visibility.  We went up anyway. The elevator was not running and we were in the very heart of the clouds. This was truly Zero Visibility.

Road Trip! Time for a Drive Vacation

Road Trip!

It’s a summer drive vacation aka road trip.  Covid has put a real damper on travel. I canceled my vacations for this year. I’m waiting for the pandemic scare to subside. I hear plane fares are going to be at an all time low this fall. I also hear that lots of flights may be canceled or consolidated and some airlines may fail. But someone with my wanderlust can only be slowed down so long. So even with arthritic joints and a Covid 15 weight gain, it was time to do something. My choice…ROAD TRIP! God bless my brother. He gave me an excuse to travel. I decided to go visit him in Lake George, New York.

Camping 2020 Style

Road Trip began with a drive to the Northway aka route 87, the north-south highway through eastern New York. I picked it up from the the turnpike (Route 90) in Albany.  All in all it was about a 3.5 hour drive from my house to Exit 23 for Diamond Point/ Warrensburg. Of course I went to exit 24. That was the exit if I wanted to go to my brother’s house or to our “old homestead”. Old habits die hard I guess. Anyway I had to turn around to get to exit 23 which was my destination. We were going to spend the week camping 2020 style. No tents for us. We had an RV to use. 

Communication is everything

Of course I got my wires crossed. Got to love texting. You try to keep everything short and the result is we get totally twisted up. Because I’d gone to the wrong exit my brother thought I was meeting him at his house but by the time he replied I’d turned around and was headed back to the correct exit – exit 23.  He said come on to the house so I said ok I’m just getting gas. He thought I was in Bolton the town on the lake when I was really in Warrensburg.  I finally found my way back to exit 24 and then it was just a hop, skip and jump to his house. We then caravan-ed back to where I started at exit 23. We are still laughing about that.

Puzzle update:

Here’s where I left off on the puzzle before my road trip. Making slow but steady progress


Colorado Rocky Mountain High

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains

When I say “Colorado Rocky Mountain High” I’m not talking about their legalization of Marijuana. In fact when I thought about going to Colorado it was just because I haven’t been there yet! I have a co-worker who used to live in Colorado. She has only good things to say about the state but every time I say I might go and suggest a place she says ” Oh that’s a great place to visit but…it’s really hard to get there“. Now that we’re all stuck at home I’ve started thinking and planning for a vacation that might not happen but planning is almost as much fun as the trip itself . So lets talk about Colorado.

Colorado Weather

When I first started looking into a Colorado vacation I had to narrow down the time frame. I’m not a winter sports buff, unless I’m watching it on TV. Love downhill racing from my armchair. It’s a great Olympic sport. But I never learned to ski. Too many of my friends wrecked their knees skiing when I was growing up. Plus its cold. So I don’t think I want to go in the winter. Since it’s mountains snow can come early in the fall. I came close to getting stranded in Wyoming in October due to snow so looks like summer is my vacation of choice.

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Next step was to decide which part of the state I wanted to visit. Colorado is a big state. I started out by checking availability for  my time share.  This was before the quarantines and travel bans so there wasn’t much to choose from. If I wanted to book now there are 62 resorts available throughout the state! But back when I first thought about Colorado there was Vail (too touristy), Telluride (Where Butch Cassidy robbed his first bank) or Steamboat Springs ( Big Ski Area). Except for Vail my friend said nice to all and tough to get to for all. No help with my choice.  But finally the hot spring in Steamboat Springs tipped the scale. So I’m booked into The Steamboat Grand Resort in August. Time to figure out what to do there in the summer. Just in case I really get to go.