Tag Archives: cats
Physical Therapy and Cats
Well I seem to be in a holding pattern with the shingles. I’d say about 3/4 of the rash is gone and the redness is fading but there’s still a stubborn spot right in the middle of my back. I’m also still getting those weird cramps in my right side. But it’s not getting any worse either.
The physical therapist for my left hip called and I started there this week. The first appointment was an intake appointment and was pretty easy. They determined that my hip/leg pain was not sciatica(Yay!) and is really just overly tight muscles. They sent me home with a card full of future appointments and a couple of basic stretching exercises.
Back for my second PT session they tried to lull me by using heat therapy first followed by massage. It was a deep tissue massage and as always it hurt like crazy but it loosened up a ton of muscles. I should have made my escape then because the rest of the session was 45 minutes of stretching . By the time they cut me loose my legs were like jello but I was moving better and the tingling had disappeared so maybe this is working.
Back home my fuzzy roommates were happy to see me. They are used to me being around home most of the time so when I go out for awhile they gather at the door to wait for my return.
My cats are weird, no doubt about that. You know how Rocky has to have a heat lamp but Buddy does something even stranger than sleep in a sun spot. Buddy climbs to the top of the cat tree and drapes himself over the edge. Pretty soon you hear coughing, gagging and wheezing. Silly cat is choking himself. He does that to get my attention and he’ll only sit up if I bring him the tube of hairball gel. He loves that and when he sees me coming with that tube in my hand, well, lets just say, he has a miraculous recovery.
I’ve got some more “Cat Tails” but I’m out of room for now.
Mayor Stubbs
I haven’t heard too much about Mayor Stubbs since he recovered from the attach on his life by an assassin dog. So when I ran across this recent article I thought I’d share. He does look like he’s getting old. 🙁
Talkeetna’s feline mayor contemplates retirement

A visitor cuddles Mayor Stubbs at Nagley’s General Store. (Photo: Cody Wellons)

Read more: http://www.mnn.com/family/pets/stories/talkeetnas-feline-mayor-contemplates-retirement#ixzz34O4xvde5
I Just Know This is Going to End Badly
Speaking of Rocky, he isn’t exactly mourning quietly. He is into everything these days… except my suitcase. He’s jumping on counters, leaping over Buddy, even climbing to the top of the china cabinet. And meow! That cat hasn’t stopped with the meows. He was always vocal but he’s been twice as talkative this week. Most annoying is when he sits in front of the door and talks.
Talking is a series of meows and chirps and other sounds, like he’s talking to someone or himself. He starts this around 9 pm and it just goes on and on unless I can distract him.
And as for distractions, a helium balloon works well as long as it stays away from desks and shelves..Oh Oh… this doesn’t look good!
There’s Something Missing
So you probably gathered from my last post that I’m preparing my belongings for my vacation. Monday morning I’ll be heading off to Tennessee for a week of fun and exploration. So what’s missing?
My helper, my always in the luggage kitty cat (and not Smokey). It’s Rocky. He hasn’t paid one bit of attention to my suitcase, even when it was open on the bed. That’s always been his invitation (in his mind) to hop in and stretch out making packing impossible.
Once I do manage to get packed his normal response is to sit guard duty on top of the suitcase, as if that will stop me from leaving.
This time he walked by, looked at it and went back to the living room. Packing was completed in no time since I had no interruptions. I’m not sure if I’m happy about this turn of events or sad. It’s been such a routine for almost 14 years that I miss him getting in my way.
I wonder if it has anything to do with our recent loss? I do believe animals mourn so maybe Rocky’s just missing Smokey and doesn’t care what I’m doing at the moment. I know Diane (my pet sitter) will take good care of Rocky and Buddy while I’m gone. I just wish Rocky had been his usual endearing but annoying self when I packed.