Shhh! It’s a Secret.

I found a very interesting place but it’s a well kept secret. I’d heard rumors about this place for two years before I found it. My best lead came from a chance encounter on a whale watch last summer. That person had the name of the area but couldn’t give me directions.

Slowly I narrowed down the location. It’s such a secret place that even the state game warden I asked had never heard of it. But I kept looking .Unlike so many conservation areas that are being exploited and over run by humans,  this one is still largely undiscovered. Back in March I think I finally found it.


Back then it was snow covered but now it’s a walk in the woods.

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I did meet some folks along the way, mostly dog walkers.

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As I followed the trail I spotted several lady slippers. Not too close to each other, they prefer to stand solitary.

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As I skirted a muddy section of the trail I could tell the trees ahead were thinning and then there it was. My destination.

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A huge  beaver pond spread out in front of me. The signs of beaver were very apparent.

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The trail followed the shore a bit and I spotted the beaver lodge but no beavers.

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Dead trees towered above the  still water.

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Almost every dead tree was crowned with a huge nest and perched in each nest was a blue heron chick. They are about a week from fledgling so they are almost as big as the parents. By next week the sky will be filled with all these young birds testing their wings.

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The sound was amazing. The chicks were making a chirping that sounded almost like peepers. There were so many chirping all at once that it was quite loud. When some of the adult birds began to come back to feed them the drop off in the noise level was very noticeable just like the way it gets quieter in a human household when dinner is served.

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The surface of the pond was covered with either duck weed or algae, I really couldn’t tell which from my vantage point. A family of geese weaved their way among the dead tree trunks.

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What a great find! I hope this place remains a “well kept secret” for a long time to come.

Cades Cove, Worth a Return trip?

After my disappointing experience on the train I wanted to cheer myself back up. The rain had finally passed and the sun had come out. The lovely clouds that form in the valleys  had dissipated by the time I retrieved my car and started back to Gatlinburg so I made the return trip through Newfound Gap without lingering. As a result I was nearing the fork to Cades Cove while the sun was just dipping down toward the horizon. Do I take a drive through or not??? I decided that yes, I wanted one more visit.

It was later than my last trip so the shadows were longer in the fields and down right dark in the wooded areas. No bear this time but the deer were very active,

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At first I thought this one was a fawn with spots but it was really just the way its winter coat was shedding.

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This one is more like I’m used to seeing deer…in the woods, not the open meadows. I think it’s one of my favorite pictures.

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This one was taken in the woods right next to the car! It was so dark the picture almost didn’t come out. As it is there’s not much color to be seen.

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The males don’t seem as skittish as our local bucks. They are right out by the road.

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Glad I stopped.


Photo of the Week ~ 22

This week was very close. I have to admit I was torn too. The winner is Majestic Elk with 31 points but Thumbelina was right behind with 26 points. I’m glad it wasn’t a tie. The Elk photo represents a lot of work searching 3 states for the elusive animals but how many times do you see a 6 inch 4 lb goat. A miniature bundle of cuteness.

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Cades Cove Wildlife

With high hopes, camera on the seat beside me I pulled off the pavement and onto the loop road.

Cades Cove Map

There’s no chance of getting lost. The 11 mile loop road is all one way.

Right away I spotted animals. Just not wild animals. Horseback riding is very popular in the park. A thinner and uninjured me would have taken advantage of the chance to ride but I wasn’t going to make myself uncomfortable or squash a poor horse to do so.

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Just beyond the open field with the horses the trees came down to the road on the right and a few straggled into the field on the left . That’s where the first deer were spotted. Cars  ahead of me were pulled over and people were pointing. The deer paid no attention. They seemed to know they were safe.

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The traffic didn’t start to move again until the deer made their way across the road in front of the first car and up the hill back into the woods.

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Not even into the loop a mile and already there was action!

The road twisted and turned weaving in and out of forest and field. No one was in a hurry and everyone was watching for the next deer or bear. Those in front passed the word back to the cars following when something was spotted.

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The turkeys were everywhere and almost as numerous as the deer. Who knew that wild turkeys were so colorful!

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I spotted a hawk of some kind but he was moving too fast and was too far away for a good shot. The line of cars continued to snake slowly forward. Then I spotted a black spot off in the shadows. I wasn’t sure if it was a bear or just a rock. I pulled over and the other cars left me in their dust. With the road clear I pulled out my BIG camera lens. Oh how I wish I had my binoculars. But with the 500mm lens I could definitely make out a back bear. Some more cars came along and those people confirmed my sighting. That bear was just so far away… I hope I’ll see another.

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Around another corner I spotted my first buck. Antlers are only just starting to grow and are still in velvet but they were definitely there. He never took his eyes off me as I clicked away.

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As the car climbed a steep hill I could see a number of cars pulled into a parking area. People were looking out over the field and pointing. I pulled in just in time to see a photographer intent on getting the perfect picture set out across the field. I searched for what had his attention and there it was. Another bear.

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The bear didn’t maul the photographer and I left before he returned because judging by the mood of the crowd, he was more at risk from them than the bear. His actions (which were a Big No No) drove the bear away so the rest of us who followed the rules, didn’t get a chance to watch it for long.

The rest of the drive was uneventful. At one point the cars ahead stopped and 3 bears, a mother and 2 cubs, were allegedly spotted in the woods but they were gone by the time I got there.  At another point I sat in the car wondering what they were looking at only to turn my head and see a deer just steps away in the woods at the edge of the road.

Cades Cove certainly lived up to the hype about the wildlife. I’m loving this!