Looking for Cades Cove

Using the Sugarlands Visitor Center as my base I started out to locate Cades Cove. For some unknown reason I thought Cades Cove was right near the visitor center like an entrance to the valley. Was I ever in for a surprise. I hadn’t gone very far when I saw a sign…Cades Cove – 24 miles! It was an over the river and through the woods kind of trip. I began to wonder if I’d taken a wrong turn.

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Now don’t misunderstand me. It’s a beautiful drive. The road is paved and shaded and meanders through forests and over brooks and streams.

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You even pass through a tunnel. This was the first of many tunnels I would run across in my Tennessee travels. I love these tunnels.

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Unlike the tunnels I drive through when I work in Somerville, which only enhance the term concrete jungle,  these tunnels blend with the natural landscape. The trees, grass and moss cover the tops and sides of the tunnels. They make me think of little hobbit houses.

There were numerous pull offs  and wide shoulders for parking. Almost every stream had a fisherman or two standing in waders.


About 13 miles into the drive near sign post #6 is a large pull off with a stone wall. As I approached I could see a lot of cars and people. There were quite a few photographers with tripods set up. I couldn’t see what they were looking at until I was almost by.  Tucked way back in the woods was a waterfall. Since Cades Cove closes at sunset I decided to wait for the return trip to stop. Maybe it would be less crowded then.

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By now I was beginning to understand why everyone at the resort told me not to go later than 3:30. It takes that long to get there!

Finally I saw the gates and a parking area with a covered education center.  Rangers had a table set up with maps and flyers and story boards surrounded the enclosure.  It was about 5:30 by now and although still 2 hours to sunset the shadows were beginning to lengthen.

The ranger was explaining to some other folks that it would get dark in the woods much sooner than in the open. He assured us that we’d see wildlife. He told us to keep our eyes open because we were sure to see deer and quite possibly a bear or two. He said the females were all out and about and most had 2 or 3 cubs.

So with high hopes I pointed my nice shiny rental toward the 2nd gate which would put me on the 11 mile, one way, loop road, which is all dirt. Somehow I doubt the car will be quite as shiny when this adventure is over.



Photo of the Week ~ 15

We did a little better in the Photo of the Week area. Seals off Plymouth just nosed out the Dandy Daffodil by 1 point!

The week 15 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is  Seals Off Plymouth with a total of 26 points.

Votes calculated from activity at  www.dustyroadsphotos.com.

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To Order Prints click here: http://dustyroadsphotos.zenfolio.com/p161572686/h285f6d88#h285f6d88

All is Not Calm

Ahhh Springtime at the Pond. Not so peaceful really. The mating rituals seem to lead to a lot of grumpy behavior or maybe it’s the cold, rainy spring after the long winter.


Bring on the grumpiness!

Bring on the grumpiness!


The Canada Geese are especially temperamental.

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They always seem to be rather grumpy anyway but this time of year the grumpiness goes up dramatically.

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They don’t seem to get along whether on land or water.



The Red Red Robin

I saw another flock yesterday. I hope they found someplace warm to roost before the storm hit. Silly Birds…don’t they know they are supposed to migrate south for the winter?

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(Harry Woods)
When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob-Bob Bobbin’ Along
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along, along
There’ll be no more sobbin’ when he starts throbbin’ his old sweet song
Wake up, wake up you sleepy head
Get up, get out of your bed
Cheer up, cheer up the sun is red
Live, love, laugh and be happy
What if I were blue, now I’m walking through, walking through the fields of flowers
Rain may glisten but still I listen for hours and hours
I’m just a kid again doing what I did again, singing a song
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along
There’ll be no more sobbin’ when he starts throbbin’
There’ll be no more sobbin’ when he starts a throbbin’ his old sweet song
Wake up, wake up you sleepy head
Why don’t you get up, get up, get out of bed, cheer up
Live, love, laugh and be happy
What if I were blue, now I’m walking through fields of flowers
Rain may glisten but still I listen for hours and hours
I’m just a kid again, doing what I did again, singing a song
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along
Along, along, along, along, along.

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