
Its time for my solo adventure. Kathy backed out and Sandy said Nope, No Way. But I really, really wanted to get in the water. Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay was a high point in my trip to Oahu. So I was determined to try snorkeling here on Maui. Shark or no shark I was ready.


I left Sandy and Kathy at the resort and took the car to Lahaina Harbor to meet up with my snorkeling tour.


It was the small tour. Our boat was a pontoon boat similar to a Zodiac. There were only 35 of us on the trip. Today’s trip was to Lanai across the channel from Maui.

I’d heard lots of stories about how difficult the crossing from Maui to Lanai could be but the channel was relatively calm as we started out.


Once we reached the Lanai coast it was a different story. The first place we stopped was too rough for snorkeling but we interrupted a pod of spinner dolphins that were sleeping near the surface.


We traveled along the coastline to another bay which the captain pronounced safe for snorkeling. I admit I was nervous, especially when he announced that we all had to “buddy” up. I was the sole solo person on board. One of the couples said I could Buddy with them so it was set. In we went.


The water was warm and very clear. It wasn’t long before we were caught up in watching a school of reef fish seemingly pour over the coral. It was fascinating to watch.


The school seemed to pick up more and more members as it flowed along.



Next thing I knew I felt a strong current tugging at me. I looked for my buddies and they were being slowly pulled closer and closer to the rocky shoreline. Wimp that I am I bailed and swam back to the boat. A few minutes later my Buddies joined me. They admitted they had gotten so engrossed in watching the school of fish that they forgot to watch their surroundings.


After that the dive master told me I could snorkel on my own as long as I didn’t stray too far. Once everyone was back on board we were served turkey wraps and chips while we motored to our next stop. The 2nd stop was really nice. I had a great time wandering around after the many reef fish. One of the other snorkelers said he saw a sea turtle. He was on the opposite side of the bay from me. Another one saw an eel. Nothing so exotic for me but I still had a great time.


Back on the boat we ran into the pod of dolphins again. This time they were more awake and were splashing all around us. All too soon it was time to head back.


The return crossing to Maui was not the smooth sailing we had in the morning. We were hanging on with both hands as we flew from one wave crest to the next. Sometimes we missed the timing and you could actually count the seconds as we dropped into the trough only to be showered as the wave broke over the bow. Wild!


I’m not sure what the best part of the trip was, the snorkeling, the dolphins or the wild return trip! I’d do it all over again given the chance.

Searching For “Jaws”

Heading back down the mountain was even more of a trip than going up. Now I could see more of what Sandy had been watching.


The weather was even more diverse as the fog and rain had rolled in . The summit and higher elevations was sunny and bright but as we come down the mountain the fog was like soup and then the rain really began to fall.

We stopped at several overlooks but nothing compared to the view at the 2nd Visitor center.

Finally, back at the bottom, I checked the gas again and it had miraculously returned to the 1/2 tank level. Even so we found a gas station quick and topped off the tank.

Now it was back on the road to Paia.

Just outside Paia we hit the traffic. Its just a little 2 lane road and it was stop and go with the emphasis on stop. We were looking for Mama’s Fish House. Once we finally got through town we spotted it on the left. The surf was clearly visible and raging as we pulled into the parking area.   As we were waiting in the line of traffic a Hawaiian Santa strolled past, white beard and all. His photographer on his heals. Clearly they had been doing a photo shoot for something. We couldn’t resist. Sandy rolled down the window and greeted the jolly old elf.


A valet stopped us before we could find a place to park. Too bad for us, there was no room at the Inn. The valet informed us that the restaurant was closed to anyone without a reservation. He recommended we try “Colleen’s” so off we went in search of  lunch. Next time we’ll make sure we have reservations.



Colleen’s wasn’t on the water and wasn’t on the main road. It looks bigger from the outside than it is but the food was excellent and the staff were fun and knowledgeable about the area. According to the waitress the top surfing area in Maui is “Jaws” and suggested we shake off the disappointment of Mama’s Fish House and go looking for that. She said it was a side road just a little farther along the main road.




So that is exactly what we did. Unfortunately we didn’t find it. We ended up going way too far and apparently hit the upper end of the road to Hana, narrow, twisting with one car bridges all in the pouring rain. The search was an adventure in itself but finally we called it an afternoon and headed back to Ka’anapali. We’ll have to did deeper into “Jaws” another time.

In The Morning Light

Maui is beautiful.

Ka’anapali Shores is beautiful.



I got a good nights sleep. Woke up at 6:30 am Maui Time, that would be like 11:30 am east coast time. At first I couldn’t understand why I was seeing my co-worker’s text. Then I realized it was Monday and I was waking up in Paradise.


To prove it I stepped out on our balcony to check out our “ocean view”.


Our alarm clock was the best kind. The natural kind.




The birds.

The First Whale

It’s very exciting. My fall vacation is approaching. I planned it for November because I had to use the trip I was awarded by my time share before December 3 or it would expire. I try not to broadcast exact dates for security reasons but my house won’t be empty this trip. I have my pet sitter going in and out, a house keeper and my neighbor keeping an eye out on Rocky. This will be his first time ever alone so I made sure there will be lots of people around him.

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The first half of the trip will be with my sister, good travel companion that she is,  and we will be joined the 2nd half by my cousin. That will be fun. Growing up I could always count on summers with my “Cuz “(and the trouble we managed to get in and out of) .  We have plenty of accommodations so we’ll have lots of room and not have to be on top of each other. Relax and enjoy the Aloha spirit.


Another reason I chose November was because the humpback whale migration is usually November  – March and I really want to see them. We’ve gone to Hawaii in early October in the past but that’s too early for the whales. I wasn’t sure if even November would be too early but it was the best I could do on this trip. Luckily I got a Facebook post that the first whale has been officially spotted off Maui.


I hope I can get a photo like this one.

My best shot so far was one this summer.

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But it was just too far away for a good enlargement. Fingers crossed for Maui!


Lighthouses, Eagles and a Seal , Oh My!

As we headed out of the harbor into the Bay of Fundy we passed the first lighthouse.

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The 2nd one would be on Machias Seal Island.  Both Canada and the United States claim sovereignty. The Canadian Coast Guard continues to staff a lighthouse on the island.

Machias Seal Island

The whole Island is considered a bird sanctuary so boardwalks have been constructed for the humans to walk on to avoid stepping on nests or baby birds.

On the way out of the harbor we  spotted a pair of bald eagles.

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It gives me a thrill to see so many of these magnificent birds. It was hard to get a picture  as the Barbara Frost was starting to pitch a bit as she picked up speed.

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We didn’t see any whales.

It was about an hour trip and it felt like it. It was cold even when we huddled near the cabin. Hard to believe that it was 90 + in Boston!

Our first indication that we were nearing the island was a raft of small black and white birds.

A raft of Razorbills

They are called Razorbills and also nest on the island with the Puffins. Right after the razorbills came in sight a puffin flew across our stern. These bird make me think of bumblebees. They have such round little bodies and stubby wings. Its hard to believe they can fly at all!

Bumblebee of the Bird World

Right after that we spotted the lighthouse.

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We were surprised to see some gannets mixed in with the razorbills on the rocks but the biggest surprise of our approach was the stranded seal!

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I mentioned the huge tides in a previous post. Well apparently this guy hauled out at high tide and forgot to leave when the tide receded.


Now we watched in fascination and horror as he slowly (and painfully) worked his way down the rocks. He landed face first more than once. I mean, that’s got to hurt!

Still Going


Almost there

He was almost to the bottom when we got the go ahead to land from the coast guard and had to miss his big splash. It was time for us to start part 2 of our big Puffin Adventure.