The Joy of Pet Ownership

The Joy of Owning a Pet

Oh the Joy of Pet ownership. Well maybe not ownership when the pet is a cat. Any cat lover will tell you that we humans are only here as pet servants for cats. They are planning to take over the world.

It sounds so nice to think of being gently awakened by a soft purr each morning. Ha! Want to hear the reality? And I do mean “Hear”.

A Typical Morning

Today was a typical morning in my house. It’s still dark out (5 am) when I hear the dreaded sounds of a cat barfing. Balboa is curled up next to me in bed so I know it’s not him. 

It’s hairball season and despite getting brushed daily, Banner my fluffy, feline companion has started suffering from that nasty affliction. He usually throws up in the tub making it easy to clean up but sometimes he just doesn’t get there in time. I’ve just changed his food and treats to hairball remedies and if it doesn’t improve I have the yucky cream to put on his paws. He’ll hate that!

Banner’s Innocent Face – Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Lights on, I search for the evidence but looks like a false alarm. I’m going to try to go back to sleep. Balboa has taken over the center of the bed so I’ll have to try to move him to make room for me. 

Balboa in a Don’t mess with me Mood Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Round 2

I’m just about drifting off again. I try to catch the dream that was so rudely interrupted when I hear a “scritching” sound. You know that sound of something being pushed along the floor or maybe a shelf?  It’s Banner again and my souvenirs from my travels are being pushed across my dresser top and off the end into a pile on the floor. Lights on again. Banner calmly saunters away and I pick everything back up.

Banner- Photo credit Deb Neumann


Round 3

Back to bed. I move Balboa again. He gives me a disgusted look and plops down on my arm. Guess that’s the position I’m going to have to try to sleep in. Turn off the lights and just as I drift off I hear scratching. Banner is digging in the litter box…and digging and digging. He must be almost to China by now. 

I try to ignore it but since that didn’t get me up Banner moves on to “The Chat”

Morning Chat

Usually it’s Balboa that likes to “talk”. One of his Knick-Names is “Sir Talks A Lot” but this time it’s Banner. He is roaming from the living room to the bedroom and back all the time complaining and crying. He sounds so pitiful. (He’s not really- he’s just a good actor) So at 5:45 am I give up. I put the lights on an start the morning routine.  Another day of sleep deprivation but Banner is happy. 

In spite of the above complaints I do love my little furry family. I’d just like to get a full nights sleep someday!

Retire? Me?

Suddenly I’m Retired

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post. I’ve wanted to retire for some time now but I wanted to retire on my terms. I’ve been putting every spare penny toward paying down debt and investing in my nest egg. That’s not to say I planned to stop exploring. I have often said I work so that I can take vacations. Well, surprise. The decision was made for me. I was laid off! Oh I’ll look for work but I have no desire to stay in my current career.

Retirement - Granville Central School District

What does Retirement feel like to me?

After my initial shock wore off, I had to take a hard look at my finances. After all I wasn’t quite ready to give up a  paycheck. I seem to be struggling to remember that I don’t have to cram everything into the weekend. Old habits die hard. I have to let the various Real Estate boards know that I’m no longer with Redfin.

Then I have to figure out my health insurance. At my age I have Medicare but I need to get some part C coverage with Dental and Vision. COBRA is way too expensive but I may be stuck with that until I have finished the tooth implants  (2) I’m in the middle of getting.

I wouldn’t be so concerned if the stock market hadn’t tanked. (Thank you Fed Reserve) My investments are mostly in Redfin Stock and it has taken a nose dive with rising interest rates. From a high of almost $100/share it’s down to $5.00/share.  At least it went up a couple of dollars after the layoff. 


What are my plans

 What am I going to do, you ask. Basically hang in there until my retirement account recovers. ( At least 2 +years) I am looking for work and may get up my courage to try freelance writing. There are a lot of those jobs listed and I can do them on my own time, any place. I will certainly need to take a different look at my trips and explorations. I’ll have more time and freedom but less money.

Yesterday I found myself thinking about a road trip through Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. There’s a scenic drive in Minnesota along Lake Superior that I’m interested in. Then Theodore Roosevelt National Park  in North Dakota.  From there drive to Close Encounters Mountain, real name Devil’s Tower and then off to  “Going to the Sun Road.” (I’ll get into more in additional posts) but after consideration I decided it was too long to be away from my kitties. Pet care is expensive.


I can assure you that with more time on my hands you’ll be exploring retirement right along with me.  I’ll keep you posted as plans develop. 

The Long Way Home

Hi Again

Lots more to tell you about Maui but it was a long series of flights to get back home. We left Maui at 7 pm on the 18th and finally  landed in Albany at 8 pm on the 19th. After a night at my sister’s house I left NY in a snow storm arriving at my home in Taunton, MA about 2:30 pm Sunday 11/20.

It was a warm welcome from my furry friend Rocky.


I’ll get back to my Maui stories real soon.

What are these cats thinking? Part 2

Time to do some computer work. As soon as I make myself comfortable Smokey parks himself across the printer .

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I give him a pat and gently set him on the floor. Like a pianist I stretch out my hands to the keyboard only to have Rocky get there first. I give him a couple of pats but he isn’t going quietly. He hangs his head over the edge of the desk and drools his contentment…right on the keyboard. I gently lift his head up. His response is to turn his attention to the monitor, tail lashing, he stretches up in front of it.

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Now I can’t see anything. Enough of this, I take him and set him on the floor. As I sit back up I find myself staring into big dark eyes of my remaining kitty. It’s Buddy’s turn and down goes the paw onto the keyboard, delete goes what  little bit of work I had managed to accomplish.

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As I drop my head into my hands I hear a crash, but not just one. No it’s more like a whole series of crashes and bangs as Rocky, upset by being removed from the computer, retaliates by pushing everything off the book shelf. Of course, then he looks to see if I’ve noticed. That done he saunters off to the bedroom for a nap.

Meanwhile Smokey is taking advantage of Rocky’s desertion. He’s made himself at home under the heat lap.

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Maybe things will settle down so I can get some work done? Maybe? Please?

Just when I think everything is calm again Buddy comes racing in from the direction of the bedroom. He has something in his mouth. Up in the air it flips. Then around the living room he goes batting it like a hockey player. What does he have? Finally he puts it in his mouth and hops up next to me. Gently he sets down his prize. Apparently he wasn’t in the bedroom. He must have been in the bathroom where he discovered my hair elastics that I keep on the post of the shelf unit. Kittyblog 006 copy

Smart cat. Dumb human. One more thing I’ll need to hide away.

Evening falls, it’s bedtime. Buddy races to grab the cat bed by the window.

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This has been Smokey’s bed for years. Smokey climbs into bed with me and tries to curl up on my head. Just as I doze off I hear a muffled cry. It gets more and more heartbreaking, It sounds almost like he’s strangling. I know that sound. Rocky is talking to his toys. He carries them around in his mouth and calls to them at the same time.

The result would make a great soundtrack for a haunted house. I climb out of bed and go looking for him. I tell him what a good daddy cat he is and hope that will satisfy him ’til morning.  I leave him with his toys and  head back to bed.

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3 am. I am startled awake by a blood curdling yowl! I grab a flash light as the racket continues. Buddy is still in the cat bed, Rocky is curled at my feet with his pile of toys. And there is Mr. Cranky Pants. He is standing in the bathroom singing his heart out. I crawl out of bed and approach. He ignores me and continues with his off key serenade. I begin to pet him, he begins to purr and now he follows me back to bed.

I can only imagine what these 3 have in store for me tomorrow.