Roaming Around Marshfield

Leaving the Sanctuary, I hopped back on RT 139 and headed toward the coast. One of my friends had suggested I check out the Marshfield coast and beach area for photo opportunities.

It was getting late so I stopped for lunch at Gerard’s Turkey farm. Just a quick Turkey sandwich and back on the road. When I pulled up along the sea wall it was apparent that I wasn’t the only person who was enjoying a lunch or snack in their car while watching the surf.

Once I finished my lunch I hopped out and took the stairs down to the water. Sea gulls soared over head and waves crested and crashed . The colors were amazing. Another gentleman called down to me about how pretty it was today! He had a point and shoot and was trying to capture the view as well. My guess is that his pictures will be just as good as mine. Point and Shoots do a great job for this type of photography as I learned when I took one to Hawaii.

Here on the water the breeze was brisk and had a cold edge to it. I climbed back up and decided to drive around a little bit to see what else might be in the area. I found the Green Harbor Marina and a quaint little stone church.

I headed back to the sea wall as it was approaching sunset and I thought I might get a good picture. Unfortunately the sea wall itself blocked the rays from the setting sun putting the water in shadow. Seeing that I sat for awhile just listening to the waves crashing and watching people feed the gulls.

I finally roused myself to head home. It’s times like this that remind me why I love living close to the ocean. I couldn’t have been more relaxed if I’d just come from a $100 spa treatment. It’s the whole experience, the sun, the sounds, the smells. Here in Marshfield the sea smell was crisp and salty. I’ve been some places where rotting sea weed makes the shore stink at low tide but there was none of that here today.

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As I headed into the west I watched the sunset spread soft , muted pastels today…no fiery red sky. A fitting end to a wonderful day.

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