Wrapping up my New Bedford Day


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I don’t carry a lot of cash on my little excursions as  most places let you use a credit or debit card and my little jaunt to New Bedford was no different. Even so I hate to use a card for minor things so I paid cash for lunch and I had picked up a couple of small things at the Visitor Center which meant that I found myself cash poor and I still had to get the car out of the parking garage.

Not knowing what that would cost or if they would take plastic I went in search of an ATM. The little free map I had picked up at the Whaling Museum showed a lot of bank branches in downtown New Bedford, which from the waterfront was uphill.

I set out to locate a bank and pretty soon I saw a lot of them. I also saw some really interesting buildings and decorative trim. I took some pictures of the architecture and the bustle of the downtown area.

Having made a successful ATM stop I wandered back to the parking garage. Before I headed to the exit I drove to the roof to see what kind of views there might be from up there. It’s actually a pretty interesting view. You can see out over the harbor and all the fishing boats and ferries. On the other side is a bridge that looks like it must be a pedestrian footbridge.

Being so close to the water I had plenty of company from the sea gulls and took the opportunity to take some more pictures of them. There’s a building with whales painted on it. I’m told it’s just a warehouse but that the artist Wayland painted the mural. He is known for his ocean murals and has painted around 84 murals. There used to be one in Boston but I haven’t been there since the “Big Dig” so I don’t know if that was saved or razed in the construction. I sure hope it was saved.  

Photo op finished I headed back down the ramp to the exit. When I got to the booth to pay there was no attendant. I waited  and waited, cars came in but no one came out but me and no one came to take my money. After about 15 minutes I gave up and headed back out to the highway and home.


In speaking to some of my co workers who have lived in New Bedford all their lives, I get the feeling I have only scratched the surface of what this city has to offer. I see many more visits and posts about New Bedford in my future. But until then I can say  this was another nice visit to a very interesting city.

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