Not Entirely Wasted

I may have skipped driving out to Springfield but I didn’t totally blow off the whole day. After taking my little mid-morning nap I settled in to start backing up my photos. That kept me occupied for several hours and when I looked up in the afternoon I was pleased to see the sun shining in.

Nice days will become more and more rare as the season progresses so I wasn’t going to pass it up. I grabbed the camera and headed out to drive south on RT 138. I wanted to see if I could find the farm, I think it might have been a vineyard, that I had noticed when I drove out to Narragansett. Since they call RT 138 “scenic” 138, I thought I’d drive it instead of the highway.

It wasn’t until Somerset that I spotted anything I wanted to stop for.

Off to my left I could see water. I’m not sure whether it was ocean or river. I will have to check a map. I do know the Taunton River runs through Somerset so it could be that. Anyway there was the cutest little boat out there

  and a bridge..of course there was a bridge! So I had to stop.

As I approached the bank I was surprised to see a whole flotilla of swans. Quite a few  hadn’t reached the “snowy white” stage yet so I can only guess they were still immature even if they were as big as the adults.

I took my pictures and turned around to return to the car when a movement caught my eye. I walked quietly to some trees and brush and there were some sea gulls having a bathing party. I’ve never seen any bunch of birds have quite so much fun in a pool of water. They were splashing and squawking like a bunch of kids having a water fight.

I didn’t find the farm today but I had fun playing “peeping tom” to the bathing seagulls.

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