Spring Exuberance

While we were enjoying our soft serve and the flowers at Ward’s Berry Farm we decided to check out the 4H buildings. Ward’s supports the 4H Clubs of America by allowing them to have some of their livestock there. We’ve seen the little lambs in the past and the miniature horses but today the goats stole the show.

The first one we saw was the old guy. 🙂 I don’t know his real name but I called him Billy Goat Gruff.

Give him a good scratch and he just about falls asleep. Can’t you just hear the contented sigh?

Next to him was another pen where a Mama goat was resting. We didn’t spot the kids until we went around to the back of the shed. That’s when we got the springtime show!

Man, those little guys were fast and like kids everywhere, into everything! 🙂

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