I’m not sure how I heard about. Maybe it showed up in my in box but it sounded interesting. The headline read:


Capture daily life on May 15th 2012

On this one single day we ask you to pick up your camera and help us photograph daily life. What is close to you? What matters to you? We will connect your images to images from all around the world, creating a unique online experience where photographs will be shared, compared and explored. Your view on life will be preserved to inspire generations to come. 

I was intrigued and of course..hooked. Why not ? I take my camera everywhere just about everyday. So yesterday was May 15 and yes, I had my camera and yes I went out to shoot.

We could submit up to 10 pictures but I chose to offer only 9.

Once I submitted them I got this message:

Thank you and congratulations!

Your photos are now part of history and will be presevered for generations to come.
Until May 22nd we are gathering images from all over the world and process them.
On May 30th we will launch a completely new website featuring all submitted photos.

In the meantime, use your profile page to share your submission with your friends and colleagues or look at selected previews in our news section

Your profile url:

Stay tuned for May 30th!

I checked out the profile link and there were all my uploaded pictures. I hope you’ll check them out too.  🙂 He’s a sample:

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