I’m Baaaaack!

Sorry I didn’t follow my usual custom of updating all of you when I’m traveling.  This little jaunt was to Bar Harbor in Maine and it was only 4 days. What that means is that 2 days are spent driving to get to and from  there and 2 days are crammed full trying to squeeze everything in. Bottom line is that every night when I got back to our motel, I collapsed into bed too tired to even think. 🙂

But I promise I will fill you in on everything from  “Goat Whispering”

to having a “Zen” moment at the top of Cadillac Mountain.

It’s not often I  become the photo subject!

I didn’t travel alone so these pictures are courtesy of my traveling companion and fellow Photog, JR. and it’s just a taste of what’s to come.

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