Return to Cadillac Mountain

Back at the motel we each freshened up a bit and then it was back out to find someplace to have dinner. It was still sunny and hot so we wanted to find someplace we could eat outside to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

Down by the harbor is a public parking lot. It was busy but not full and we soon located a spot. The sail boat we’d seen moored nearby was loading up and heading out. We finally got to see it with a full rigging. That was beautiful. I’m glad we finally got to see that.

For some reason JR did not want to eat at the first restaurant we saw with outdoor tables so we wandered along the street a bit more until we reached Stewman’s Restaurant.

This one was acceptable and we were soon seated on the deck under a big umbrella. The waiter recommended the lobster (of course) but I preferred to be a little more conservative and went back to my favorite…you guessed it…scallops ..again. I just couldn’t seem to get enough of them. They just melted in your mouth.

We took our time over dinner until we noticed the sun was beginning to drop lower in the sky. If we wanted to get to Cadillac Mountain for sunset we had to get moving.

On our way we tried the Sand Beach again. You’ll recall that the parking area was full when we stopped this morning. Now it was deserted. We spent some time roaming the beach and taking pictures being careful not to  linger too long and lose the light. Then it was back on the road to the top.

We passed a beaver lodge but didn’t see the beaver and skipped most of the scenic pull overs until we were closer to the top.

By then the sun was dropping behind the mountains and the sky was starting to glow. Our last stop before the top was the look out right below the summit. As we came around the corner it was clear that the sky was on fire. Not wanting to miss the spectacular colors we stopped and enjoyed the moment.

It was a good thing we stopped there because by the time we reached the top the most dramatic colors had passed. The softer pink after glow was bathing the landscape. A breeze was blowing and it was much more comfortable than it had been earlier in the day.

The summit was still a busy place even as the day was drawing to a close. What a way to wrap up our visit because our we’d be heading back to real life the next morning.

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