Around the grounds of Gillette Castle

I’ve written about Gillette Castle before.

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But up until now I’ve never had time to visit the actual grounds. I’ve always viewed the castle from the river.

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I rolled into Haddam about 1pm and my River Cruise wasn’t until 4 pm so with time on my hand I followed the signs to Gillette Castle and State park.. The roads and entrance are well-marked making it easy to find.

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The drive in is quite pretty even this early in the spring. There’s a little pond with a picturesque stone bridge just before you reach the main parking lot. You can pull in here and park or continue on to the visitor center and Castle itself.

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I was still here too early in the season. Nothing was open except the grounds so you could walk around the castle, enjoy the views and follow the trails but the Welcome Center was closed as was the interior of the Castle and the snack bar.

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That’s ok with me.

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There will be plenty more to explore when I get back this way again.

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