Haddam Pizza

Following my jaunt around Gillette Castle I decided it was time for lunch. My past experience with off-season dining around Haddam had not been good. So I was up for trying someplace a little different from sub sandwiches or Dunkin’ Donuts.

Right on Saybrook Road before you make the turn to the boat docks was a mostly one story building with the sign Haddam Pizza. When I made my reservation for the Riverquest Eagle and Osprey Boat trip there was an ad for Haddam Pizza on the receipt. It seemed as good a place as any to try for lunch. There were a few cars in the parking lot so I assumed it was open.

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There were 2 doors, neither clearly marked as the main entrance so I used the one that seemed to have a path of sorts to identify it. It led me into the bar area. It’s a pretty nice bar with a nice atmosphere. As I stood looking around the bartender called to me across the room. With a wave of an arm she let me know I was free to sit anywhere.

I was also looking for the lady’s room. The men’s room was right there near the bar where I came in but I didn’t see any ladies room so I turned left down a corridor which opened into another seating area and counter space. The lady’s room was off this area. The 2nd door I had seen apparently opened into this area. People came in and out here to pick up their take out orders.

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To the left off the corridor were booths and a fireplace. I slipped into the first booth and made myself comfortable. The first thing that hit me was the aroma. It was such an amazing mixture of tomato and garlic and cheese, nothing overpowering, it seemed almost to tickle my nose. I ‘ve been in many italian restaurants and pizza shops but this was a more subtle flavorful aroma. It was so nice I had to comment on it to the waitress.

As tempting as the aromas were I chose to try the fish and chips. Haddam is not far from Long Island Sound so I assumed they must get fresh fish.  I continued to look around as I waited for my meal. They weren’t really busy by any means but there was a steady flow of customers, some like me chosing to sit at a booth or table and other picking up.

When my fish arrived it was lightly breaded and fried but there were no greasy puddles on the plate nor did any grease or oil drip out when I cut into the fish. Always a good sign! The fish itself was tender and white . The presentation was attractive too with a curled orange slice and a lettuce leaf along with the lemon wedges and a dash of paperika. The french fries were crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. No complaints there.

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As for the service, the waitress was pleasant and attentive and I willingly left her a 20% tip. I would go back and although the fish was good, the aroma of that sauce has stayed with me and makes me think that next trip I’ll have to try something else. Pizza or an italian dish..not sure which, but I really want to taste that sauce!

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